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Wednesday Other Stuff (11-19-08) Stuck
Posted on November 19, 2008 at 05:31 AM.
So, here I am... Almost 6:00 in the morning, just hoping to see the XBE available before heading into work... It doesn't look promising... I'm sure as soon as I leave, it will be available. I hear it is available, just not seeing it here yet.

Looking forward to the Stones vs. Cavs game tonight! Good luck Boom and EG, not.

What's up with you?
  • QOTD: How do you like the new NXE?
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!

bisons18, dcf360, vikingsfan1 (45), joey2171 (35), str8stuntin03 (24)
# 1 ExtremeGamer @ Nov 19

XBE? You mean NXE? Or is it INXS? Not really sure.

I've had it a few days now, and I love it. Most will I think, from installing to the hard drive to watching Netflix, this update rocks!
# 2 Steve_OS @ Nov 19
Oh well, gotta go to work, no update for me. Damn!
# 3 jaosming @ Nov 19
The 5 seconds saved from loading Rock Band songs in a setlist makes the HDD install worth it already.

My main question is if the HDD install fixes the Saints Row 1 car disappearing / game loading issues.
# 4 GoodVela @ Nov 19
Love the comment made by someone in the 15 Worst Album Covers of All-Time link."Anyone notice Yoko Ono's crotch censor box was bigger then Lennon's? He's got something to hang, what's her excuse."
# 5 boomhauertjs @ Nov 19
LINKS: Good stuff on new Xbox experience. The album covers story was great, especially No. 1. When I first saw the GTA link, I thought it was about the upcoming DLC .

Should be an interesting games between two teams with a different look.

QOTD: Haven't tried it yet.
# 6 plasticbeast @ Nov 19
Thanks for the links. I will be checking out the NXE after work.
# 7 Brandwin @ Nov 19
XBE is pretty damn good. I only have a 20gb hard drive though and I doubt I upgrade to 120 anytime soon. Oh well...I installed COD WaW and the load times are fast and the system is quiet.
# 8 ty5oke @ Nov 19
So far I think its a big improvement. I really like the install to hard drive feature and will have to upgrade my hard drive soon.
# 9 Steve_OS @ Nov 19
LOL, it was early in the morning EG, LMAO, no idea where I pulled that from.
# 10 cake612 @ Nov 19
Not a fan of the new xbox setup at all. I hate the avatars and will probably never edit or look at mine again. I like it way better the way it was before. Not seeing any options to switch the display to the old setup. I like some of the actual features they added but the avatars and actual setup I just think kind of stinks.
# 11 ChaseB @ Nov 19
Steve when you wake up at that hour, do you milk the cows before work?
# 12 Steve_OS @ Nov 19
No, I told you that was your job. You're late.
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