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NCAA 11 - Time To Deliver 
Posted on April 26, 2010 at 06:08 AM.
You're never as good as everyone tells you when you win, and you're never as bad as they say when you lose - Lou Holtz

The old ball Coach has some great quotes and this is one of my favourites. It applies not only to sport, but business and life as well. If you’re an NCAA developer who by some chance has come across this blog entry, print this quote, laminate it and stick it on the top of your monitor. Chant it, remember it, tattoo it to your forehead – this quote can clear the sometimes muddied waters that you trudge through.

Full disclosure, I prefer NCAA over Madden. I just love college football. I love every minute of it. For the most part, EA Sports have captured this each and every season since the release of NCAA Football 98 (there were four earlier college football games, but as it’s known now, NCAA 98 was the first instalment as far as I am concerned). Whilst they haven’t replicated the heights of the NCAA 2004 game (my personal favourite), the NCAA Football brand is still going strong as it heads in to what will be its fourteenth season head to head with the football gaming giant that is the Madden franchise.

Depending on your view point, the overall winner in the head to head battle between the two games is up for debate. If you ask for my opinion, I’d say NCAA on the whole has been the better game for the most part. I love Dynasty mode, its sports sim crack and I am a hopeless junkie much to the dismay of my family. If you asked a guy who prefers the NFL and only occasionally dabbles in College Football, he’d probably suggest Madden holds the advantage.

NCAA 08 was the first in the series to make it across to both Next-Gen consoles. So for reference purposes, despite the fact NCAA 07 was available on the XBOX 360, NCAA 08 is where I will start judging from when looking at what’s been achieved since we left the dependable last gen consoles (yes, I still love my PS2 console – it’s in the Gamers Hall Of Fame).

When the PS3 was released, the game that I thought would blow all sporting sims out of the water was NCAA. It was the perfect marriage. I like many others thought we were going to be in college football heaven and experience sports gaming euphoria. We didn’t. We haven’t (yet) and if I am being 100% honest, I’ve been left somewhat flat with all three games that have been released on the Next-Gen consoles. The rate of improvement has not been there. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed the game each season, I just have been left wanting more from the development team each year.

I’ve posted countless times over the past few days; the Madden 09 to Madden 10 jump in terms of improvement was huge. Finally the developers got it. They listened to their loyal consumers and delivered a better game that improved on just about all fronts. As some have been putting it, they got the little things right and the big things (like presentation) spot on and heading in the right direction. By no means is Madden 10 the perfect game, far from it, though it was a step in the right direction and restored some lost faith by those who have likewise felt let down since the game jumped on to the Next-Gen consoles. The platform has been built and the Madden juggernaut rolls on and will in my opinion go from strength to strength. With all this said, I still prefer playing NCAA 10 to Madden 10. What can I say? I’m an addict.

From what I’ve read, viewed and heard of the NCAA 11 game, the developers have finally listened to the fans. Finally is probably the wrong word and kind of harsh. I am sure feedback is taken on board each year; let’s just say the developers from the outside looking appear to be back on course. The presentation looks to have been improved with ESPN being integrated in to the game. This is huge in my opinion. The presentation side of the NCAA Football franchise has been the biggest stickler for this fan. I am excited to see the full scope of exactly what is being integrated in to the game.

The hype surrounding the July 13 release of NCAA 11 has the forums in a bit of a frenzy. Some members are even announcing they may come back to the game after leaving it off their ‘Must Have List’ over the past couple of seasons. The NCAA Football developers have to deliver with NCAA 11 or run the risk of losing even more ground to Madden. As my old man says, "strike whilst the iron is hot" and with this hype, deliver a game that recaptures not only their title as the best football game, but recaptures some of the fans who have chosen to only rent the game until they see vast improvement.

So, it's that time again and over the coming weeks, more will be revealed, more will be said and the NCAA crew will be once again in the firing line of passionate sports gamers. Will they deliver? Time will tell.

As one who likes smash mouth football, my team (NCAA) are behind after the first half. Madden hold the lead. We are behind in the first half with it all to do in the second. I will leave it with one last quote from Coach Holtz.

"How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser."

And now, over to the NCAA 11 crew - how will you guys respond?

Happy gaming, see you online!
# 1 rudyjuly2 @ Apr 26
Great blog! I feel the same way. NCAA has underwhelmed on next gen but I have high hopes for many reasons this year. I think it will be a big leap forward.
# 2 T3B0W @ Apr 26
Thanks for the comments rudyjuly, it's much appreciated. Let's hope you and I are right in NCAA taking the next step forward.
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