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Convince 2K Sports to make another Football Game!!! 
Posted on October 17, 2009 at 12:22 PM.
I got a message the other day from someone who said that 2k sports could be persuaded to make another football game. I'm completely bored with the cheating, ******** excuse for AI that is Madden 10 and I jumped at the opportunity to add my name to the list of consumers who are longing for a revived NFL 2K 5 in any form, even without the NFL license. Here is your opportunity to let 2K Sports know that they have a market for their product.


Subject: 2k11?
I did not want to post this in the general discussion thread its prob gone by now but think its interesting!


Joined: 10/15/2009 14:10:00
Messages: 2
hello everyone again I read on here but now i cant find it to qoute it someone talking about NFL 2K11. Well I just called 2K Games up and asked them if they where plaining on making a football franchise. They are not at the moment however the guy that I talked to said to get onto this web page (( and contact them about it and try to get as many people as possible and maybe something well happen.

After you fill out that info you well need to contact 2K Games to get a case number that # is 1-866-219-9839.

Sorry EA and Ian but this is what you guys are causing not us gamers we are telling you want we want and from what i have read on the forums theres alot of issues and on going issues that people have told you all about and there still in the game.

Good luck EA in the future cause if 2K Games does Create a NFL Franchise god help you. Cause us gamers wont be able too.

It does Look like you guys are Needing some kind of competition once again just like you guys got it from Game Day when that series was out.

Pass it on!!
# 1 Pacman83 @ Oct 17
God help them? Madden will still make bank...Dont get me wrong I play both, in fact im playin APF now, But M10 is solid as hell, great base. AND 2k had exploits too...LIKE EVERY GAME that has multiplayer....always some lil bitch with no life that sits there and finds easy ways to win.
# 2 SaintsNATION32 @ Oct 17
2k is very much needed in football....!
# 3 SaintsNATION32 @ Oct 17
i say bring back both 2k football & let the sells speak for themselves...and let 2k and EA battle it out....! EA would get mad respect if they do away wit their exclusive rights an give 2k a chance to compete.
# 4 jblack21 @ Oct 17
not only do we want 2k nfl tell them we want college hoops back 2 lol..i maybe laughin but im so serious..i miss both games
# 5 shavane @ Oct 17
I want a new 2k game just make 32 teams highly customizable and have the players look just like the NFL ones with just numbers but give a option where we can change it to names. and if the bid for the licsense ever comes up fight pay do whatever so 2k controls it and see how fast we forget about madden
# 6 drae2 @ Oct 18
If this is legit, then lets do it. But the only thing I would say to them is to not do another legends game. Do a game like they would've with the NFL license, except use fictional players. Full franchise, draft, everything.
# 7 TreFacTor @ Oct 18

# 8 drae2 @ Oct 18 (1 Hour Ago) If this is legit, then lets do it. But the only thing I would say to them is to not do another legends game. Do a game like they would've with the NFL license, except use fictional players. Full franchise, draft, everything.

I have posted this as many places as I can. You all can visit the 2k forum here -->
# 8 10yard-Fight @ Oct 18
Personally... Im really enjoying playing madden 10 right now, but yeah i'd like 2k to bring another football game out. i think a generic customizable league would work for the game. 24.99 price point would be about right

and i agree with drae2 with the full franchise, draft, and all.

coincidentally my name drae too
# 9 10yard-Fight @ Oct 18
a 2k college hoops game would be more profitable... from what i can see most people are content with madden.
# 10 TreFacTor @ Oct 18

# 11 10yard-Fight @ Oct 18 (1 Hour Ago) a 2k college hoops game would be more profitable... from what i can see most people are content with madden.
That's the equivalent of being happy with an ugly prom date because she was the only girl in an all boy school

# 11 TreFacTor @ Oct 18
# 11 10yard-Fight @ Oct 18 (1 Hour Ago) a 2k college hoops game would be more profitable... from what i can see most people are content with madden.
That's the equivalent of being happy with an ugly prom date because she was the only girl in an all boy school
# 12 Dianwei32 @ Oct 18
People need to get over 2k not making games anymore. Even if they were it's doubtful that it would be as good as 2k5 was, and 2k5 wasn't even that great. It was good, but not "best football game of all time" material like everyone makes it out to be.
# 13 dabigman9748 @ Oct 19
I just called. They weren't very much help. I was told they can't give you a case number unless you have a technical issue. Well, it was a good effort...
# 14 asu666 @ Oct 19
I thought All Pro would have been a viable product if they dropped the old pros to save some cash and put in a franchise mode. Just make everything editable and let 2K Share do the rest.
# 15 rdlkilla2k @ Oct 19
im getting so sick of madden....same crap every year, at least NFL2k5 was moving towards the next gen of sport like nba 2k already did...EAsports got afraid and bought out the NFL license. NFL was probrably not the best of all time (shout out to Tecmo bowl) but it was moving toward new ideas and got hated on by the competition......

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