RaychelSnr's Blog

Sports Games Are Quietly Advancing Remarkably, and We Hardly Noticed 
Posted on February 5, 2013 at 12:45 PM.

Ok show of hands, who wants to go back and play NBA 2K9 vs. 2K13?
Remember any of the first games of this console generation? Remember how archaic those games feel compared to today's games?
Me too.
Sports games, year after year and release after release are quietly improving by leaps and bounds and we haven't even really taken much notice of that fact.
Don't believe me?
Go back to NBA 2K9. Get some updated rosters from someone (no they don't actually exist on consoles) and play it next to NBA 2K13. You'll get my point instantly then.
Sports games have staged a quiet and revolutionary evolution. It's the type you don't even notice because it seems so slow in person, but in the big picture you see just how much progress is made.
Real time physics. Revamped presentations. Revamped career modes. Better gameplay. Better graphics.
Every year, while the improvements aren't always marked -- they are always noticeable. Sports games not only compare favorably to other genres when it comes to overall improvement this generation, they might actually best most.
How many other genres have completely rethought not only the fundamental elements of their games, the physics behind them, the game modes that govern them, and the presentations that define them?
That list is quite short. So allow me to be an apologist for sports video games for a bit. Sports games have immense amounts of potential in the next generation, and I personally can't wait for the future.
Viva la evolución!
Are you satisfied with sports gaming's progress in this generation?
Chris Sanner is the executive editor of Operation Sports and a native of Oklahoma. He currently resides in Norman where he chases extreme weather along with writing for Operation Sports. You can follow him on Twitter at @ChrisSnr.
# 1
GlennN @ Feb 5
Maybe this is subjective, but I feel quite the opposite. I feel like there have been periods of much greater progress over the years than the present. As I mentioned on the NHL forum, I have actually gone back to NHL 10, which I simply find to be more fun. I think back to Front Page Sports Football, High Heat Baseball and NFL 2k5 and think that today's sports gaming should be much better than it is.
# 2
sirwoodz @ Feb 5
i'm mixed on this particular article...the NBA 2k series and MLB THE SHOW are excellent examples, (i don't play NHL or FIFA but i hear they are great as well)...however, let's keep it real with MADDEN - they don't even have post game interviews and halftime cut-ins of other games-in-progress the way NFL 2k5 did; a game that is closing in on a decade old was more innovative and advanced than what is out there now. and let's not even get on MLB 2k and the now cancelled NBA LIVE series.
# 3
ExtremeGamer @ Feb 5
I feel we're about where we were 7 years ago, took the entire generation to get there. Which is a shame. Some games have advanced without question (The Show, NBA2K, etc), but outside of real time physics, what else is Madden doing better now than Madden 2005? MLB 2K series was better earlier this gen, keeps going backwards, to an almost unplayable point now. We also have less sports games, only one NBA game, one NFL game, 2 soccer games, 2 baseball games. No Arena League game, no NCAA basketball game, no MVP College Baseball all of which are also a shame. Graphics have gotten better, maybe audio on some games, but overall feature set, we're still not where we should be.
# 4
idesign2 @ Feb 5
And now imagine what College Hoops 2K13 would have been had that game continued to evolve.
# 5
inchez34 @ Feb 5
The football games have given this entire generation of sports games a bad rep in my opinion. NBA 2K & The Show are advancing rapidly, as some of you have pointed out, yet Madden/NCAA seems to struggle too fix problems that have been persistent year after year. I don't really feel like MLB 2K or NBA Live should be thrown into the discussion because they were basically beat out by the superior brand; which should have happened with EA's football games. The only reason it hasn't is they don't have any competition.
# 6
tril @ Feb 5
Evolution, yes. 100% satisfaction, NO!
personally in the enxt genration of gaming I would like all thes games to branch out and be completely 100% or 100% arcade.
personally in the enxt genration of gaming I would like all thes games to branch out and be completely 100% or 100% arcade.
# 7
BreaksoftheGame @ Feb 5
For me the evolution in basketball games has been great. Football games not so much. The EA football franchise really lacks a lot of the fundementals of the game.
Although "realism" has evolved in regards to stadium, graphics and etc....realistic strategy and adjustments from a coaches perspective are missing in football games.
Thankfully 2k has pretty much given the NBA fan every aspect of a coach's repetoire in NBA 2k13. Plays for players, defend pick n roll, double off the dribble. Great additions to the strategy of the game! Great evolution.
Although "realism" has evolved in regards to stadium, graphics and etc....realistic strategy and adjustments from a coaches perspective are missing in football games.
Thankfully 2k has pretty much given the NBA fan every aspect of a coach's repetoire in NBA 2k13. Plays for players, defend pick n roll, double off the dribble. Great additions to the strategy of the game! Great evolution.
# 8
Vaporub83 @ Feb 5
There is no way anyone can play madden 13 and say it isn't better than madden 2005. I feel that a lot of us here at OS judge Madden on what they feel it should be instead of where it used to be. People are quick to point out we expected haltime shows full with cut scenes, but it there a current game that has anything like that? I have read a lot of people talk about where college hoops might be if it didn't get canceled. I would like to remind ya'll that college hoops didn't really have dramatic improvements from its introduction to its conclusion. Don't get me wrong I love college hoops but we make it out to be better than it was.
# 9
Sportzfan0290 @ Feb 5
Evolution agree satisfaction highly disagree. This coming from an international sports fan. NBA 2k has changed a ton. I was playing Hoops 2k8 for the first time in years and comparing those graphics which were good wasn't compared to 2k13 which is great. Comparing NCAA 09 too NCAA 13. NCAA 09 was a fun game for its time but even heisman mode felt like it was beginner. NCAA 13 on the other hand Heisman feels nothing like it. FIFA 13 no satisfactory little evolution. I remember playing FIFA since the World Cup 96 game and the players feel different and look different the only difference is that there are a huge amount of combinations and tricks you can do. Another game too look at Rugby yes I said rugby. I played John Lomus challenge and I've had experience in the 2002 game and there is a huge difference. Graphics wise a little gameplay wise some. MLB 2k vs MLB the show. MLB 2k is like playing an Arcade system. MLB The Show wow its like the real thing. Let me know what you think of my observations. This is coming from the Caribbean by the way.
# 10
CTNixon_7 @ Feb 5
Agree that NBA 2K and The Show are pushing the envelope each and every year. Each seems to just get what their sport is all about. As for Madden? Madden 2003, 2004, and 2005 were some of my favorite sports games. But as soon as this console generation came around, the franchise is just seems lost. Connected Career Modes was a complete mistake if you ask me.
# 11
wisdom less13 @ Feb 5
Yes, they got better. Just look at how much trial & error got used, though. NHL has been awesome, but has had it's flaws. I did get lost with NHL 09, though. With Madden, a new feature was introduced each year and bombed until this years physics engine. I got so deep into NBA 2K11, it's not even funny. 2K13 is even more bananas. The Show is unreal to me. Not many sport games have been a reason of someone buying a console. And that statement goes for any generation of games. FIFA is one of the funnest games to play. I always got a kick out of playing with a large group of friends. I have recently fell into a College Hoops hole with it getting heavy rotation. The Show usually only leaves the PS3 for when my girl plays LA Noire. What I look forward to in the next generation is the foundation these games have. i.e. 2K's dribble system (especially when they become signature dribbles), The Show's ball physics, Madden's physics (gameplay needs work), FIFA's physics engine and AI, NHL's skating and improved goalie play. Sorry for turning this into an open letter winded in the tune as if it was for Oprah. I just think this was a great subject to throw out there.
# 12
inkcil @ Feb 5
Look at how sports games advanced from the beginning of the PS1 era to the end of that era; and how they advanced from the beginning of the PS2 era to the end of that era. No WAY has sports gaming this gen advanced as well from the beginning of the era til now. Look at all of the gameplay features and advances from the PS2 era stripped away for the beginning of this era that never made it back, or the harm of exclusive rights, or the lack of new and creative ideas (i.e. rehash on top of rehash). It not even close! 2k basketball and the Show are the ONLY exceptions, and some will argue against those.
Best Football Game - Arguably last gen.
Best Basketball Game - Arguably this gen.
Best Baseball Game - Arguably either way.
Best Snowboarding Game - Arguably last gen.
Best Wrestling Game - Arguably last gen.
Best Def Jam Wrestling - Arguably last gen.
Best Skateboarding - Arguably last gen.
Best racing games - Arguably last gen. This gen was 90% rehashed games.
Best boxing game - Arguably last gen.
Best Golf Game - Arguably last Gen (on PC).
Tennis, Soccer, Hockey - I don't follow.
Best Football Game - Arguably last gen.
Best Basketball Game - Arguably this gen.
Best Baseball Game - Arguably either way.
Best Snowboarding Game - Arguably last gen.
Best Wrestling Game - Arguably last gen.
Best Def Jam Wrestling - Arguably last gen.
Best Skateboarding - Arguably last gen.
Best racing games - Arguably last gen. This gen was 90% rehashed games.
Best boxing game - Arguably last gen.
Best Golf Game - Arguably last Gen (on PC).
Tennis, Soccer, Hockey - I don't follow.
# 13
steelereign @ Feb 6
inkcil - can't agree on the racing games. The Forza series has completely revolutionized the racing sim market. Last gen racing doesn't come close. Now, for those that prefer the arcade racing experience, I have no idea. I don't play those games.
# 14
13whitebread @ Feb 11
Hockey is my sport of choice however I have dabbled at madden, basketball, and baseball. Basketball with its TV presentation style just blows me away plus the playability is just fantastic not perfect but still very good quality. But hockey I am somewhat disappointed in as far as the presentation aspect of it mainly because I play offline and try and emulate the season as it is gong on. But I realize I am not the only one the game comes out for. But I think that maybe they are just stretching the current systems as far as they can go and will get better with the new systems and then they can address more things for more gamers. One game I am very disappointed is madden it just seems that it has not gotten any better almost arcahic. Hopefully I'll see these games again when the new systems come out until then I'll wait for madden but I still play 2k and NHL.
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