VisceralBishop's Blog

Unlike other games in the sports genre, racing games get a vast array of titles each and every year. But what about the games or franchises that we barely see anymore? Well that is what this feature is for. Most of the games will obviously be sequels, as it's hard to say we want a specific game from a developer. If we were good at coming up with game ideas, well, we would be working in the industry making them. Anyway, below are eleven games that we would love to see, and with the next generation of consoles just around the corner, it's possible some of these come to fruition.
New MotorStorm
One of the early racing games for the PlayStation 3, MotorStorm has always been one of my favorite franchises to be introduced during this generation of consoles. Sure, the last one released in 2011, but it's about time we hear about the next one. Granted it is a rumor, but word is a new one will be revealed during Sony's special press conference on February 20. I also do not count the PlayStation Vita game, MotorStorm: RC, as a sequel in the series. Evolution Studios has taken the series through snow and even an apocalypse. With the specs that have leaked, they can really take advantage of the PlayStation 4 by not only tuning the gameplay (which the series definitely needs), but also making the game looks absolutely stunning. Remember this trailer?
DiRT 4
DiRT Showdown tried something different, and sure, it was good -- but when compared to DiRT 2 and DiRT 3 -- it lacked a lot. We are ready for Codemasters to head back to their rally roots with DiRT 4; none of the Gymkhana or demolition derby modes, please. Bring back the likes of Travis Pastrana, Dave Mirra, Ken Block and others for a new career mode. No need for driving one event to the next, instead how about you build a brand and a team from scratch to make the single player a little special. Yeah, there was some of that in DiRT 2, but very little. Add in the addictive multiplayer, new rally visuals and physics to a new, improved career mode and you have something just about any fan would want.
Gran Turismo (6?)
This one is sort of a long shot, mainly due to Polyphony usually taking their time developing the Gran Turismo games. GT5 was announced years ago, yet was not officially released until 2010. Sure, they gave us Gran Turismo 5: Prologue to tide us over, but what else is Polyphony doing at the moment? A new racing IP is scheduled to released alongside the PlayStation 4 by a different developer. It was rumored that would be a Gran Turismo game, but Japan shut that idea down quickly. I know the Gran Turismo name has a lot of prestige, but trying something different, to me, would do nothing but help out both Sony and Polyphony.

Project Gotham Racing 5
2007: That was the last time we had a new PGR title. Basically, we are long overdue for a new one. With Microsoft owning that IP, rumors are swirling that PGR 5 will be a launch title for the next Xbox, with Lucid Games, made up of ex-Bizarre Creations and Criterion Games employees, developing it. Having former people from Bizarre Creations, the original developers of the franchise, means that we can expect that same enjoyable gameplay with obvious improvements. As a person who absolutely adores PGR, I would purchase the new Xbox just for the new iteration.
Sony closed Studio Liverpool last year, but rumors were that they were working on a next-gen WipEout game. It's definitely a shame that whole team can't work on the next iteration, but Sony could very well give that IP to another internal studio. MotorStorm is mentioned on this list, but what if Evolution Studios takes over the WipEout franchise and puts MotorStorm to the side? Can they handle that series? Some may not be okay with that outcome, but I would be willing to at least give them a shot.
People love Forzaand what Turn 10 has been able to accomplish during this generation. Are people interested Forza Motorsport 5 or for Turn 10 to try something new? I know most will say they would easily take the former with the obvious visual upgrades. Although I would gladly take that, I would also like to see Turn 10 try their hand at introducing something new to go with the new consoles. Forza Horizon was not developed by them (Playground Games), but I really thought that was a great spin-off for the series. If Microsoft has Turn 10 and Playground Games switching off every other year, honestly, I could get down with that. Both have different strengths that make their games unique enough to warrant that strategy.

Playground Games
Sure, I did say that having Turn 10 and Playground Games switch off on Forza would be great. But I would also love to see them try their hands at completely new IP. I have stated how there is a soft spot for Forza Horizon in my heart, and I think the people at Playground Games can pull off their own game. What will that game entail? Obviously I can't predict that, but I know if Microsoft does let them go through with a new IP (which is not likely), they can achieve greatness with it. Horizon even had a rally DLC that was actually quite fun to play, so they can easily make a rally game. Whatever their next game is, whether it's another Forza spin-off or a completely unrelated IP, I will be there day one to purchase it because I have that much faith in this developer.
Need for Speed: Underground 3
Criterion is now the developers of any new NFS games. Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted, both games that Criterion put their spin on, so it would make sense for the next game to be the one just about everybody wants. Criterion definitely has their plate full with the NFS license and a Burnout game also in development, but if fans have faith in any one developer, it is definitely Criterion. They know how to make open-world racing games -- and despite the fact that I would rather them try to develop a separate game within the franchise -- this game is on the list because so many fans and readers want it to exist.
Burnout Paradise 2
In a recent post where I listed the top five racing games of this generation, Burnout Paradise was included on that list. Honestly, it is one of the best racing games I have every played; it's that good. A sequel has been hinted at for years. Alex Ward of Criterion even tweeted asking what we the fans wanted if a sequel was made. Now, that is far from confirmation that we will see a sequel, but it still gives me hope that it's possible. Imagine how awesome the game would look on the next Xbox and PlayStation -- and those crashes -- aw, just thinking about a sequel gets me excited.

Rallisport Challenge
Okay, I admit it, I might be the only person who wants to see the last two games on this list make a comeback. The last one released in 2004, and although DICE -- the developers of the first two games -- are now owned by EA, Microsoft still owns the IP and could potentially do something with it. The DiRT series fills that rally void for most people now, but I still try and go back to play the Rallisport Challenge games because they were that good.
When thinking of a racing franchise that I played a ton growing up, the first one that comes to mind is OutRun. Playing that at arcades and even on home consoles was pure bliss. SEGA did us a favor in 2009 by releasing OutRun Online Arcade on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network, and Sumo Digital did a stellar job developing it. Still, I would love to see a full retail product on next-gen systems, with Sumo Digital returning as developer since I really think they can do a retail game justice. Now, I know, the odds of this happening are very low, but a man can hope.
Any racing game(s) you would love to play right now? Let us know in the comments below.
# 2
ps3veron @ Feb 14
I would also go with Underground 3. Not really looking forward to Burnout 2 considering we just had one last year..oh wait that was NFS

# 3
mjwickstrom1 @ Feb 14
All these are great ideas, but what about a decent NASCAR game? Inside Line has countless flaws, and I sold it recently as a result.
# 4
VisceralBishop @ Feb 14
mjwickstrom1 -- I did not include NASCAR because Eutecnyx owns that license. I'm not saying they can't make a solid game, but they have done nothing for me to have faith in them.
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I wanna race with cars I can actually drive in real life... Hondas,Nissan, mazdas, acuras ect.
I occasionally street race lol I drive an Acura RSX and NFS underground 2 had that car in it and its the reason I bought the car.
I seriously want Underground 3 to come out but I remember reading a report that The developers are not currently looking into making Underground 3