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EA Ruins Madden 10 with Overlay Ads During Gameplay 
Posted on November 16, 2009 at 08:27 AM.
If you have played Madden 10 at all, then you are probably familiar with the little overlay popup Ad that is displayed during a game. If not, take a look at the picture below.

Since acquiring the NFL license back in 2005, EA has been seen in a negative light by many gamers. Many believe the NFL exclusive license was obtained through back room dealings. This view was only buffeted when the deals with the NFLPA were made public and it was clear that EA was given 'special' pricing saving them possibly millions of dollars that would have otherwise gone to retired NFL players who made very little money in the early days of the NFL.

Madden had really gone down hill with sales declining overall nearly every year since the exclusive licensing deal and with many gamers feeling that the game failed to simulate a real game of football.

Last year, there was a change in direction with new leadership and a new direction for the game. In addition there was an unprecedented interaction with the community and the Tiburon developers. This was a good thing for both the company and the gamers, who felt as if they had been cheated out of a good football game in ESPN NFL 2K5 and who found previous Madden versions wanting. Together with the new direction and community interaction the game ultimately proved to be what everyone hoped it would be - better. It wasn't a perfect game by any measure, but it was clear that the game made strides, and that it was once again focused on the game of football rather than gimmicks and graphics alone. Gamers were grateful, and perhaps the sins of the past could potentially be forgotten, yet that was not to be.

In their zest to obtain new revenue streams, someone at EA decided it would be a good idea to add overlay Ads to the gameplay in Madden 10. To the gameplay! What in the world were they thinking??? The overlay Ads that were added completely ruin the game. It's clear that whoever decided to put the Ads in the game has no clue about online advertising or game design. I've worked with google, DoubleClick, MSN, Yahoo, and other smaller Ad Networks, built SEM/SEO applications, so I speak from real world experience. If you search the web you'll see that gamers are in an uproar over the overlay Ads.

What's really sad is that impression Ads don't pay jack. These are called 'impression' based Ads since there can be no action taken by the viewer, in fact, not a single Ad I have seen even has a call to action which means the Ads probably weren't even designed for their given venue. Nice right? Impression Ads make little to nothing. This means EA is willing to ruin thousand upon thousand of gamers games (their gaming experience) in order to make one single dollar.

Everyone loses with the overlay ads:
  • The gaming experience is ruined for gamers.
  • Advertisers are going to see a negative impact for their advertising dollars instead of positive.
  • EA angers their customers who will be less likely to buy their product the next year. In addition, EA destroys all good will it spent the last year attempting to obtain via developer interaction with the community.

Is EA Listening to Gamers / Consumers?

I believe we will see our answer to this question not with Madden 11, but with Madden 10. If EA is unwilling to remove the overlay Ads in Madden 10 then it's clear that EA is not listening to the gamers at all. If the overlay Ads are not removed in Madden 10, then I strongly urge gamers to not buy Madden 11. I can assure readers of this blog that I won't even buy Madden 11 used next year if the overlay Ads are still in it.

Overlay Ads during Gameplay HAVE to go!

# 1 mike246 @ Nov 16
Madden 10 is garbage,it's the same broken,poorly designed sham of a football game it's always been,the best the dev team can do to make up for lack of AI is CPU cheating such as,linebackers running thru OL men to tackle in the backfield or my runningback sliding thru a hand off completly out user control the being yanked sideways into tackle,thiskind of crap has happened for years in this piece of crap no matter what engine or dev team is used.There are many other problems with this game that needs to be addressed before worrying about pop up ads
# 2 pointNumberOne @ Nov 16
I disagree mike246. While Madden 10 is far from perfect, in my opinion the gameplay is the best its ever been on the new consoles. The inclusion of these ads is the single worst decision the madden team has ever made! Gameplay problems are frustrating, but having an annoying popup ad actually make me *angry* every time I see it is disgusting.
# 3 elgreazy1 @ Nov 16
The ads wouldn't bother me so much if they were at least put into the game with a little more thought. "If you see it on Sunday" means to me that ads can still be part of the game play experience (especially in sports where it's done all the time) but at least the advertisers try to make it work in real life. Here the devs are simply trying to milk it with random ads. Had they been ads for future NFL games (ESPN? ABC? NFL Network?), sports apparel, sports drinks, heck, even other NFL-sponsored products (Viagra, beer, whatever the NFL is houcking nowadays) would have worked. Here it's merely clutter.
# 4 Valdarez @ Nov 16
I'm on the same boat pointNumberOne. It frustrates me on many levels. One as a gamer, and two as a developer. From a gaming perspective, it violates all kinds of protocols, it even violates the Madden team's own mission statement of 'if you see it on Sunday'. Last time I checked, I didn't see an annoying popup Ad in that manner during a game.

So lets put the fact that the Madden team violated their own mission statement with the popup Ad and talk about it from a pure gaming standpoint. If a gamer is playing in Standard view, the screen takes on a pyramid shape based on the angle of the camera which is slanted so players can see down the field. Vision starts from the base of the screen and moves up to a point, with gamers looking right to left to see the setup of each side. This means the visual view of the screen is roughly 60 to 70% of the given real estate. Now, take into the fact that gamers are first drawn to the bottom of the screen to see how much time is left and then moves up to see how the DLine is lined up, followed by LBs, followed by Secondary. So the view is from bottom to top, and then top left to top right as the player scrolls from side to side to see the CB setup. What results is the players eyes are in the process of going up towards the line as the popup occurs, then drawn back down, breaking the players line of sight, their concentration and completely ruining any immersion in the game that might be taking place. Point in fact, it ruins the experience.

I tried to explain the developer perspective from the get go. As an architect, I never would have allowed this into the game, especially since it violates their own mission statement. The idea never should have even made it to the development team, much less into the game. There are some things you put an anchor on and don't budge, allowing this to be in the game is one of them.
# 5 TreyIM2 @ Nov 16
I don't know about the definition behind "impression ads" but you can bet EA is getting SOME type of money by these ads yet, of course, neither of us knows exactly how much. Regardless, it is money and it is helping in these days of higher production costs due to current console demands with the PS3 and 360.

That being said, I understand the ad situation, in general. Even trying to get on this site, a moment ago, some HUGE @$$ ad took over what seemed like almost 2/3s of the page. Almost everywhere we go, we are inundated with ads. Welcome to the present, my friend. I, personally, don't mind the ads while playing Madden. My bottom line is that I get a lot of enjoyment out of playing the game and that's my only focus.
# 6 njd.aitken @ Nov 16
If this "ruined" Madden 10 for you, I feel sorry for you.

That said, the ads are stupid, but really...
# 7 jdareal21 @ Nov 16
This is ridiculous. IMO, ads do nothing to the gameplay in the very least. Do they not show ads for every football game ever televised? It's like saying GTA4 was ruined because they had street lights, I mean, ads are a big part of sports anyway, how is it some nefarious plot by EA to further "destroy the game?"

IF you want to be technical, every ad on every single website should be eliminated too, including operation sports. While we're at it, let's eliminate billboards and posters, commercials & general human communication period. Some of the stuff you guys make up to bash Madden is almost laughable. If the game is that terrible for you, for pete's sake, DON'T PLAY IT. Who said we're entitled to a football anyway? Go play outside, kick rocks, do something other than bitching about a game incessantly
# 8 RayAllen20 @ Nov 16
I personally don't mind the ads at all. They give EA some more money to produce a better game. A lot of people are mad at this, so maybe they could place this a little better. If they're doing some telecast integration, they could pretend to cut to a commercial, and say presented by:, and then show the picture of the ad. That way it doesn't get in the way of the game and piss of consumers.
# 9 pointNumberOne @ Nov 16
It's not the fact there there are ads in the game that's so disgusting. It's *how* they are implemented. If FOX had an identical box slide up when you were trying to focus on the start of the play... EVERY TIME... would you not be disgusted?

If delivered as billboards, in-stadium banners, 'brought to you by...' key stats/players messages then I don't have a problem. The currently delivery is the main problem here.

I can't believe any of these companies want to advertise their product in this way. I know it's negatively affected my opinion of every product I've seen there.
# 10 Valdarez @ Nov 16
Online Ads are typically sold based on impressions or clicks. Impressions typically only pay out in 1000, 10000, or greater lots. What's truly egregious about the Ads that overlay the gameplay is they contain a message, but no call to action (something asking the viewer to do something based on the Ad), which is why I don't believe the Ads were even designed for where they are being presented.

The comparisons between sites such as OS which you visit for 'free' and with Madden which you 'paid' for are not accurate. When you pay for a product, you are paying to have an Ad free product, in fact many sites typically offer an option to pay / subscribe to the site in order to have the Ads removed ( does provides this option). Ads in a game should only be present in order to enhance the gaming experience not to increase the companies revenue on the product.

The snicker Ad at the coin toss doesn't belong, and neither does the overlay popup Ad. These are not things you see on Sunday when you watch a football game.
# 11 TreyIM2 @ Nov 16
I think this is way overblown. Just enjoy the game.
# 12 Valdarez @ Nov 16
You should look at the other forums where users are allowed to complain about the game TreyIM2.

As I explained the placement violates the Madden Teams own Vision Statement for the game, the Ad is not meant to increase the quality of the game by providing a more authentic experience, and the game obscures gameplay as it's directly in the gamers line of site.

Fans are extremely angry about the overlay Ad and are expressing their frustration. The only question now... is EA listening?
# 13 Valdarez @ Nov 17
I unpluged the cord at the start, but what a pain. I have an extremely complex setup with a LOT of wires in a fairly confined space. It's not easy to mess with any of the wires in my current setup. Regardless. There's no reason any gamer should have to basically disconnect their 360 from XBox Live / Internet simply to play a game Ad free.

I paid money for the game, I should be able to enjoy it, and I should have been able to count on the developers sticking to the mantra of 'if you see it on Sunday'. They did not. That overlay Ad clearly violates the vision statement they shared with us.

As for 'ripping on Madden', that's extremely weak TheCreep. I have put a lot of time into the game now, working on custom sliders, and doing everything I can to enjoy the game and to avoid the Ads. I see very little 'ripping' taking place on Madden as it gets shut down fairly quickly. Very few negative views are heard on the Madden forum at OS. They lock down pretty much anything negative on the Madden forum, move it to the gripe thread, or label you a troll simply for voicing your opinion (with varying degrees many times depending on the moderator). I'm not complaining about that, but to say there's a lot of ripping Madden taking place when the amount of positive posts far outweighs the negatives is highly disingenuous.

As for me, the majority of my posts regarding Madden 10 have been positive. That's right. Positive. You can cast my views on the overlay Ad aside if you like, but that's not a fair assessment based on my posting history on the Madden forum.
# 14 theyhateme14 @ Nov 18
its really not that big of a deal...
# 15 Computalover @ Nov 18
I see nothing wrong with this, there are not obstructive and I really have gotten use to them. Now, since i fixed my PS3 (YLOD since june) I noticed that when i play MLB the SHOW, there are ads in it as well, but on the sides of the scoreboard as well. and in the NBA / NHL games for several years. hey, think of it like this, you made a product, sells to millions of folks who play online, its advertising gold.. as long as it doesnt interfere with the gaming experience. and in most cases it doesn't it is what it is folks.. plain and simple

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