Steve_OS's Blog

- The Media Center DirecTV HDPC-20 caught in action
- USB 3.0 Demos Feature 450MBps Speed
- Video: Windows 7 Touch Control Makes Media Center More Awesome
- Image: Need a new job? Give this guy a hand...
- Alltime NFL Receiving Tandem (Agree/Disagree?)
- 19 High-Scoring Old-School Arcade Games
- Video: Zero Punctuation: Fallout 3
- Top 5 Things Videogames Have Taught Me Never to Do
- BlackBerry Storm review
- Halo 3 & NXE don't mix
- MS: There have been some NXE 'hiccups'
- GTA IV DLC out Feb 17
- Apple Pins Its Hopes on Gaming
Played around with my NXE avatar yesterday, it actually looks a lot like me, LOL. Well, accept for the suit, I don't have an all white one, but it looks nice, so I kept it. I think there is a way to post my avatar in full view? If someone can hook me w/ that knowledge, I'll post mine here, but you can see my face on the right (in my Arena), in the Gamercard area.
What's up with you?
- QOTD: You diggin' NCAA Basketball 09?
Muzeman (34), cuppylove (29), corks895 (21), Thrasha (21), roonoc (19)
# 1
plasticbeast @ Nov 20
Good links thanks. I had some problems with voice chat last night after the NXE update, but other than that is seem like a good upgrade.
# 2
boomhauertjs @ Nov 20
Guess the Pistons get McDyess, Steve. The Cavs looked like they ran out of gas in the 2nd half. Losing Mo and Delonte to early foul trouble in the 3rd really hurt since the bench didn't do much.
GTA IV DLC finally!! I'll miss Niko, though. I wonder how many hours of story the new character will bring.
Looks like we've got more snow coming today/tonight. Could make for some crappy drives to and from work.
QOTD: Not going to get it. I'm loving NBA 2k9 right now and if I get a hankerin' for college basketball, I'll go back to CH2k8.
GTA IV DLC finally!! I'll miss Niko, though. I wonder how many hours of story the new character will bring.
Looks like we've got more snow coming today/tonight. Could make for some crappy drives to and from work.
QOTD: Not going to get it. I'm loving NBA 2k9 right now and if I get a hankerin' for college basketball, I'll go back to CH2k8.
# 3
cake612 @ Nov 20
Got my wisdom teeth out on monday and had 3 glorious days off in a row since the pain never really got that bad. Back to work today though...blah.
Was starting to get interested in the new blackberry, but that reviewer was not particularly excited about the new touch keyboard. Just as well, I'll stick with my pearl for now, never been a fan of the on screen keyboard and I have more than a year left on my contract, didn't really want to spend all that money anyways.
Doubt that I'll ever pick up NCAA, still way to many games right now, if it's at about 30 bucks around tournament time I'll probably think about it though.
Was starting to get interested in the new blackberry, but that reviewer was not particularly excited about the new touch keyboard. Just as well, I'll stick with my pearl for now, never been a fan of the on screen keyboard and I have more than a year left on my contract, didn't really want to spend all that money anyways.
Doubt that I'll ever pick up NCAA, still way to many games right now, if it's at about 30 bucks around tournament time I'll probably think about it though.
# 4
bluengold34_OS @ Nov 20
Big fan of the NXE voice chat( party ). We did our whole pre-season NCAA football stuff, all hanging out and talking....great idea. Happy with the NCAA 09 B-Ball purchase, enjoying it, but difficult to keep switching bewtween this NBA 2k9, my mind and hands get all messed up with the controls.
# 5
rudyjuly2 @ Nov 20
I hope the Pistons get McDyess back. Since he hasn't signed on with anyone I'm thinking this will happen. AI has certainly juiced up the Detroit fanbase.
# 6
GoodVela @ Nov 20
McDyess can't sign for the Pistons for 30 days. You can't re-sgn for the team that traded you before that timeframe. Will he sit out that long to play again?

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