asu666's Blog

Well needless to say I was disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see some of the little improvements to the technology behind the game develop, but I was just really hoping to see Tiburon set the bar high and commit to clearing it. The whole thing just felt anticlimactic after the big post setting up the halftime announcement. The buildup was good, but the payoff just wasn't there, just like this year's Super Bowl game ending drive and Madden's of the past.
# 1
matt8204 @ Feb 2
It was the first of many announcements. The game isn't due to be released for another seven months and we're supposed to be getting weekly updates. There's plenty of time for more news about the game to come out.
# 2
RaychelSnr @ Feb 2
I would say anyone who was expecting something huge and groundbreaking this far out from release needs to lower their expectations quite a bit. I think we'll have several little announcements like this over the next few months, but none of them individually will be exceptionally huge deals. But the package as a whole *could* turn into a big deal. The jury is certainly still out!
# 3
statum71 @ Feb 3
I think when you see this put to use you will appreciate it more. Plus this is just the FIRST of the news ideas they're telling us about. Give it time, its not even spring yet.
# 4
asu666 @ Feb 3
Yes we are still six months from Madden 10 going gold, but let me try to clarify my thought process a little more. At six months out a developer should have a pretty good idea of some of the major improvements that will be included in the next edition of the series. Really the game has to be finished in less than six months if EA is going to have time to properly bug test it before it goes to press. The post Tiburon placed on the boards announcing a big unveil during the Super Bowl's halftime show led me to believe that there would be at least some mention of say improved presentation through television stay overlays, or visible refs on the field during play, etc. I wanted to see Tiburon come out an say yes we understand that five years have passed since Visual Concepts set the presentation and game play bar with ESPN NFL 2K5 and here's what we are promising you in Madden 10 to equal that challenge in our own way. You won't get ESPN style presentation because it's Madden football with an ESPN license, but we will deliver the same overlays, short pregame show, halftime show, postgame interview/show, and weekly wrap up that you would expect to see on any real NFL broadcast or weekly television show. We will have the officials on the field during the game because that's how it is on Sundays. We will not have the CPU snap the ball one second after the offense sets on every play. I think something along those lines is owed to the fans since we only have one option to turn to now.
# 5
knarf981 @ Feb 3
I think that the franchise online should be much like college 2009 because the franchise was great and throw in some features that make it more realistic and the franchise itself needs to be completely redone the super bowl celebration is wack they need to make it better than 2ks and the after game wins should b like nfl2k but between weeks they should have a commercial telling you whats the game of the week and how the nfl teams are doing with up to date stats and stuff like they did in one of the earlier maddens then the game play can be definetely better but if you pull all of those things some newer celebrations the fans to look more real much like the other new football games coming out all those things are needed. and the halftime show
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