TJdaSportsGuy's Blog

We had a baby doctor appointment yesterday (yeah...sorta like baby daddy). Everything checked out just fine. The one thing the doctor did recommend is that my wife drinks more water. Now, neither of us are big water drinkers. I know there are people out there who swear by the stuff but to me, the taste is what counts and water has none. I'd much rater quench my thirst with something like Gatorade, a nice glass of Diet Dr. Pepper, or an ice cold sweet tea (no lemon).
Aimee? She's more of a juice person. Cranberry juice, especially. I don't know how she does it. I can have like...maybe a glass a week of that stuff. It's just way too bitter.
So she has to drink more water now. Last night, I kept reminding her to drink more water. She was complaining of a headache and the doctor said that's a sign of dehydration and water will help with that. Of course, she didn't feel like drinking any water and would much rather complain about her headache.
This is the main difference between a perfectly sound minded guy and a pregnant woman. We like to fix things. The quicker and easier the fix, the better. Women like to over complicate things, especially during pregnancy. Guys? We would drink three gallons of gasoline in five minutes if we knew it'd get rid of our headache.
So I'm finally starting to get used to these new early morning hours. About two (or three?) months ago, I began working the early shift at work, producing the morning show and doing sportscasts twice an hour from 5am til 9.
Going from a 9am to 2pm shift to this is quite the shock to the system. I was used to a pretty typical schedule. I'd wake up at around 7 or so. Once I finished up the three S's, I'd be out the door and at work usually by 8:15 or 8:30 and I'd work until 4pm, usually getting home no later than 4:30. Not bad, huh?
Well now my alarm goes off at 2:45am. The three S's are done by 3:45 (I'm actually doing one of the three right now...shhhhhhh). And I'm off and out the door by 4, usually rolling into work at around 4:15.
The good part about this shift is that I'm done by noon. The bad part is that if I want to be anything close to functional at work the next day, I MUST be in bed no later than 9pm. You miss a lot of quality TV having a schedule like this. Thank God for DVR.
It's really not so bad though and I swear you get used to it after a while. Sure beats being unemployed!
# 1
thmst30 @ Nov 12
Another early riser eh? I get up around 4 am, not quite as early as you. Good luck with the new baby! Hope all goes well for you and your wife.
# 2
TJdaSportsGuy @ Nov 12
Thanks, buddy. It'll be our first so we're both really excited. BTW, your Apps and my Seahawks tip off the basketball season this Friday in Wilmington. How's your basketball team looking this season?
# 3
ExtremeGamer @ Nov 12
I feel your pain for early mornings. Since Ethan was born I've been working 5:15 AM to 4PM Monday - Thursday. It's nice having Friday/Saturday/Sunday off, but it's tiresome come Thursday morning.
My wife and I are both big water drinkers, so Michelle never had that issue. Water is a big key though.
Good luck.
My wife and I are both big water drinkers, so Michelle never had that issue. Water is a big key though.
Good luck.
# 4
Steve_OS @ Nov 12
My doc never mentioned the "plenty of water" thing, but we had a nice and healthy daughter. She had some odd cravings, but other than that (and 1 miscarriage prior) things went smoothly. Best of luck TJ!
# 5
thmst30 @ Nov 12
Its gonna be a down year for our us I think. However we had the best recruiting class this past offseason that we've had in a long time, so next year and the year after should be pretty good for us!
# 7
TJdaSportsGuy @ Nov 12
Thanks for the well wishes, guys. No weird cravings yet although Sunday night, she made me drive to the store to get supplies for a grilled cheese sandwich. I know, not many supplies needed but we didn't have any sliced cheese in the house.
# 8
vaughn99 @ Nov 12
H2O is important -- my wife NEVER drank any (except for the purified kind in Coca-Cola and the expensive kind in Fiji bottles) but we tried our best to keep her hydrated throughout the pregnancy. It's crazy how it works -- the more you drink the more your body tells you you're thirsty. Like all the time. Women seem to like crushed ice, so maybe try that too. It's even more important AFTER the baby's born (but that's another disgusting discussion). Good luck throughout this -- and after.
# 9
ghm125 @ Nov 14
yeah the crushed ice was big with all 3 of my kids...never really had a problem with much of anything...blessed I guess...just some huge kids all over 9 lbs
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