Author Bio
Jess Stewart

Home Town: Manassas, VA
Sports: Baseball, Football, Basketball, Tennis
Games: NCAA Football, College Hoops 2K8, MLB: The Show
Teams: UNC Basketball, Notre Dame Football, Carolina Panthers, Balitmore Orioles
OS Username: OS: stewaat
Tags: -
Monday, June 9, 2008
12:55 PM - June 9, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Jess Stewart
To start off today, Jess Stewart skips ahead to next-summer to give us a glimpse at what he hopes are the new features EA will be touting for NCAA Football 2010. Check out his article, A Look Ahead to NCAA Football 2010.
"Now that we know what features are coming with NCAA Football 09, what should we start looking for in 2010?

The hype in the forums for NCAA Football 09 is building exponentially with the game still over a month away. With new features such as online dynasties, wide-open gameplay, and deeper playbooks, some folks are already planning vacations to meet the July 15th release date. A main contributor to the hype has been the presence of NCAA developers answering questions in the forums. This involvement by the developers has been a pleasant surprise and the response by community members has been amazing. Since development of NCAA Football 09 is nearly wrapped up, let's take a look at what we want to see in NCAA Football 2010."

Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / PSPVotes: 95 - View All
Monday, May 26, 2008
12:34 PM - May 26, 2008. Posted by RaychelSnr. Written by Jess Stewart
Today, Jess Stewart checks in with an article taking a fresh look at realism. Check it out here.
"There is a certain level of integrity that the OS community tries to uphold when it comes to sports games and realism. The overwhelming majority hope for standings and stats that are on par with what they see happening in real life. It is understood that upsets will happen and certain players will have breakout seasons, but if overdone by a sim engine, the community attempts to feverishly right the ship. Often times the task can be too daunting and take away from enjoying a game that is meant to entertain not frustrate."