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Friday Other Stuff (5-18-12) Stuck
Posted on May 18, 2012 at 10:54 AM.

If any of these links interest you, talk about them! (If you find any, send me a PM. I'll post them in the next update and mention you.)Man, got so wrapped up into Twitter this morning I forgot to post this... LOL.

QOTD: Are you more of an online or offline gamer?

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jhamlin1971 (41), mcinnis518 (41), DeathMetal (34), Jabisco (29), msf518 (29)
# 1 KidShowtime @ May 18
Online gamer for sure. Offline has lost it's allure to me since multiplayer gaming has become such an addictive and fun environment, especially with sports games.
# 2 AussieChiefsFan @ May 18
QOTD: Great question. But for me it really depends on the game. In a FPS its definitely online but in Madden it's about half-half. And in a game like GTA it would be mostly offline.
# 3 xblake16x @ May 18
QOTD: I am mostly an offline gamer. At least in sports games, I create my own narrative in franchise and I can keep it fresh that way. When I play online, it is almost exclusively with friends, in any game. I dont have fun if I am playing by myself online
# 4 hoop xyience @ May 18
QOTD: Online pretty much for every sports game. Since 360/PS3 all Offline game modes franchise/dynasties have been watered down so bad that its to boring. It doesn't suck me in like past gen did..Tweaking a million sliders just to get terrible A.I just to miss a free throw and terrible trade logic forcing you to play god is to much for me..Online all day
# 5 oldman @ May 18
QOTD: I have switched within the last two years to almost exclusively online. There are still some games I play offline (Skyrim, ME3 and Uncharted), but online dynasties, associations and so on are where I am at now as a gamer.
# 6 scottyo60 @ May 18
QOTD being strictly a sports gamer it's mostly offline. Heck I even got a vita just for the Show offline
# 7 TDavis45 @ May 18
All the sports games I play are 95% offline. Online dynasties and such bring inactive players which makes it not as fun. COD is all online though... Haven't played campaign since COD4
# 8 HustlinOwl @ May 18
Now that I moved to suburbia after 5 years away, I realize how much I missed online gaming. Current game is MLB 12 the show, but ppl take themselves way to serious even here. Being a community one would think we could all enjoy ourselves in leagues, tourneys, etc but you find just as much complaining and whining in regular online games. Primarily a sports gamer, but with being back online I may get back into some shooters just not COD.
# 9 jmik58 @ May 18
QOTD: I play exclusively offline. I think if I was younger and pre-family it would be different. The online gaming boom came after I was in thick as a married man with kids, so I've known no other way. I've attempted it but felt like I was being rushed by deadlines to finish recruiting, etc. Plus it's hard to find a game without lag issues. Gameplay has to be great for me to enjoy it and lag destroys that for me.
# 10 Ermolli @ May 18
I didn't know Twiiter was checking what we're doing on the net, they say they aren't using it to sell it but how do we really know. Maybe I'll get one of those tools just in case.

Most of those stunt doubles aren't even that similar to the actors, it shows how one doesn't even pay that much of attention while watching the action scenes.

QOTD: I'm more of an offline games, I'm not that attracted to online but I'm trying to use it more often so I can justify more the 60 dollar price.
# 11 PVarck31 @ May 18
Loved the stuntmen piece. I have always been curious about that for some reason.
# 12 AussieChiefsFan @ May 19
Now thats an interesting way to open a beer!
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