Steve_OS's Blog
- What Can Ads Teach Developers?
- Wii Sports: the new best-selling game of all time
- Big PS3 exclusive revealing next month?
- Killzone 2 Demo Exclusive to GameStop
- Video: Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard
- Meet the New Lara Croft - Photo Gallery
- Sexy Magazine Covers That We Loved Last Year
- Download Dozens of Commercial PC Games Free
- 20 video games to look forward to in 2009
Happy Birthday to the following OS'ers!
ThatCanadianGuy (26), i8kevin (25), HartBurn88 (21)
# 1
cake612 @ Jan 6
Definitely quite a few games I'm looking forward too but I'd say the biggest ones are Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, New Call of Duty, MLB The Show 09 and NHL 10.
# 4
funky_chicken @ Jan 6
The Show 09, Legends of Wrestlemania and I am interested in what 2k has to offer with MLB 2k9. Anything has to be better then MLB 2k8.
# 6
HustlinOwl @ Jan 6
QOTD: Which game(s) are you looking forward to?
The Show, FNR4, Heavy Rain, GT
The Show, FNR4, Heavy Rain, GT
# 8
JohnDoe8865 @ Jan 6
So far I'm looking forward to MLB Front Office Manager, Resident Evil 5, Legends of Wrestlemania, Alan Wake, and this year's football titles.
# 9
thaSLAB @ Jan 6
QOTD: *deep breath* MLB09 The Show, Killzone 2, inFamous, GT5, White Knight Chronicles, Uncharted 2, FNR4, NBA 2K..10?, SFIV, maybe RE5... and a few other multiplats
# 10
Fresh Tendrils @ Jan 6
QOTD: Skate 2, Fight Night 4, NBA 2k10, Batman: Arkham Asylum, RE5, CoD6, Ghostbusters...
crossing my fingers for...
Alan Wake
All Points Bulletin
crossing my fingers for...
Alan Wake
All Points Bulletin
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