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TJdaSportsGuy's Chalkboard
Darth Aegis is offline
# 106
Darth Aegis @ Jan 27, 2013
hey man I was wondering if you still had the roster file for ncaa basketball 09? Thanks for your time.
moose616 is offline
# 105
moose616 @ Mar 24, 2011
Go Bills!!
demon19000 is offline
# 104
demon19000 @ Jul 15, 2010
Saw your avatar, gotta say, GO BILLS!
Cusefan is offline
# 103
Cusefan @ Aug 26, 2009
Originally Posted by TJdaSportsGuy
Yep...going to see Buffalo at Carolina on October 25th and POSSIBLY seeing Buffalo at Atlanta later in the season.
Thats awesome, Im debating on either going to the Bills game @ NY or heading up to Buffalo for the for the Pats game. Im also Definitely going to Philly for the Cowboys game.
Cusefan is offline
# 102
Cusefan @ Aug 25, 2009
Are you going to any Bills games this year?
MAHAM is offline
# 101
MAHAM @ Aug 24, 2009
I think the other thread that was about game speed was closed after people started talking about the constitution, lol
muggins is offline
# 100
muggins @ Aug 14, 2009
How do I post a video to the Bills group on EASPORTSWORLD? I cant remember how.
N51_rob is offline
# 99
N51_rob @ Aug 11, 2009
Nice job on The Madden Voice. It was also nice to hear the accelerated clock was by design. You represented OS very well.
Captain Obvious is offline
# 98
Captain Obvious @ Aug 7, 2009
hey i served that ridiculous 2 month sentence without an infraction yet you still wont let me see the madden forum. what the hell do you want from me?
TT Mc Dre is offline
# 97
TT Mc Dre @ Jul 24, 2009
Yo TJ... I just wanted to say that I'm a Madden Vet who doesn't work at all so I'm always home and looking for a group of guys to get to know like this. The wife told me to find something to do god dammit, so I'm hoping you can see your way give a super reliable guy a shot at The Baltimore Ravens... I wouldn't let you guys down, always available and ready to jump into the action.. just a lil rich kid looking for some fun.. let me know if I can at least be considered... thanks man let me know something Dre
RoyalBoyle78 is offline
# 96
RoyalBoyle78 @ Jun 14, 2009
hey What's up TJ, I just saw you tried seding me a massage, what's going on?
ChubbyBanana is offline
# 95
ChubbyBanana @ Jun 12, 2009
This guy is a major douche!
jWILL253 is offline
# 94
jWILL253 @ Jun 2, 2009
Dang, man. No response to my friend request and closing down every Madden forum thread; you're really on it today, man...
Fetter21 is offline
# 93
Fetter21 @ Apr 21, 2009
Today not good?
Fetter21 is offline
# 92
Fetter21 @ Apr 21, 2009
Originally Posted by TJdaSportsGuy
Let's shoot for Tuesday (today) right at 7pm.
Ok, sounds good, see ya then.
Fetter21 is offline
# 91
Fetter21 @ Apr 20, 2009
Let me know when you wanna play our game. I can't go Wed & I know Thursday and beyond is bad for you, so if you can play Tue I can roll anytime after 7pm EST.
countryboy is offline
# 90
countryboy @ Jan 1, 2009
TJ, how do you feel about Jauron sticking around for another year?
vaughn99 is offline
# 89
vaughn99 @ Dec 17, 2008
Saw this today: I'll miss Buffalo as an affiliate -- spent a nice weekend or 3 in Buffalo watching some great baseball. The new logo is nice -- much less 80's cartoon-y than the previous iteration. Luckily I don't hate the Mets.

Hopefully you don't either.
Phobia is offline
# 88
Phobia @ Dec 10, 2008
TJ!!!! Sup bro, wuz up with the generic NC pic? Had to take a second to notice it was you
JBH3 is offline
 # 87
JBH3 commenting on Me with former UNC Tar Heel... picture @ Dec 3, 2008
Dante Calabria...I loved his game...I met him at UNC Basketball Camp the one yr I attended; him and Zwikker.
Husker_OS is offline
# 86
Husker_OS @ Dec 2, 2008
TJ, answer my PM
SportsTop is offline
# 85
SportsTop @ Dec 2, 2008
Sold out to the man again, eh?
Marino is offline
# 84
Marino @ Dec 2, 2008
Oh god, TJ is a mod again. Everyone run for their life.

baumy300 is offline
# 83
baumy300 @ Nov 30, 2008
Your name always looked better in red anyways
Candyman5 is offline
# 82
Candyman5 @ Nov 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving.
timmcc is offline
# 81
timmcc @ Nov 21, 2008
Hey if you want I can edit the CAA conference names
SportsTop is offline
# 80
SportsTop @ Nov 20, 2008
Four letters for you: HHSL
DJ is offline
# 79
DJ @ Nov 20, 2008
TJ, I see you are a Bills fan. Just curious if you grew up in Upstate, NY? My friends and I were pretty much split down the middle; half liked the Bills and the other half were Giants fans.
ExtremeGamer is offline
# 78
ExtremeGamer @ Nov 20, 2008
Gotta be Madam Tusad's (whatever the spelling is) in Vegas, I have the same picture, except I'm taller than TJ's midget ***, so I'm closer to the ball
Pared is offline
 # 77
Pared commenting on Me boxing out (an outdated)... picture @ Nov 19, 2008
Was this in NYC when you were here just a little while back?
Pared is offline
# 76
Pared @ Nov 19, 2008
You have "TJDASPORTSGUY'S OS ARENA" written twice.
ChubbyBanana is offline
# 75
ChubbyBanana @ Nov 19, 2008
Glad you got the joke friend.

I could have made one with speedos and coastal driving, but I wouldn't dig down that deep.
jkra0512 is offline
# 74
jkra0512 @ Nov 18, 2008
Well TJ, what of our beloved Bills now? There are rumors that Jauron never signed the 3-year extension. Is his conservative approach going to last in B-LO?
vaughn99 is offline
# 73
vaughn99 @ Nov 18, 2008
Tough game. For what it's worth I half-hoped Lindell would make that. Read about it all on my blog(s). Am I a bad fan if I hate our coach(es)?

Just imagine if the Bills had worn the white helmets. Whole 'nother story.

The GIGGAS is offline
 # 72
The GIGGAS commenting on Me and the great John... picture @ Nov 18, 2008
I love how you're just barely in the picture.
ExtremeGamer is offline
# 71
ExtremeGamer @ Nov 18, 2008
ChubbyBanana is offline
# 70
ChubbyBanana @ Nov 18, 2008
TJ what a game. Sorry you had to experience another missed field goal to add to the Bills List, but you have to admit it was an exciting game to watch.
jkra0512 is offline
# 69
jkra0512 @ Nov 17, 2008
TJ, I completely agree with you. The Bills need to win 5 of the last 7 games to even be included in the discussion for the playoffs. I think they can do it, but I believe their toughest game (if they get passed the Browns tonight) is the Jets @ the Meadowlands...
RAZRr1275 is offline
# 68
RAZRr1275 @ Nov 17, 2008
not any more.
Qb is offline
# 67
Qb @ Nov 17, 2008
Don't worry about it, TJ. I'm not ready for action yet anyways as I just got the game yesterday. I'm just happy that MVP looks sweet this year. Ballin!
ChubbyBanana is offline
# 66
ChubbyBanana @ Nov 17, 2008
Unfortunately I don't have Madden 09 anymore.

I just wanted to challenge someone to a hell in the cell. I haven't done that since I was like 13.

Good Luck Tonight! With our swiss cheese pass defense you're gonna need it.
ChubbyBanana is offline
# 65
ChubbyBanana @ Nov 17, 2008
You and me, Browns vs. Bills, Hell in a Cell!

Let's do this!
RAZRr1275 is offline
# 64
RAZRr1275 @ Nov 16, 2008
I'm entering your overall score whore competition.
Qb is offline
# 63
Qb @ Nov 16, 2008
Just picked up SVR 09, I'm such a sucker. Perhaps we could finally have a match... I'll send you a FR if you're interested.
jkra0512 is offline
# 62
jkra0512 @ Nov 16, 2008
ANOTHER BILLS FAN ON THIS SITE.....Oh please be my friend, we, Bills fans are a dying breed!
Steve_OS is offline
# 61
Steve_OS commenting on My very first Double Eagle video @ Nov 15, 2008
Nice shot.
Qb is offline
# 60
Qb @ Nov 14, 2008
Hi-diddly-ho neighborini...
Brandwin is offline
# 59
Brandwin @ Nov 13, 2008
What did I do now?
Brandwin is offline
 # 58
Brandwin commenting on The infamous speedo picture... picture @ Nov 13, 2008
Beautiful! Got some alone time material for tonight!!!
countryboy is offline
# 57
countryboy @ Nov 13, 2008
I bet you'd make Sportscenter's Top 10 plays of the week.
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