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Me and the great John Thompson, taken by a friend off the television while I was working for CBS Radio/Westwood One at last year's NCAA Tournament in Raleigh...
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The GIGGAS is offline
 # 5
The GIGGAS commenting on Me and the great John... picture @ Nov 18, 2008
I love how you're just barely in the picture.
dkgojackets is offline
 # 4
dkgojackets commenting on Me and the great John... picture @ Nov 14, 2008
i was at that game!
countryboy is offline
 # 3
countryboy commenting on Me and the great John... picture @ Nov 12, 2008
Thats awesome.
bronco92 is offline
 # 2
bronco92 commenting on Me and the great John... picture @ Nov 12, 2008
TJ next time that happens you need to be rocking an OS hat. Guess we should finally send you one?
CeltBhoy33 is offline
 # 1
CeltBhoy33 commenting on Me and the great John... picture @ Nov 12, 2008
Thats tight man.