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Billups and George Karl 
Posted on November 10, 2008 at 05:50 PM.
As one of the guys who was torn on the Billups-Iverson trade, I find myself coming around more and more with each game played. My primary objection to losing Iverson wasn't a cerebral, basketball-based one, but rather an emotional/basketball fan aesthetic-based one... basically, I hate not being able to watch all the crazy bull**** AI does on a nightly basis as well as knowing in the back of my mind that he can explode for 50 at any time. Being able to watch the best little man to ever play the game on a near-nightly basis was special, and I thank Allen Iverson and the ownership for giving it a shot, even if the overall idea failed by most metrics. I'm still sad that I don't get to watch him, but I really hope that the Pistons (or wherever he ends up next season) can find a way to get him a ring, because he undoubtedly deserves it.

However, basketball-wise, this trade is making the normally-inept Nuggets front office look like geniuses. Even with a rough start shooting the ball, Billups has calmed down the offense and generally changed the team's attitude on both ends of the ball. It seems like this might be a brash statement or a rush to judgment, but trust me -- as a guy who's watched every Nugs game since 2005, this is a different team now that Chauncey is running things (heh, he still threw a nice lob on the break to Balkman last night, so the Nugs of yore aren't dead yet).

Not only does he bring a sense of calmness and control to the offense, but it seems that this acquisition has awoken the long-dormant fighting spirit of one George Karl, who has been a shell of his rabble-rousing Seattle-era self the past few seasons. He's gotten not one but TWO technical fouls in 6 games thus far this season for arguing calls on behalf of his players. I don't know if it's the ability for him to live out his dreams by playing two "true PGs" at the same time in Anthony Carter and Chauncey that got him going or if he was prescribed some nice uppers... but I like it.

I don't know if they'll be a playoff team (I was guessing a #7 or #8 seed before the trade), but at least it seems like they won't be so frustrating to watch this year. They had an almost uncanny ability to lose eminently winnable games to bad teams (Bulls, Bucks, Grizzlies, Sonics.. to name a few), and I think that Chauncey basically put a stop to that. Losing those games made the difference between a winnable series as a #7 seed vs. facing the Lakers Buzzsaw in the first round and getting swept as the #8 seed. Most of those bad losses were the Nuggets giving up a crazy comeback in the 4th quarter due to playing terrible defense and not making their jumpers that were falling earlier in the game -- these stretches were absolutely infuriating to watch as a fan. Simply having a PG who can control the ball and help us execute a bit better in the half court should do wonders for this problem and will likely net the Nugs a few more games this season. Now I'm not projecting a 50+ win season, but I do think that they should get into the Playoffs this year, wherever that bar is set... and if they do, it'll be a higher seed than the usual #8 because they will win those games against bad teams. And if they have a coach who doesn't just sit on the bench sucking lozenges, spends timeouts talking with Doug Moe and the rest of his staff instead of talking to the players, lets runs get to 15-0 before he calls timeouts, etc,. I'll be happy even if they get bounced in the first round like they have the last 5 years.

Thanks for the new coach, Chauncey!
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