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adwin7's Blog
I dont like "Cheese(rs)" but I'll eat it... 
Posted on August 30, 2010 at 11:39 PM.
Who likes Cheese? Nobody, thats who. You know who I'm talking bout. Those lame, win at all costs, cheap players. Cheesers suck. They just wanna humiliate, and win using any cheap trick at their disposal. This can kill an online experience and in the case when its not online someone could get killed!

Cheesers, more than likely though, are just crappy players. I dont like playing cheesers but you wont find me joining some "sim" league where players are forced to play a certain way for some religious devotion to having a simulated experience.

I'm an NBA 2k (2K10!! I actually love the game) player and I consistently destroy Cheesers with simple and effective basketball knowledge. Pick and roll, defensive pressure, fast breaks and any other Coach K approved tactic suitable for the matchup at hand. This is all thats needed to melt a Cheeser like cheddar on a hot stove.

Instead of complaining, make it your civic duty to show cheesers that baseline provolone never beats Fundamental filet-minion. Yeah, sometimes the Cheese gets the best of me but thats okay I'm sure I've made wuite a few go back and study some tape after taking a thorough thrashing.

I think I'm hungry!! Eat up now!!
# 1 boltsfan92 @ Aug 30
+1 I HATE CHEESERS ALSO, but ill eat cheese like u said
# 2 boritter @ Aug 31
I understand your point and agree somewhat.

But I also understand why some players prefer sim leagues. I got to the point where I wouldn't play randoms online in FN4. 80% of them would abuse a low-blow exploit that almost always created cheap KOs.

I finally stopped playing FN4 online because I got sick of a cheese-only diet.
# 3 adwin7 @ Aug 31
Yeah, the cheese can be excessive in some games. Theres been games I refused to play like Madden 98-99, or Live 2009 (sorry EA those were bad years.)
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