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KingsoftheValley2 is offline
# 14
KingsoftheValley2 @ Apr 28, 2022
Good morning, hope all is well. I’m reaching out to gather any pertinent information on EAs Madden/NCAA editors. Specifically, we’re curious about the feasibility to have a new editor created for Xbox Series X Madden 21. I’m willing to assist in any way I can. Thanks.
DCarr4Life is offline
# 13
DCarr4Life @ Aug 7, 2017
Anyway u can post editor or email me working version with a few instructions for madden 25 xbox 360? Thanks man
NCAA_Fan is offline
# 12
NCAA_Fan @ Oct 19, 2016
Hey, I have a Mac but I am trying to edit the NCAA rosters. Is there anyway you can shoot me a PM that was the links to the downloads I need and instructions on how to do it. Thanks.
BoomSoon is offline
# 11
BoomSoon @ Jul 15, 2016
Love the idea of the DB Editor, but I am stuck. I am waiting to modify recruits in an offline dynasty. I save my dynasty to my flash drive, extract it using Horizon and and then try to open in it in the DB Editor. But when I get here I get an unhandled exceptions error for what looks like JIT Debugging. How do I fix this? Any help would be great, thank you!
Brock is offline
# 10
Brock @ Mar 3, 2016
Hi, idk if you still visit here, but I was extremely curious how you were able to find the team id's for your editor. I'm currently working on a project for College Hoops, and it seems like all of the teams and players are specifically hard-coded, and there's not way for me to find a team id.
lad35533 is offline
# 9
lad35533 @ Mar 3, 2015
Is it possible to use the editor to edit NCAA Basketball 10?
ddrankin is offline
# 8
ddrankin @ Nov 22, 2014
Hey there!

I've been trying to set up the playoff system for NCAA 14. I downloaded the new generic editor, and when I open the Dynasty file it gives me a "unexpected exception". If I click continue, the open the Filter window and then exit out of that window, data will appear. So I used this trick to edit the bowl match ups the simulated to bowl season. It worked! Then I went to make the quarterfinal games by switching the necessary teams(still using the trick stated above to make data appear). However, these changes do not save.

So I downloaded the old Generic Editor. And when I open my dynasty files, it opens exactly as the YouTube videos say they should. However, even if I don't make changes and I save the file. It is corrupted on my Xbox.

Idk why I get the unexpected exception, and I don't know why it automatically makes the file corrupt (prolly cause it's not for NCAA 14?) I was hoping you could help!
BLiTzKri3g is offline
# 7
BLiTzKri3g @ Feb 27, 2014
Nm, figured it out
BLiTzKri3g is offline
# 6
BLiTzKri3g @ Feb 27, 2014
Hi, I was wondering if you have xml configs to go with your Generic EA DB Editor for Madden roster editing. I've looked in the Editor folder but found no templates included, and I'm not sure how to create them myself.
some assistance would be greatly appreciated.
SpartyOn2012 is offline
# 5
SpartyOn2012 @ Feb 13, 2014

I've been trying to get the dynasty editor to work and I can't seem to get the file back onto my USB uncorrupted. The process is a bit over my head so I was just wondering if there is an easy way to explain it. Thanks!
mac929398 is offline
# 4
mac929398 @ Dec 19, 2013
I dont how if you can answer this, but in the madden roster editor V1, why my Xbox cant read the edited roster, it always says "damage file can not be used"...???
viperassasin is offline
# 3
viperassasin @ Sep 8, 2013
Actually is there source code out there somewhere for the madden 12 editor?
viperassasin is offline
# 2
viperassasin @ Sep 7, 2013
Is there some api or guide to creating or modifying a madden editor? Because in the short term I would like to take madden editor v1 and makes some changes but I can't find source code to debug through it so I can understand what I need to do to create or modify that editor.
TarHeelPhenom is offline
# 1
TarHeelPhenom @ Jul 5, 2013
Hey Xan...we editors need you bro. EA changed the Checksum on the editor. Is that something you can do on your end or did they permanently stop us in our tracks?
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