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Video Games Sales Continue to Slump Overall - Industry in a Rut Stuck
Posted on November 13, 2012 at 06:27 PM.

The video game industry is still struggling to find itself after huge tectonic shifts in how consumers game continue to take place.

As part of the mobile revolution, gaming spending continues to slump as 'competitive pressures' continue to mar the industry due to rapid adoption of free-to-play games continue to move more and more consumers out of the traditional gaming marketplace and into the new reality of gaming.

U.S. video game store sales slumped a whopping 25% year over year for the month of October. This was the eleventh consecutive drop in store sales of games, mainly due to the aging hardware cycle and the continued transition of gamers to more digital/mobile friendly products.

The good news is, a strong holiday title lineup should boost sales in November and December.

NBA 2K13 topped the charts, and Madden NFL 13 came in at #6 in U.S. sales -- FIFA came in at #7 on the U.S. sales chart.

Sports gaming is perhaps the lone bright spot in the gaming industry, as sports titles continue to set sales records, including FIFA becoming the hottest selling game of the year thus far.

This is all good news as the rapid transition of the gaming marketplace away from just consoles into a more mobile and PC driven market continues. There is no doubt mobile and free-to-play offerings will continue to see the biggest growth in gaming over the coming years -- as the $60 price of entry for most new big box AAA titles continues to scare off traditional consumers who are finding their gaming fixes for much cheaper prices.
# 1 Invaderscs @ Nov 13
Maybe if games didn't recycle 75% of content from the previous games, people would buy the new ones. Take Call of Duty for example. Same looking game since COD4. Sports games have a reason to recycle old content because the core game doesn't change. Just my thoughts on why sales have dropped.
# 2 Joobieo @ Nov 13
^ Agreed.

Why I didn't rush out and buy the new COD, its the same thing lol.
# 3 onac22 @ Nov 13
Hmmmmm maybe because corporations bought the best company's and everyone sold out and now every single game is the same.
# 4 Valdarez @ Nov 13
Believe there are a lot of factors at work here. Free to play games, mobile & tablet based games (very low cost point), and last but not least, the DLC drain which most analyst probably won't factor in. DLC drains money from gamers that otherwise would have gone to other game purchases thus artificially reducing game sales by inflating the cost of experiencing games through DLC.
# 5 DJ @ Nov 14
I just had to post in here and say it's nice to see Valdarez back around.
# 6 Gramps91 @ Nov 14
It's unfortunate but I believe it has something to do with the technology of cell phones and I-phones, the way a lot of people game nowadays is just by downloading a cheap app or game to their phone. I think it's really hurting video game sales. This is why I'm boycotting Iphone.
# 7 amazspidey @ Nov 14
We want new consoles. The games look the same from last year want something new and fresh to play.
# 8 ice2modern @ Nov 14
...i'd still like 2 play some classic Ps1 & Ps2 games, take "Playstation All Stars" & how it's breathed new life & interest into the different characters & their franchises - the games we interesting & original with solid gameplay. Sony should release every top twenty or so game of Ps1 & Ps2's year over year hi def of course, i know they just scratched the surface of the Ps1/Ps2 HD re-release long do u wait till u release something-they might of waited 2 long with "Ps VITA" & it's " xtra toggle " now that mobile gaming has arrived to fruition. Come on Sony, release " PaRapper HD 2013 "
# 9 Cletus @ Nov 14
Look around the internet and you can figure out why game sales are slumping. The big guys aren't putting out quality products. For ever stellar game this year there have been hundreds of failed games. It seems like either developers aren't given the tools to succeed or that they're not good enough at creating quality games anymore.
Also, the economy is still in a rut. 60 dollars goes a long way toward groceries around here and a lot of families are having to cut back. Also, there's not a lot of quality games for children. The golden years of video games came as a direct result of Nintendo's marketing. I'm 30 and cut my teeth on an Atari 2600 and was in love with Super Mario Brothers when I was 6. Outside of Nintendo, no one is really putting out quality family friendly games. There's only so many years you can live off of a generation of consumers until other factors cut in.
# 10 La Verite @ Nov 14
Rexbox has saved me alot of money on these recycled games.
# 11 cusefan74 @ Nov 16
How about stop putting out bug infested games, that you have to pay extra for things that should be in the games already. If they want to have extras like that then lower the price of the game. I don't know about anybody else, but I can't afford to keep buying the same games over and over again, like Madden and NCAA and NBA 2K. Although 2K is not as bad as Madden and NCAA,at least each year it gets better, or so I'm told, I still have 2K11, but you get my point.
# 12 Da_Czar @ Nov 17
It's a combination. One of the biggest factors is this gen of consoles is wayyyy too long in the tooth. Everyone 4-5 years were used to seeing "new stuff" and it's just not happening. Your internal gamer clock nows that we should be seeing more advancements than the yearly coat of paint we have been getting.

I do think someone above hit it on the head with the DLC's also that is taking away any spare coin a person has for another game.

I also say the opposite of some above. I think across genre's there are so many good games out with such a high price tag that it is easier to wait to pick them up used or at a steep discount.

For example I just picket up skyrim a couple weeks ago. I knew it was good when it came out but I was busy playing other things. I keep great games in the que so when I am bored I have plenty to choose from. In another 2-3 months I will pick up wwe. There there is sleeping dog etc.

With the content these games have if your into them you can play them longer which means you may not need to buy 3 games at once @ 60$ a pop.

My 2 cents anyway. We need the new consoles to breath new life and excitement into the gaming industry. Nothing get's gamers excited like the hope and promise a new system delivers.
# 13 AC @ Nov 18
Probably because there's a lack of competition. No competition on football, baseball, basketball, or hockey? That's not going to help an industry.
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