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MADDEN11 OR NCAA11....? 
Posted on May 1, 2010 at 02:15 PM.
As of now which game in your opinion looks better?

# 1 SaintsNATION32 @ May 1 of now ncaa looks off the charts better....while M11 looks like M10 2.5 if madden choose not to intergrate a broadcasting network they're dead...whats funny is that i always brought ncaa football to hold me down til madden comes out,but this year looks like madden will be collecting the dust this year!
# 2 SaintsNATION32 @ May 1
along with gameplay & animation the intergation of real life broadcasting networks is the key now days for any type of sports's that wow factor makes you forget your playing a video game.
# 3 NoDakHusker @ May 1
yeah NCAA looks to be making real strides and improvements(for once) and could be really really good. Although IMO Backbreaker is the dark horse this year for best football game. ^_^
# 4 jmik58 @ May 1
If NCAA is as improved as advertised, and if Madden is similarly close in the updates to gameplay (ie, locomotion) then they are must-buys together for the import draft connection. I have yet to purchase and keep a next gen football game. This year might be the time to break that pattern.
# 5 str8artist @ May 1
Looks now NCAA 11.. But buying both will most likely be your best bet.
# 6 navygoat1998 @ May 1
I will get both.
# 7 DJ @ May 2
I'm waiting for the demos before I make a decision. More than likely, I will only buy 1 football game this year and even then, it won't be at full price. I've been burned too many times to buy these games on launch.
# 8 rudyjuly2 @ May 2
The NCAA 11 news has been better but it's also farther along. I think your viewpoint will simply depend on what you like better - college or the NFL.
# 9 wilson2k11 @ May 2
Real tough, as not alot of real video or gameplay footage screen shots for both games have been released, I can say I'm more hyped for both games then I've been for any next gen football game. And I';; be buying an NCAA game for the first time since way back around NCAA 06 for the PS2. So my vote i guess goes to NCAA right now.
# 10 SaintsNATION32 @ May 2
@InSainn...i feel it has to be done..(the intergration of a real life broadcasting network) in madden11 for the change factor...we shouldn't get the same game from last year...which as of now thats what it is...M10 2.5, really since ncaa11 done it and ncaa basketball10 they included two it can be done.
# 11 RayAllen20 @ May 2
actually madden can't integrate broadcast since its a nfl network/espn conflict. but they did change the announcing crew so we can hope that it is 10x better than last year.
# 12 Eski33 @ May 2
I am buying both but NCAA 11 is taking the larger leap. Madden 10 already had a new graphics and animation engine while NCAA 10 fell behind a bit.

NCAA 11 and Madden 11 are sharing some of the same tech in regards to AI and Locomotion but NCAA, in my opinion, with ESPN integrated and an improved online dynasty will be the choice of those that will be picking up only one game....
# 13 aimiami @ May 2
# 14 SaintsNATION32 @ May 2
InSainn: i totally agree we all know the people who truly recongnized that 2k5 was and to this day the best NFL simulated football game ever made period!!!!,but we all know from what we've seen so far of madden11 EA has that same outdated engine that we all have to deal with if you wanna play NFL football,so thats why i'm sayin by bringing some sort of real broadcasting network would help.
# 15 SaintsNATION32 @ May 2
EA would totally shock me if they have finally fixed there robotic engine come August10...i really dont expect it and everyone else shouldn't either...i'm lookin at it like this it will be Madden10 on! the only reason i'm buyin it this year is that Drew Brizzle is on the cover and down here this Madden is considered a collectable,but this would be my last Madden i purchase cause 2k is so needed back into the football game.

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