Friday, September 28, 2012

Firstly the most talked about topic in the NFL lately. The new old referees. They returned tonight to call the game, and holy hell was it a smooth game. The right calls were made. Nothing too obvious missed. These guys were needed. I still think they're overpaid, but how much better ... Read More
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Posted on September 25, 2012 at 01:00 AM.
Monday Night Football concluded not too long ago. What a fiasco. Every week that passes with these replacement refs is just making the game look more and more like a joke. The main issue seems to be with pass interference. Refs are flipping back and forth on if they call it or not. One quarter there will be continuous holding by the DB's without a single yellow flag going up, next play the smallest touch from either a DB or a WR ends up drawing more flags than most games saw in total last year. ... Read More

Of course as of last Sunday this changed. Time Warner Cable (Which is the only television provider in my area (Can't have any dish without severe interference.) finally reached a deal with the NFL for the two channels.
So it meant this Sunday I spent my day watching NFL RedZone on my 60' LCD. My ... Read More
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The downside is however that my only other option is to exclusively sell cards... But doing that takes a longggg time for little reward... I'm sort of at a loss for how to proceed.

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