ZFarls's Blog

TEN playbook
Monster Green
The video is Sgibs tip of the week on "This week in Madden show 12" Seen here www.tinyurl.com/twimshow12
Setup #1
1. Bump N' Run
2. Place (left of screen) DE on a QB spy
3. Blitz both inside MLB's
4. Stack both blitzing MLB's between the DT's
5. Place the outside blitzing backer on a flat zone
Setup #2
*As a result of The Real Tiger chat question*
What happens if the opponent pinches the offensive line?
1. Bump N' Run
2. Blitz both inside MLB's
3. Stack both blitzing MLB's between the DT's
4. Place the outside blitzing backer on a flat zone
In both instances make sure you user short with the FS then recover deep.
Setup #3
*As a result of The Real Tiger chat question*
How can we bring outisde pressure with this formation?
1. Formation auidible right
2. Bump N' Run
3. Stack both MLB's between the DT's and playmaker them to purple zones
4. Place both DT's on QB spys
5. Global blitz the outside LB's (RB+right and RB+left on joy stick)
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