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Fight Night, a boxing fan's Wishlist, What's the producers had in their hands 
Posted on October 18, 2009 at 09:16 AM.

2 TOP WISHES (Priority) 4
3.1 Add flurries 6
3.2 Evasive Roll 6
3.3 Shoulder Roll 6
3.4 The one-two Combination 6
3.5 Feinting, Taunting, Taking a knee & switching stances 7
3.6 Punching from the guard 7
3.7 Leaping/lunging punch 7
3.8 Second gear speed 7
3.9 Slipping while moving 7
3.10 Moving while you’re punching 8
3.11 Throwing punches with varying power 8
3.12 Punch retraction animation seed: 9
3.13 Arm Muscle fatigue/Lactic Acid build up: 9
5.1 Era-specific career modes: 11
5.2 Amateur things 12
5.3 Promoters 12
5.4 Sparring Partners 13
5.5 Superstars have demands 14
5.6 Real Life Counterparts 15
5.7 Trainers 15
5.8 Money Spender 16
5.9 Message Center 16
5.10 Arrange Fights 16
5.11 End of Year Awards 17
11 CAB MODE(Create A Boxer) 21
16.1.1 Custom Configurations 26
16.2 New modes 27
16.2.1 Create a Title 27
16.2.2 28
16.2.3 Tournament Mode 29
16.2.4 Round Robin Mode 29
16.2.5 Match Maker Mode 30
16.2.6 Record Mode 33
16.2.7 Training Modes 33
17.1 Trunks (excel) 34
17.2 How to create a boxer(excel) 34
17.3 Stadiums (excel) 34
17.4 Amateur stuff (excel) 34
17.5 Java tendency slider App example (java app) 34


Fight Night Round 4 was a great game, probably the best boxing game to date and a great foundation to build on. The physics engine was a great innovation and removing all the gimmicks for R3 was a smart move, but other some mistakes were also made. Though the game was great, many people were turned off by the lack of buttons and for others the game got old really quick. The reason for that is that the game needed more DEPTH, CONSTUMIZATION and OPTIONS in all aspects of the game to give it more long term playability. Meaning gameplay, online, CAB, presentation, etc, especially in a boxing game. This is why POECTIC created a whish list thread on the EA forums and then built his dream team of wisher; we have worked together and organized the best wishes in a reader friendly manner. Special thanks to POETICDRICK2U, Indigo72 aka PrettyBoy, xxxReignMakaxxx, PAPINOSIS, Edgeshot72, MackMoon, Omega, PRGUY, CountryBoy and myself WellLoved.

2 TOP WISHES (Priority)

 More create a boxer options
 lobbies
 Improved gameplay
 Improved legacy
 WATCH MODE (Spectator Mode) -Being able to watch the other fight's so you can maybe pick up weaknesses and strengths when your maybe thinking of fighting that certain fighter
 Record Whole Fights
 Editing existing boxer ratings (offline)
 Remove the Glued effect from inside fighting

Make the game a true boxing simulation, simulation is not a synonymous with boring, on the contrary it adds more depth. A simulation boxing game should allow you to do exactly what real boxers can do in real life. If someone wants to try to rush another boxer and try to draw him into a brawl that’s his choice but the game shouldn’t have the flaw of forcing me to fight his fight, which is the case right now. Give us the full arsenal that a boxer has at his disposal for offense and defense.

 Realistic Corner (Optional points in the corner mode)
 Boxer personalities
 Improved AI (see tendencies)
 TKO stoppages-(Stoppages by the ref/doctor/corner men from damage and cuts)
 Pre-fight instructions with authentic refs
 Refs in the ring-breaking up clinches and calling a fight
 A Pool of- Referees, Judges, and Trainers (with different tendencies and criteria’s)
 Stops due to too many unanswered punches
 (optional)-blocking on the move
 Physicality, there needs to be more not punch related physical contact during infighting, i.e. leaning, taller heavier boxers should be able to lean on other boxers to affect their stamina.
 Better Ropes physics make them less stiff there are a lot more threw the rope KO’s in reality.
 Leaning on the ropes should help recover stamina
 Spaghetti-legs - where are the wobbly legs? After a knockdown sometimes your legs get stiff.

 There should be torso stances and footwork styles separately-For
instance Larry Holmes and Muhammad Ali had very similar torso stances
but different footwork styles.

 Off balance/Flash knockdowns (when you’re not hurt and can get up very easily) Balance should be more of a factor. If a fighter is tired he may lose balance, Rushing forward may collide with the ropes, the other fight, or a punch. A fighter may miss a haymaker and fall.

 Lower punch accuracy/punch tracking (this is set way to high and robs guys like Whitaker of his abilities

 The Jab (Should have more power and also offset your opponents punches on occasion and should also stop your opponent in there tracks when walking into the punch) overall the jab needs to play a more important role in terms of strategy and gameplay
 -Offsetting your opponents punches (on occasion when a clean punch is landed as your opponent is throwing a punch it should offset your opponent’s punches causing them to miss you. It’s another form of a counter that is not currently represented )
 Health Meter and Damage( Health should regenerate slower and standard power punches should have a bigger impact on health)
 Quicker more responsive footwork

 If you keep illegal blows fix them and make them more realistic, make them look like accidents i.e. leaning in with the head as if you about the throw a punch it shouldn’t be a sure hit

3.1 Add flurries

Pros: Good for finishing your opponent or just landing shots
Cons: Lose in stamina and accuracy, also can leave you open for counters

(While not holding block button)

3.2 Evasive Roll
Similar to the bob n weave mechanic only it allows you to slip and move left or right, similar movements could be performed using quarter circle motions 1:11

3.3 Shoulder Roll
Flicking The Right stick left or right while blocking can a perform shoulder roll

3.4 The one-two Combination

I would like to see a distinct animation for this combo to add realism.
Currently the jab has to retract before cross is thrown which makes it
seemed robotic; also the boxer doesn't lean into the cross at all. To
simplify it I would like to see this

3.5 Feinting, Taunting, Taking a knee & switching stances
Could be implemented by using the 4 directions on the D pad, right now the D pad isn’t used at all. It would also free up one of the Left bumper currently used for switching stances.

3.6 Punching from the guard
In the game now we bring both hands down before throwing, the problem is that when holding down the R Trigger the R Analog stick is high jacked and is used to block up or down. My solution would be to down use the now freed left bumper to hold the block up or down consequently freeing the right stick to throw punches. That way you can finally use text book boxing and protect one side of your head or body while you throw a punch. What I like with that solution is that it’s not automatic you have to remember to do this to block while you throw; the better more disciplined fighters will take advantage.

3.7 Leaping/lunging punch

I was trying stuff out on the controller and I think that pressing down on the R stick before performing your punch motion should perform a leaping punch. Either that your using the current haymaker bumper as a leaping punch modifier

3.8 Second gear speed

I like Edgeshot’s idea of flicking the L Analog stick in one direction twice and holding it there, you could change directions by moving the stick around, but you would only come back to normal speed if you brought the stick back to the center. If that’s not possible pressing the analog stick before moving like in FPS games

3.9 Slipping while moving
Only for certain fighters with high foot speed, head movement and agility ratings. This is what gave me the hardest time. What I think is that we should use quarter circle moves right now, there are still 6 semi circle moves that do nothing on the Left Analog stick. Look at all the examples given my Mackmoon like the shoulder roll for example. Maybe flicking the stick and letting go could let us step with our slip.

3.10 Moving while you’re punching

They should be animated as a "step in jab" and "Step in straight" The jab should work to stop your opponent’s forward progress, and the Straight should drop or stun you if it lands and take longer to recover from if it misses. There should be no wind up, just the step in. This will allow for a Real One-Two combo. Right now when throwing a punch it halts you because you set your feet when throwing, this is mainly because there is one animation for each punch. We should be able to punch while I’m stepping in, backing up or moving side ways, we shouldn’t be forced to stop first. We should only set our feet when we aren’t moving the directional stick. All EA Canada has to do is use madden 10’s new layered blending animation technology, where the upper body can start a new animation while the lower body keeps going with another animation.

When you throw the straight while moving in second gear you should step forward with your back foot and cross your feet committing completely to the punch (risky should leave you open and off balance).

3.11 Throwing punches with varying power

This way we can get rid of the stupid haymakers we have now plus free up he buttons. In Madden they have Lob, Touch, and Bullet passing, why not have a Pawing, normal and Stiff/Loaded punch system for Fight Night, in addition to the Haymakers, which would then be animated differently? It would work for both the buttons and the sticks, with 3 different punch animations depending on how long you press/hold the stick/button. It would probably easier with straight punches for the sticks, for hooks and uppers you would just swing through the normal motion. Each punch would have a different "frame count" for how long the animation took to complete.

Pawing being the shortest/safest option and almost look like the "feints" on Controller Config. 3. Normal Straights hooks and uppers would look as they do now. And Stiff/Loaded shots would require you hold the stick/button a bit longer for straight shots, (for stiff jabs, or more powerful straights). But on the sticks, for hooks and uppers you would have to punch through the target. For example with a loaded left hook, you would start the motion at 9 o'clock and end at 3 o'clock in a half circle motion. This would a fast punch with a longer recovery time if you missed. It would also take the most stamina.

If something like this is implemented that would easily triple the number of punches we have from 6 to 18, add punch angles, and reach factors and we are getting much closer to a true representation of the punch arsenal in boxing. This idea is still being fine tuned, but any feedback is appreciated.

3.12 Punch retraction animation seed:

Punch speed to me is perfect, what seems off is the speed at which we can retract our punches. It’s too fast; it’s just as fast as throwing the punch when it needs to be a tad bit slower. The numbers I’ll use are completely arbitrary; let’s say a straight right animation takes 20 frames (10 extensions 10 for retraction). The retraction animation should take more like 14 frames. It would make it more realistic, boxers throw the punch with a lot of velocity but don’t bring it back as fast unless they are bringing it back to block. This fact is one of the reason people can pepper the same punch at an unrealistic speed at the moment in FNR4.

3.13 Arm Muscle fatigue/Lactic Acid build up:

This is not represented in the game; I am not talking about stamina here, 2 completely different things. Right now in the game you can throw all your punches with one arm and there would be no consequence. There should be another HUD bar for arm muscle fatigue. I was able to pepper 300+ jabs at Gamboa in one round on GOAT whiteout slowing down whatsoever not realistic, this would also help to address the spamming of the same punch being so affective.


 Create a Fight Card
 Belts
 Ability to edit Existing Boxers
 Each country has it's own trainers and gyms
 Being able to watch the other fights you set up
 Different rings sizes (champions should be able to pick his ring size)
Different gloves sizes for sparring, amateur bouts and pro bouts
 Multiple user controlled boxers(offline)
 Adding Boxers into your legacy through out your career
 SPONSERSHIP -decide who you sponsor and (again) it may effect your standing in the eyes of your peers/fans. i.e. wearing all Lonsdale into the ring ok doing an ad for big Mac - BAD and kind of brings me on to my next point.
 Create-A-Belt for Fight Now
 Being able to create a record for your offline boxer
GYM -have the gym FULLY interactive.
 All the weight divisions (let us fill them in)


 More or all the weight divisions(Let us fill in the blanks)
 Contract negotiations, with promoters, trainers and for fights
 Have a stable of fighters to manage
 News Articles
 Included licensed trainers if possible
 Being Able to Save a Classic Fight
 Press conferences (more detailed, involvement and better cut scenes)
 Each country has it's own trainers and gyms
 Better records for people in the top 20 definitely the top 10
 Sparring with different fighters (with different styles, weight shouldn't matter if you are working on certain things for your next fight)
 Ability to watch or read text commentary of different fights - Would be a good way of keeping up to date with big fights going on and possibly your future opponent
 Different rings sizes (champions should be able to pick his ring size)
Different gloves sizes for sparring, amateur bouts and pro bouts
 World with new news items posted daily. Also would be great to read a news story like "Is [insert fighter here] the greatest of all time? Not yet says Cotto!"
 Multiple user controlled boxers(offline)
 Adding Boxers into your legacy through out your career
 SPONSERSHIP -decide who you sponsor and (again) it may effect your standing in the eyes of your peers/fans. i.e. wearing all Lonsdale into the ring - ok doing an ad for big Mac - BAD and kind of brings me on to my next point.
 GYM -have the gym FULLY interactive. Use money from sponsors/fights to get a bigger space, better equipment and better trainers. When your popularity goes up you can pick different sparring partners to come to your gym.
 Deeper story mode mixed with career mode. Starting off in a gym (of your choice, doesn;t have to be a run downed one
 The amateur mode should be yearly with the option of going up to age 26 (start at 17) with the severe option of going into the late 20s and taking a serious hit in some attributes, but gaining series other attributes. When you progress through the years it shouldn't be repeatitive meaning ever year you do very well the competition is gunning for u and its harder to advance to tournaments unless your are that good.
 Advancing to tourneys like the golden gloves (to the states, regionals, districts, nationals, olympic training center, olympic team, world championships, Pan-Am.....back to club shows and moving thru to get to golden gloves again with the option to travel to different states, thus different training different trainers, different experience) diamond gloves. Should be a story behind it, (road to glory like NCAA) with each advancement you get trophies, plaques, news paper articles etc. ESPN coverage...
 Moving to the pros means a media day depending on how well you did with ya amateur career. Press conference for signing, but after you sign your are on the bottom moving up, but based on your resume your popularity is up or down.
 Through your career advancement you should be able to get the options to have training, going out on the town etc (similar to UFC) should have a rival from the amateurs ie mosley-forrest and press coverage behind it as well as your advancement (news articles on various sites, radio talk (like kirk herbstriet on road to glory)
Major fights in your career should have a press conference with options to answer like Mass Effect, thus making you the villian or the hero, the crowd loving you are hating you, your opponent wanted to make a good fight or trying to knock off ur block. Have a lot of media members, the stare down the weigh in as well.

Traveling to other countries for big fights should be introduced

I want the old school black and white for older fights like SRR and a presentation similar to the AFL Legcay pack for madden for Foreman_Ali matches.

Multiple commentary should be available for all fights.

5.1 Era-specific career modes:

This may have been mentioned before, but I think it would be cool to create a boxer to compete in different eras with one goal in mind: To take down the different greats of that era. I feel that the realism is taken away from that game when I have Ali or Hearns fighting in my legacy as contenders in 2010. I'm glad I currently have the ability to remove them from my legacy. I think it would be cool to start you career in the late 70's/early 80's when guys like Ray Leonard, Hearns, Foreman, and others were ruling the day. Around that time, guys like Iron Mike would just be starting out.

ONE of the objectives would be to LAST LONG ENOUGH to meet these ring legends. It shouldn't be automatic that you'll be able to rise through the ranks to beat these guys, as you would still be challenged by fantasy boxers. What should also be taken into consideration is how long the ring legends will keep boxing. It would force the player to rise quickly but sharpen his craft at the same time. How cool would it be to fight in the time of Ali, Frazier and Foreman (with all of their historic bouts going on in real time, and you having the chance to change to course of history), only to rise to their level and beat them all? To me, the GOAT ranking would have more meaning in the game. Of course for current eras, it would have to be a purely mathematical and theoretical ranking based on wins and domination of the current greats.

Accumulate damage during your career

3 Attached Images

5.2 Amateur things

-Olympic Games... If it has copyrights and that’s not needed. Give it an own name... “World Games” or whatever. An arena in China and let the Legacy Mode start at around 2008. I want to fight for my country and win a medal... I guess most ppl don’t care so much for the Amateur mode... but I think everybody would love to fight for a gold medal.

Important things to give it an real feel:
- Amateurs wear a sleeveless-shirt
- in every weight class there is only one fighter from one country
- traditional good amateur boxing countries should be represented as such
- judges score on landed shots and not after Pro rules (ring generalship etc.)

5.3 Promoters

Great way to add longevity to this game. Promoters with different attitudes and skills... father figure (brings you up slowly), don mafia like (somebody who uses you as long as he needs you and afterwards probably doesn’t get you a match in a year), former star boxer (somebody who can bring you up faster and make you much money), star maker (somebody who’s been long in the business and simply always chooses the right opponent, the right challenge and doesn’t do too much), Selfish one (if he sees big bucks he will throw you to the lions) and if you become famous enough you should be able to promote yourself.

5.4 Sparring Partners

To me it would add another level of strategy if you could pay for sparring sessions with boxers who would emulate your next opponent’s style and tendencies. The better the boxer, the better he can emulate your next opponent’s style, the more expensive he would be. You would use the earnings you won from your previous fights to pay for him. There boxers would be boxers who exist in your career mode which would make things interesting because you could potentially meet them later. These paid sparring sessions could also increase your ratings. The sparring partners in your gym or stable could be free.

5.5 Superstars have demands

Many fights today don’t happen because of demands. It would be great to have something like a contract battle for some fights. Things like gloves, weight (catch weight if in different weight classes), purse split, ring size probably even the arena. If you now finally lured in a Big Star into an fight he will probably have some demands... and it’s up to you to decide if you agree or don’t. If you want it bad you will agree probably even if it’s to your disadvantage.
-No limit on how many times you can fight (optional)
-Clips of your last fight
-Commentators- talk about your last fight or fights

5.6 Real Life Counterparts

The additions of boxers I want in Legacy Mode are great. But please let me put them in as old as they are and with their record. I understand that some of them will be retired when I’m finally on top but that’s ok. If they are, they are... then that’s the way it is... I have no problem fighting created fighters as long as they are created with love by the producers.

I should be able to decide if they are truly their age... for example Roy Jones would be as old as he is in 2009 and I would also want to turn his ratings down. It should be possible for the real fighters to have it accurate...

It would also be nice if I turn pro and decide on my weight class if there is something like an introduction video. If you come into an division you usually know the champs, former champs etc. But because we will never have all boxers together there are a lot of created boxers in there and it would be nice if former champs, prospects, ducked fighters, hard punching fighters, technical fighters get introduced in a little clip or something. It’s only needed for the top guys... probably 10 or 12 in a division. Probably with a little back story to them so they get a more real feel to them. If I fight Cotto I know how he fights, his story etc. but if I fight an unknown who supposed to be good it would be nice to get something of their background as well; probably about their fights against other fighters in the division etc. It would make them feel far more real. I know it’s a bit of work but I think a lot of ppl would love to help you out with ideas.

Backgrounds if not videos are really necessary. It gives a feel of fighting a real person.

5.7 Trainers

Have a pool of trainer’s actual licensed ones with fictional ones. Have use pay for them, to should have ratings indicating how good they are, they should also improve and get worst, they would have specialties depending on ratings. There ratings would help your career boxers improve his own ratings. The better the trainer the more expensive. You would hire a trainer first like madden and hiring coaches in Franchise mode.

5.8 Money Spender

I hope there are some things to spend my money on. Boxing, Training, Trainers and sparring partners should be the priority but if I have some money I want to spend it. Probably an own house with all my trophies and titles I have... probably able to bet money on other fights... create an own cloth company or something... buy cloth that I could wear in press conferences or at training sessions... build my own gym just for me... an own promotion company... something like that.

5.9 Message Center

So repetitive, we get the same messages "this person is a champ" or "you've been nominated for an award", instead of doing this why not incorporate a newspaper system? Where headlines are made from fights, where it can have an image on the front with a title such as "Tyson beats Frazier to reclaim the title!" or something? You've implemented it in FIFA so why not on here?

5.10 Arrange Fights

This is the main reason where after a while, Legacy Mode becomes boring. You might be the holder of all 3 belts, but the 1 - 5 ranked people below you are always the same, so you’re constantly fighting the same people! Fighting Tyson 5 or 6 times gets very repetitive and boring, so maybe some more fighters could be added to spice it up or unexpected challengers or something? I don't know but I’m sure EA could easily find a solution.

5.11 End of Year Awards

7(4)-3-1 beat me for the Hot Prospect Award when I have 8(6)-0-0? How are they better than me? This is a bug that can be fixed but this isn't the main reason I’ve addressed these awards, it's because they're not detailed enough.
When there's the Knockout of the Year Award I wouldn't mind seeing it? Or fight of the year? Is it too hard to chuck in a feature to watch them?
This has reminded me, when we win these awards where do they go? We don't have a trophy cabinet or anything so what’s the point in even getting them? This could tie into the newspaper feature mentioned earlier, where a newspaper page is you holding the award with the title "Tyson wins Fighter of the Year Award for fourth year in a row" or something.

-Being able to watch other fights that happen on a card or happened.

 Realistic Swelling and Cuts
 Boxer’s stare down
 Better and more Knockdown and Knockout Animations
 More Ring Walks and Longer
 2 or 3 different versions of some fighters....them in their prime and past
 More venues in the game
 More Corner animations- Boxers standing in the corner, boxer standing up early, boxer sitting on the stool staring at his opponent waiting for the bell to ring
 boxer going to neutral corner
 Footwork- Many boxers have different ways they move around the ring

 Ring Entrances
the bigger you get the bigger the entrances. If you the main event fighter you should really have the real thing. Entrances should be a bit tighter. There should be security men around you. Some hands of fans hang in the way. Probably the boxer touches them. There should be a cut scene to the fans (probably with flags) while marching toward the ring, up the stairs into the ring.

 Ring announcement with the real boxers doing their celebration. i.e Jermain Taylor with his bad intentions bull move etc.

 Decisions should be made like in real life and not direct after the fight is over. There probably should be a cut to Teddy Atlas who gives you his scorecard (Letterman style). Animations like the boxer gets his gloves cut. Both boxers shake hands and with the opponents corner. Both come together in the middle ring (the ring is always crowded) and it gets announced... probably a split screen... real life presentation.

 A true Broadcast Cam
 Tale Of the Tape
 Notable wins and Losses

Here is a list of gloves designs that they need for FNR5.

1) 3-Digit Cleto Reyes Gloves
2) Everlast 70's Style (Reference: Joe Frazier vs. George Foreman Pt.I)
3) Grant Hybrid Gloves (Reference: Joe Calzaghe vs. Roy Jones Jr.)
4) Grant Nationality Gloves (Reference: Kermit Cintron vs. Sergio Martinez)

Here's the reference vid for Grant Nationality Gloves that Kermit Cintron had against Sergio Martinez.

Though the stylized graphics and frame rate look real good and allow us to see the muscle flex a little clearer. I and most gamers would of preferred a more realistic style like this video below:

Old school gear

Longer Ring walks with the option to skip (like madden)
• Camera views in the crowd like real like presentation (fans waving, celebrities etc)
• Introductions with records read off and entourage in the background besides trainers if possible
• Referee introduction with rules and 'touch um up quote"
• Referee needs to be in the ring (presence felt, but you hardly know he is there)
• Replays of the round action need to be mixed in with ring girl walk and corner game
• More drama during the decision. I don't want to know who won even if I pitched a damn shut out
• End of match interview (at least the appearance of one)
• Tale of the Tape


 Refs in the ring
 Storylines and Rivalries (better rivalries and situations that trigger
 More injuries during fights--ones that effect your career--Ribs, hands
A well timed counter more damage and even a flash but a well timed
block freezing the opponent for the counter just makes it wrong
 A knocked out boxers should be on a stool getting doctor attention instead of his corner acting disappointed.


 Counter Freeze/perfect block
 Get a loss for quitting a ranked match online
 Glued feet


6 Difficulty Levels
Amateur- Very Easy
Prospect- Easy
Challenger- Normal
World Class- Hard
Champion- Very Hard
Legend (GOAT)- Extremely Hard


-Flat footed
-Text book
-skip walk (Ray Robinson)

* There are more detail setting and in the CAB wishlist document


Add as many as possible period.

11 CAB MODE(Create A Boxer)

This was a major disappointment for everyone, that why we got supper detailed super dedicated PAPINOSIS to come up with all the detail we want for FNR4 in the CAB system. What he came up with is so large a detailed it has it’s own document. See CAB wishlist document.

More Slots (Let us make as many as many boxers as we want)

These are all create a character systems that work great:

Logo Create Tool (WWE SVR 2010):

TWPGA '08 Game Face (w/o 1 Shade lighter Than The Tone):

Smackdown 2010 (Locker Room Example #1):

All Points Bulletin (Scaling Logos, Hair Styles, Tatts, etc.):

Saint Row 2 CABS (Advace Sliders w/o the Barbershop Quartet):

Body Morphing (FNR3's Body Morphs Example vid length:1:36):

P.S. See how the advance sliders move individually instead of in unison. If EA rolls with all my ideas for the body morphing, and advance sliders moving individually they would set the tone in customizations, instead of in unison like the barbershop quartet. I hope these vids can give you guys a visual explanation on what I'm talking about.

* See CAB wish list document for all the details


• See CAB wish list document.


 Left Hand Power
 Left Hook Power
 Left Uppercut Power
 Right Hand Power
 Right Hook Power
 Right Uppercut
 Hand Speed
 Punch Accuracy
 Foot Speed
 Block Strength
 Stamina
 Head Toughness
 Body toughness
 Chin
 Heart
 Cuts
 Swelling
 Strength: (for pushing and shoving It should be easier for Forman and harder for opponents to shove Forman off)
 Clinching: (Ability to clinch and ability to punch from the clinch)
 Head Movement Speed: (what head movement is right now)
 Head Movement Range: (range at which someone can move their head, PBF, Whitaker ,Toney and Tyson should have great range) //We could get rid of this and have agility affect range
 Boxer IQ/Awareness: (boxers ability to adjust to what his opponent is doing(his tendency’s), his boxing smarts, PBF and Hopkins's should be high)
 Agility rating that affects the boxers ability to boxer leaps, lunge, punch on the move, slip on the move and step to make a boxer turn and reset)


In FNR4 there are 8 different boxer base styles. This was a good improvement but when fighting the AI certain boxers didn’t really simulate what the boxer does in real life. This was due to some things missing in game play and because their boxers AI tendencies weren’t accurate. That’s why most people want tendency sliders in the next installment of FNR5. Now when you would make a CAB you want to fight you can create him accurately. You can check the java application I’ve done to give an idea go to the reference section.

Body Puncher (----------0------------) Head Hunter
Never Feints (----------0------------) Feints often
Never flurries (----------0------------flurries Often
Flurries: Slow (----------0------------) Fast
Flurries: Hard (----------0------------) Soft
Home Run Hitter Beginning (----------0------------) End Of Round Able To End Or Turn
Fast Starter (----------0------------)
Tendency To Go To The Body Early In The Fight (----------0------------) Head
Tendency To Go To The Body Late In The Fight (----------0------------) Head
Boxer Aggressiveness after Knocking His Opponent Down (0---------------0----------0)
Boxer Tendency To Fight Back After Being Knocked Down (-----------0------------)
Boxer Tendency To Fight Off The Ropes (-----------0----------)
Aggressiveness After You Hurt A Opponent (---------0----------)
Leaping With Punch (---------0----------)
Stays Straight (----------0------------) Sways/Slips Often
Punch when stationary (----------0------------) Punches only from Sway/Slip
Never uses guard (----------0------------) always uses guard
Tendency to guard high (----------0------------) tendency to guard low
Tendency For A Fighter Throw from The Guard (-----------0-------------)
Plodder (----------0------------) Mover
Passive (----------0------------) Aggressive Finisher
Counter puncher (----------0------------) Aggressive
Single Punch (----------0------------)Combination Puncher
Never Taunts (----------0------------)Taunts A Lot
How Much A Boxer Bounces (---------0----------)
How much a boxer pushes and shoves (---------0----------)
Clinch Tactic when opponent gets too close (---------0----------)
Looks Stays inside Opponents Punching Range (----------0------------) Stays outside Opponents Punching Range // crowds boxer
looks Stays Inside Own Punching Range (----------0------------) Stays Outside Of Own Punching Range
Tendency to throw powerful heavy shots ”haymakers” (----------0------------)//not what we have now more like reignmaka explained
Tendency to switch stance (orthodox/southpaw) (-----------0-------------)

Not sure if we should keep in list
Killer Instinct (----------0------------) //I’m thinking it’s the same as Aggressive finisher
Clutch Fighter (----------0------------)// Not sure what that would mean as a slider
Dirty Fighter (----------0------------) Clean fighter // Depends on if we are keeping illegal shots
Fight Tall (---------0----------) // I think this to should depend on the stance
Fight Short (---------0----------) // I think this to should depend on the stance
Aggressiveness (----------0------------)// covered by the aggressive/counter puncher slider
Skip Walk (Ray Robinson like) (---------0----------)
Walking Down Your Opponent (---------0----------) // Seems to be covered by Stay inside Opp range
Stalking Your Opponent (---------0----------)// Seems to be covered by Stay inside Opp range
Clinch Hurt (---------0----------)// already there in the WHEN HURT options
Never Lunges (----------0------------) Often Lunges // isn’t it the same a leaping with punch

When hurt

1-Dance Away
3-Fight Back
4-Fight Dirty

Against ropes

3-Moves Off
4 Clinch

When being backed up

2-Fight Back

When tired

2-Keep fighting
3-Goes against the ropes4-Guard

Punch parameters

1-Jab %
2-Cross %
3-Left hook %
4-Right hook %
5-Left uppercut %
6-Right uppercut %

* There are alot more punch parameters in the CAB wish list document


 Spectator Mode
o Preferably a way for more than 2-3 people to watch the fight. As many as first person shooters have if possible
o Can incorporate Trainer mode by online co-op. Its easy to incorporate with current Xbox Live Party chat and the ability to have Spectator Mode.
 More OWC Belts
 Lobbies
 Online Gyms
 Online Manager and Promoter Mode- Fight Cards and Promotion
 Posters-
 Being able to sign up with promotional companies which obviously enhance your career as a boxer
 Being able to pick fights and negotiate contracts
 Each country has its own trainers and gyms
 Different rings sizes(champions should be able to pick his ring size)
 Different gloves sizes for sparring, amateur bouts and pro bouts
 Create-A-Belt For online leagues
 Include leagues in online play
 Online Prospects Mode- You should be able to create a stable of boxers to fight Online against with or without you guiding them. You can chose to just Promote, Manage, or just be a Trainer (the online boxers can work off AI, Tendencies, Abilities, and ratings you assign to them)
 When a person gets a disconnection his boxer should stay in the ring fighting with the AI he has; it could be your option to still fight or take the win. This would save people from getting a lost and make a person accountable for their actions.
 Give players the choice of fighting on Right Side if they want.
 Some have suggested having different stats in OWC. Perhaps only allow a limit like they do for offline/ranked fights CABs and allow people to spread them through thus creating different boxers by stats, not looks alone.
 Online Legacy/Career Mode (Up to 50 users online) all the same features as legacy mode ,Game play Settings, Training, Rankings , P4P rankings , Multiple Titles, money earned, awards, signing and negotiating fights, with Optional aging.( All boxers that are not user controlled will be controlled by A.I )


16.1.1 Custom Configurations

Well the reason being that I created this list is because the lack of freedom and selections into choosing how you want to customize your configurations. Shoot If the 007 games for N64, WWF No Mercy, Slam masters, All the DBZ games both English & Japanese, unreal tournament and I can go on and on with games that included that feature. But how come we do not have it on a FN game for all gaming consoles. Shoot this is 2009 for gods sake, if different game titles from the 1990's - 2000's could have why not a boxing game. And in FNR3 I was able to use both buttons & sticks with config. 6, it was like just right for my style and skills, and it was flowing' in harmony like a church boy singing in a church choir. And ever since they switched up the controls in this installment, to be brutally honest with you guys, they caged my config #6 from FNR3 which was my all time favorite, but in end my friends, it died. How your going to put the lean modifier with the push modifier with clinch, illegal shots and such and such, and it throws of the whole configuration, and you end up not throwing your right or left hook but instead you end up doing a clinch or a low blow which I do not want to do when I'm boxing my opponent seriously. And it makes it seem like the D-Pad is just their for decoration, its just their for nothing. And you cannot even use the TPC or TPC Modifier with the config #6 in this game. Like for example I would use the right d-pad to clinch, the left d-pad to push, the down d-pad for illegal shots, the up d-pad to touch gloves, select button for taunts. So here's a full blown example of what I'm trying to bring to the table. Here's the breakdown how I set up my configuration for the XBOX360.

Example: Papinosis Configuration

X - Jab (Head)
Y - Straight (Head)
A - Left Hook (Head)
B - Right Hook (Head)
X/A - Left Uppercut (Head)
Y/B - Right Uppercut (Head)
Right Analog Stick - Block (Note: Moving the right analog in different directions, to block in different directions)
RB - Signature Punch Move (Head)
LB - Switch Stance
RT - TPC Modifier (Note: By holding RT and move the right analog, you use TPC)
LT - Lean Modifier (Note: By holding LT and move the left analog, you lean front, back, side to side)
Left Analog Stick - Self explanatory move your boxer around
Up D-Pad - Touch Gloves
Left D-Pad - Push
Right D-Pad - Clinch
Down D-Pad - Illegal Shot (Head)
Select - Taunt
LT/RB - Signature Punch Move (Body)
LT/Down D-Pad - Illegal Shot (Body)
LT/Any Face Buttons - Punches to the Body
LT/RT - Move Backwards with the Lean Modifier (Note: By holding LT/RT and move the left analog, you lean front, back, side to side while your moving backwards, in addition moving the right analog to block while your moving backwards with your leaning)
Here's a video for example moving backwards with the lean modifier:
Prince Naseem Hamed:

Pernell Whitaker:

If EA was able to allow us to have freedom with the way how we use our custom configs, this would make a lot of gamer’s lives a whole lot easier. The 2000's are gonna be over before you know it, because in the 2010's that will highly be recommended to have freedom with your own configurations. This is for those who want to get comfortable with their own configs to have the best experience with FNR5. Custom Config is definitely a must in FNR5.

16.2 New modes

We should have create a title, tournament, round robin, match maker (create a PPV) mode in the next installment in the game. Here’s a quick breakdown for this
16.2.1 Create a Title

In "Create a Title" you can make your own championship belt and compete and defend championships against boxers for it. Finally, in have records for you reign as champion and when you had how many successful title defenses and when you lost your championship.


Center Plate & Side Plates
Sterling Silver
Rose Gold
White Gold
Red Gold
Center Plate Gems & Side Plates Gems
Metal Studs
Quartz (Options: Regular or Rose)
Snowflake Obsidian
Moss Agate
Lace Agate
Lapis Lazuli
Notes: You can the option to place full gems around the center & side plates. Or you can place them on 10 different places on both Center & Side plates.

Belt Fabric on Titles

Metalic Leather
Gator Skin
Snake Skin
Patten Leather
Ruffles (RING Magazine Type)

Weight Classes on Titles

Light Heavyweight
Super Middleweight
Light Middleweight
Light Welterweight
Super Featherweight
Super Bantamweight
Super Flyweight
Light Flyweight
Openweight (Pound 4 Pound)
16.2.3 Tournament Mode

Tournament Mode brackets should be able to have up to 3 - 32 boxers competing in a tournament for both Offline & Online.

16.2.4 Round Robin Mode

Well, round robin is almost like tournament mode, but you fight everybody whos in the brackets like for example, if your #2 on the bracket, and you fight against #27 and you beat him you earn 2 points, you en up fighting # 19 and you draw with him both you & him have earned 1 point. And when you fight #30 and lose to him you earn 0 points.
When the round robin tournament is over it adds up all the points, theres gonna be times when you win the tournament and theres times when you tied with somebody else. When your tied with someone else in the tournament you guy fight in sudden death to see who wins 1st place in the round robin tournament. Round Robin brackets should be able to have up to 3 - 30 boxers competing in the tournament.

16.2.5 Match Maker Mode

Here's an interesting concept; instead of just boxing away, why not try your hand at a little match making? That's right, in this mode you decide the matches! Hopefully the next Fight Night should have Match Maker Mode detailed as Fire Pro Wrestling's, Fire Pro's Management of the Ring, this mode has its charms. Upon picking Match Maker Mode, you'll hit the first menu, where you will select which Fed to Match Make - WBC, WBO, WBA, IBF, IBO, RING Magazine or Lineal. You'll get different rosters for each fed as well as and different mentors: - WBC has Jose Sulaiman, WBO has Ramon Pina Acevedo, WBA has Gilberto Mendoza, IBF has Hiawatha Knight, IBO has Ed Levine, RING Magazine has some old geezer, and Lineal has some old geezer also.

If you press Y, you'll see a ranking of the best Shows booked in terms
of Attendance and Average Match Ratings.

Upon picking a Fed, you'll chat with your respective mentor, and then you
can start playing around your little office for a bit. The menu is the
same for every fed: -


At the top is the name of the show you are about to book (which mostly
consist of English). There's a green box at the bottom right
which you should pay attention to; this is the show's target in terms of
Attendance Numbers (top number) and the Average Ranking Percentage (the
second number).

Lets explain the menus from bottom up (since the first option is the option
you'll end up picking last anyway).

Lets you SAVE (first option) or EXIT (second option). Easy enough.

Selecting this opens up three options: -

The Options Of Match Maker

You'll have 3 options when you access the mode. Your options are...

1. Season Play - Book 12 months of cards in hopes of having a successful career
as a promoter.

2. Competition Play - The sandbox mode of Match Maker. Book the card of your
dreams using the full roster of the game with the aim of creating the highest
scores and drawing as many as possible.

3. Rankings - View the top 5 rankings for both Season Play and Competition mode.

Basically your mentor will give you some tips as to how to book your card.

Two options here: -


First option lets you view the results of your previous card, and the
second lets you view the top ranked shows you have booked thus far.

There are three more options here: -


BOXER INFO lets you check the available roster for your matches. You
generally start off with a small weak roster, but as you proceed, your
roster improves... but so will your match targets! TITLE INFO is fairly
obvious; it shows you who is the current title holder for your fed. Note
that titles here do not reflect who is holding the title in TITLE MATCH
mode. Changes in title holders here do not change title holders in TITLE
MATCH mode.

Upon selecting this you'll see that same window that appears in SHOW INFO
part of the INFORMATION menu. Press () to start booking your card. In the
next menu you'll see blank slots for matches; the number of matches may
vary depending on the card. Here pressing /\ (and answering YES to the
menu that appears) allows you to randomly book matches; but then again
that totally defeats the purpose of this mode so skip that. The [] Button
deletes a booking, in case you made any booking mistakes. Highlight the
top left corner of a match slot and press () to start booking matches

Once you select a match to book, you'll first see the MATCH STYLE menu;
all the match types you saw in Exhibition Mode is available for booking
here except for the 5 on 5 elimination. Pick a whatever match type you
want. Then you can select your boxer and set match options (though a
lot of these options are grayed out). To select Title Matches, first
select a Title Holder (press [] at the character select to see who has
a title to defend) and then the challenger; an option will pop up asking
whether you want it to be a title match or not. That's that for booking
a match.

Repeat the above to fully book your card. IF you highlight the top right
corner of the match slot and press () you can swap matches around the card
if you wish. You can press SELECT to view your show info again. Once you've
finished all your booking, press START to confirm. Note that most shows
have certain requirements that must be incorporated into your booking; you
cannot continue if you haven't settled those requirements. While it's
difficult to tell what these requirements are if you can't read Japanese,
you can create a random card (using the /\ button) and try to figure out
what these requirements are from these; cards booked using the /\ button
always satisfy booking conditions.

There, you've booked your very first boxing card! Easy, right?

Not much to say here. Obviously, you can only select this once you've
booked your card. In order to get good ratings, you'll should try to play
every match you've booked; player & computer-controlled boxers often give you
really rubbish matches.

When your show starts, press /\ to get to a menu of four options. First
lets you start your match, second lets you look at the match conditions,
third is to save the game and exit, and fourth exits the mode. Start a
match; you can choose to play as any side, and match options can still be
altered before the match.

Once all the matches are done, you'll get a final result, and your mentor
will praise/berate you for your performance. Then you move on to the next
show, with tougher booking conditions and even higher targets to achieve.
Good luck!

Notes: Match Maker Mode is basically like a Create A PPV but more advanced like in the Fire Pro Wrestling Series. It can be used for both Offline & Online mode. That is were Spectator Mode kicks in effect, so that the opponent that you face in the future can see what he can do with his training tactics to come with a gameplan when you & your next opponent clash later down the road.

16.2.6 Record Mode

Record mode keeps track on how many times your boxer wins, loses & draws. The records will determine if your deserving for a title shot. And It's basically like a ranking system, and where you stack up in the rankings for both Offline & Online.

16.2.7 Training Modes

Open Sparring
Heavy Bag
Speed Bag
Target Mitts
Combo Dummy
Double End Bag
Weight Lifting
Jump Rope
Shuttle Run
Maize Bag
Aerobic Shadowboxer
Medicine Ball
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Neck Ups
Pull Ups
Bench Press
Tire Flip
Sledgehammer On Tire
Wall Climbing
Maize Rope (Reference: Jermian Taylor Training method to increase Bob & Weave movement for the Kelly Pavlik fight)
Headband w/Tennis Ball (Kostya Tszyu Training method to increase punch accuracy)


17.1 Trunks (excel)

17.2 How to create a boxer(excel)

17.3 How to create a boxers names(excel)

17.4 Stadiums (excel)

17.5 Amateur stuff (excel)

17.6 Java tendency slider App example (java app)
Attached Images
Attached Files
CABS_Wishlist.doc (138.5 KB)
# 1 infemous @ Jun 13
this is excellent. I wish you could make a boxing game.
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