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The Next-Gen Hockey Referee Stuck
Posted on May 13, 2013 at 06:22 PM.

For hockey games, there are plenty of features that are introduced, iterated and improved on for each release, but one small detail that often gets overlooked is the referees. In some ways, the aesthetic implementation of refs and linesmen is of minimal concern, as the developers have bigger fish to fry in terms of gameplay systems and new modes. However, I think whole concept of referees and linesmen in hockey games needs an overhaul, from presentation to functionality, and hopefully the next generation of hardware and, dare I say, creativity will allow it to happen.

The NHL 2K series, in its later iterations, actually got a good deal of the visual presentation of NHL referees correct. They had two refs and two linesmen on the ice, and they actually moved with the play and were a factor on the ice. Linesmen would help break up fights and reset over-aggressive faceoffs, and referees would actually skate up to the penalty box and announce penalties with a mic, as in real life. Of course, a lot of elements of what refs and linesmen do were not represented, but it was a good start.

For the NHL series -- and whichever other NHL games come along in the upcoming console generation -- it would be great to see all four officials on the ice at all times, which is something EA has yet to do in their games. It's kind of a baffling omission to me, as EA seems to pride itself on replicating the game in specific detail. I understand the logistical concerns of having more bodies on the ice, but linesmen can hug the boards, and referees can do a front-and-follow with the play, staying out of the way as much as possible. Frankly, I think a couple of extra bodies on the ice would add some wrinkles to plays behind the net, and you'd get the odd bank off of an official's skate, which does happen in real hockey.

If EA is blowing out their fighting engine going forward, we should see multiple linesmen trying to contain fighters and waiting for their moment to jump into a scrap when it has reached its conclusion. Linesmen should be active in the faceoffs as well, especially since we have seen plenty of wave-outs and false starts in faceoffs for this year's playoffs. The concept of a being waved out of a faceoff is an important element of realism that needs to be added to next-gen hockey games, and the officials would play more of a key role in doing that.

I'd also like to see referees in EA games announcing penalties at the penalty box. The devs could have some fun with the often questionable mic quality of the refs when they announce a penalty in real games. It would also be nice to have refs furiously pointing after each goal to show that it's in. You do get some dramatic wave-offs and pointing here and there in NHL 13, but a permanent second ref stationed behind the net would allow this to look more authentic.

Every player of NHL 13 also knows that the penalties called by said referees need to be addressed as well, and this would fall under the improved AI logic allowed by more processing power in the new consoles. It's frustrating seeing skaters get interfered with blatantly away from the puck or run into the boards with no penalty called, yet when a nudge happens just off the puck, it's called as interference. This is a problem. If EA really wants to make a simulation experience, especially for those who play online in leagues, there should be accountability for people who play recklessly. The referees should be feared in this way, and their calls should bear that out.

There could even be some type of system where referees would warn you about certain plays or caution the benches after post-whistle scrums. Referees often take one guy off the ice for retaliating or starting too much crap after the whistle, so this should happen more in future NHL games. You could even have your captain or alternates go up to the refs to protest a call, and that could actually translate into momentum at home or something of that nature. At the very least, it would emulate the passion of real-life hockey. Speaking of post-whistle scrums, it would be cool to have those become more of a focus again, with the refs and linesmen actually getting involved to break them up. The on-ice sound package could be improved to include the referees diffusing the situation, like you'd hear in an actual broadcast.

An even loftier idea would be to have an actual persona for a referee, like with what has been done in the FIFA series. It's neat to deal with officials who will call more penalties than usual or let the game just happen. You could also get certain types of calls being made a lot -- interference, slashing, etc. -- and hits would be fair game. I think this would better educate users on the types of infractions that can be called, and it would keep players on their toes from game to game. In Major League Baseball you have umpires with varying strike zones, and that concept could be brought into the officials for a next-gen hockey product. Hell, EA (or any other company) could get totally crazy and have a "Be-A-Ref" mode, where you actually decide the pace and flow of the game. I know that type of stuff works well in wrestling products, and it would actually end up being fairly compelling in hockey, even just for exhibition games.

Any way you look at it, the referees in videogame hockey, much like the real sport, could be better. The next generation of technology should allow this small but important aspect of the game to be improved, from the presentation of the on-ice officials to the way they can actually impact the game with penalties and personality. This isn't something EA could really bang a drum about and get people excited for, but I would like to see it at least re-evaluated in the next year or two.
# 1 GrandMaster B @ May 13
EA would rather have the glass breaking 3 times a game and the net coming off every 30 seconds than put what people actually want and what should be in the game. I have wanted 4 officials on the ice since 08'. Be nice if some of the community members who take their yearly jaunt to Vancouver would offer up some good ideas. Maybe they have mentioned this and EA doesn't listen, but this should be in the game by now.
# 2 raiders81tim @ May 13
Meh I rather them work on things that have a much larger impact on the gameplay.
# 3 Schmackity @ May 14
Obviously there's more important issues, it's bringing to light the fact that there are EASY implementations that won't take a whole lot of time they can add and SHOULD add. It's a simulation of the real thing and the generic stuff should all be like real life. Add the refs, ALL of them!
# 4 GlennN @ May 14
I agree with raiders81tim - Not that big a deal for me. In addition to gameplay, I'd rather see some attention to revamping the BeAGM mode.
# 5 hf199 @ May 14
I have been saying this for years! NHL 2K was real in this segment. Plus it would be an actual depiction of play on the ice. Right now they actually have all of the ice to program the plays on, which is not realistic due to the fact that players have to account for referees being in the way at times. The same goes for MLB The Show and how they have umpires wearing short sleeve shirts in early srping and fall when its colder and they also don't have the extra umpire down the outfield line during the playoffs. It would also be nice if NHL 14 would have the camera presentation angles like NHL 98 from the rafters and see a live action jumbotron especially during power plays something 2K series also did.
# 6 hf199 @ May 14
If 2K can do it so can EA! They've been working on skating for years..................seriously! I want some awesome presentation because it makes for a fun game. The game is pretty realistic enough start working on fun things!
# 7 ericromain @ May 17
A priority? Not really. But this is an area that has shown no improvement in 8 years. It's time for an overhaul.
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