TDogg09's Blog

Screen 1-Basic Information
-First Name
-Last Name (20 Character limit)
-Jersey Number
-Years Pro
-Personality (Energetic, cocky, high strung, humble)
Screen 2-Body Type
-Skin Tone
-Muscle Tone
-Size (arms, thighs, calves, chest, shoulders, belly, butt, feet, hands)
Screen 3-Hair
-Hair Color
-Facial Hair (categories-beard, moustache, goatee, eyebrows)
Screen 4-Head
-Eye Color (color gradients)
-Head (Generic Choices and Morpher)
-Face (Generic Choices and Morpher)
-Mouth (Generic Choices and Morpher)
-Ears (Generic Choices and Morpher)
-Nose (Generic Choices and Morpher)
-Eyes (Generic Choices and Morpher)
-Jaw (Generic Choices and Morpher)
Screen 5-Tattoos
-Please let us create our own tattoos, using tools like Backbreaker's Logo creator:
-Let us have the entire arms to work with, rather than just "upper bicep," "forearm," etc.
-Multiple tattoos as well. Let us have the ability to create sleeve tattoos if we so choose.
Screen 6-Equipment
-Helmet Type
-Facemask (Retro and Contemporary styles)
-Visor (clear, smoke, dark, blue, chrome, amber, red, green, purple)
-Eye paint (it would be cool to let us choose from different styles or manually draw our own style of eye black)/tape, Nose strip
-Skull cap (Nike/Underarmour/NFL Equipment)
-Neck Pad
-Pad Height
-Jersey Sleeves (sleeveless, normal, loose)
-Arm sleeves (half, full, ¾/ black, white, team color)
-Hand Warmer
-Hand Towel (white, team specific, left/right/middle)
-Left Elbow
-Right Elbow
-Left Forearm
-Right Forearm
-Left Wrist
-Right Wrist
-Left Hand
-Right Hand
-Left Ankle
-Right Ankle
-Thigh Pads
-Knee Pads
-Sock Height (adjusted with a slider)
Screen 7-Ratings
-Play Style (Fundamentalist, Speed, Strength, Finesse, Flashy)
-Catching (Overall)
-Catching (Two-Hands)
-Catching (One-Hand)
-Ball Carrying
-Throwing Power
-Kicking Power
-Kicking accuracy
-Pass blocking
-Run blocking
-Ball Carrier Vision
-Stiff Arm
-Spin Move
-Juke Move
-Impact Blocking
-Run Block Strength
-Run Block Footwork
-Pass Block Strength
-Pass Block Footwork
-Power Movies
-Finesse Moves
-Block Shedding
-Play Recognition
-Man Coverage
-Zone Coverage
-Spectacular Catch
-Catch in Traffic
-Route Running
-Hit Power
-Short Throw Accuracy
-Medium Throw Accuracy
-Deep Throw Accuracy
-Throw on the Run
-Play Action
Screen 8-Tendencies
-Short Throw
-Medium Throw
-Deep Throw
-Throw on the Run
-Throw into coverage
-Pump Fake
-One handed catch
-Two handed catch
-Catch in traffic
-Call for the ball
-Second effort
-Contest/Call for flags
-Push off/Commit offensive pass interference
-Stiff Arm
-Protect Ball
-Fight for extra yardage
-Hold Blocks
-Cut Block
-Chop Block
DEFENSIVE (Tackling)
-High Tackle Barge
-High Tackle Wrap
-Mid Tackle Barge
-Mid Tackle Wrap
-Low Tackle Barge
-Low Tackle Wrap
-Arm Tackle
-Go for strip
DEFENSIVE (Coverage)
-Press Receiver vs. Back off
-Attempt Interception
-Attempt ball jarring hit on receiver
-Cover inside/outside
-One handed catch
-Two handed catch
-Second effort
-Contest/Call for flags
-Push off/Commit Defensive pass interference
Create Team
-NFL Logos
-Logo creator akin to Backbreaker's
-NCAA's Teambuilder used for Madden
-Added ability to customize existing stadiums (changing colors, banners, etc.-For example,
in NCAA I like to create the 83 season Raiders. They played in the LA Coliseum (where USC
plays now). When I pick USC's stadium to use, it's the Raiders playing, but it has all of USC's
crimson and gold, and their logos. I want to be able to change it to make it the Raiders' own
-Ability to change players' equipment from Teambuilder website, and/or be able to change
players' equipment once in the game.
-Classic Stadiums
-Complete uniform editor-Let the uniform and helmet just be a canvas. Let us put logos/colors on any part of the helmet/jersey we want, not just in predetermined spots. Numerous number/stripe styles-and make the different styles customizable. It would be sweet to be able to create jerseys like this:

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