Ok..so i basically will be keeping you up to date with my franchise starting (7-8-09) on here and just a couple of random thoughts about video games and sports my personal opinion on things and here to basically here to have fun! so enjoy your reads if you subscribe sweet thanks.
Posted on October 23, 2015 at 02:49 PM.
November 2015, December 2015, January 2016 & so on are for PS4 lovers the game releases are shaping up to be some of the best title releases IMO only we all have our likes and loves but here are my long awaited shelf stuffers
Remember I'm only going to list my favorite titles - I'm sure you guys have some great ones that you play - if you play a title and love it list it, I would love to play some new games
November 3 - Need For Speed - I'm a racing junkie I don't ... Read More
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Posted on October 14, 2015 at 11:55 AM.
With the death of his friend on his mind the game of basketball just didn’t seem fun. He was out in Phoenix with a struggling roster trying to find its niche and the clear cut best player riding the bench and why? Well coach Hornacek still believed that Williams had a lot to work on and while that may have been true he was much better than anyone they had starting at the moment and they were 0-7. His +/- was (+9), and when he was in the game the offense looked crisp but they could not sustain ... Read More
Posted on October 14, 2015 at 11:39 AM.
In case you haven't been up to date on the mini circus of Darnell Williams here is a quick breakdown of what happened.
We start out at the beginning of an NBA Career where Darnell Williams @shady on twitter gets drafted 11th overall by the Charlotte Hornets. Regulated to a bench role the talented rookie is just getting his feet wet in the NBA while juggling a complicated private life – and it doesn’t start out as a good fairy tale story. The owner is fed up with his friends Victors ... Read More
Posted on October 2, 2015 at 03:58 PM.
Man there is nothing like the rush of running into a room and plucking off an advisory with one shot, or with a light machine gun lighting him up. Your team mates going crazy because you won the match or took out an opponent and you guys are winning the round. Ahhhhh FPS and how bad I’m at them LMAO!!! I used to be one of the best TPS when Socom Navy Seals was out on PS2 LOL – then I got out of the FP/TP shooter games and started to play more sports, Well now 2015 I’m trying to get back and man ... Read More
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Posted on October 1, 2015 at 03:29 PM.
This year in 2k16 I started the career of Darnell Williams or as 2k will call me throughout the rest of my career (Freq) or Frequency Vibrations. Well I jumped right in and the story line was something. The rookie season was interesting I won’t provide any spoilers to those who haven’t done it yet, but it was a very interesting story and as long as I got to experience the full My Career which starts year (2) then everything is cool. So now after year (1) was over it was time to hit Free Agency…again ... Read More
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Posted on September 22, 2015 at 11:54 AM.
Much to what you guys don’t know I use to be an insane Madden player, online franchise, career modes you name it I did it. Pre-gen was my madden hay days – even going so far to playing on all madden and moving the 5 to 6 sliders all the way to the right so I can have a tougher experience. I use to love Madden. Then the next gen came and xbox360 which I had at the moment then Madden 2006 came out and WTF!!! – possible one of the worst Maddens to date with an insane fumbling problem lack of modes ... Read More