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New York Yankees and Oakland Raiders
New York Yankees

Game: MLB the Show 12
Platform: PS3
Mode: GM Mode (CPU vs CPU)
Sliders: ate55's
Rosters: Default with Fantasy Draft

Information: I decided to start a franchise in MLB Show 12 mostly because it's probably the best all around sports simulated game I've played. That and I love baseball and the Yankees.

As I normally do, I started with a fresh fantasy draft from the default roster included with the game. Did it multiple reasons, but mostly because I wanted to start out younger without the bloated contracts that the Yankees currently have. I also wanted a challenge. I will own run the GM aspects of the team. Basically I draft, sign, releases and manage the coaches. The Coaches (CPU) set the lineups and play the game.

Oakland Raiders

Game: Madden 12
Platform: PS3
Mode: GM Mode (CPU vs CPU)
Sliders: mine
Rosters: Default with Fantasy Draft

Information: I went with Madden 12 because after months of testing the sliders actually played out very well. Madden 13 didn't have the franchise mode the way I wanted it and no cpu vs cpu mode.

I will run and setup everything just like the baseball franchise. I'm the GM not the coach.
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