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The Future of Basketball Gaming: Has NBA 2K Just Won? Stuck
Posted on October 1, 2012 at 03:04 PM.


Now granted, all signs were pointing towards Live never seeing the light of day -- but still can you say you are surprised?

I personally gave EA a lot of the benefit of the doubt the past several months, mainly because it seemed inconceivable a company as successful and large as Electronic Arts could mangle a release not just once, but twice.

"You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means."

But here we are. And now we have to ask the tough questions: is NBA Live 14 really going to happen? If so, can it truly be any good? Can the franchise even stick around to find out?

What we've seen thus far basically gives that theory zero credibility. It's possible yes, but so is 2K reversing it's sports game attrition and actually releasing more games next year vs. this year including an NHL and MLB title.

In short, I don't see it as being likely. EA doesn't seem to get basketball given the early demo previews of Live with robotic player animations and hardly any player movement on the court. A passable title won't work in the face of greatness, NBA 2K will make anything less than a great effort seem amateurish in comparison.

I'm pretty sure EA will try to pump even more money into an NBA Product, and I'm sure they'll try to release it again, but at this point can anyone catch up with NBA 2K? I'm really not so sure.

We know direct sport competition is not a prerequisite for producing great games -- contrary to the popular groupthink in the sports gaming community. If so, NHL would never have been able to be great, much less trying to explain MLB 2K's failure in becoming a great game (and it ultimately folding) because it simply can't match MLB: The Show.

One could argue compellingly that competition will always result in a winner and a loser in sports gaming, and you'd be largely right -- it's tough to argue against the shrinking list of sports game titles being released each season after all. Competition may have propelled a game to become great, but it's not necessary to keep a game there.

So relax NBA 2K fans, your baby is going to be just fine.

What EA has done this year is basically wave the white flag to 2K Sports, but promise to return someday. This isn't like General MacArthur's promise when he left the Philippines in World War II though, because returning to win might not be possible now for EA.

NBA 2K has entrenched itself in several ways. It outshines any possible EA effort in sales, quality, marketing, and it's virality at least for a couple of release cycles minimum. Simply put, NBA 2K is the firm go-to product and brand in the gamers mind as the NBA game for NBA fans.

NBA Live's appearance next year, if it does make an appearance, will take some incredibly amazing marketing and a game which is really good in quality to even begin to dent that -- adequate or average won't cut it. Borderline great may begin to turn the tide.


The sales won't come initially regardless, and if quality isn't there they never will. That's the problem EA has, and it's the problem they're going to have.

NBA 2K is the Miami Heat, NBA Live is more akin to the Bobcats.

One is going to be a championship contender for some time, the other probably won't be leaving the basement for years to come.

Another sports game marked off the release calendar and the march to universal exclusivity continues onwards.

C'est la vie sports gamers, it's our lot in life.

Let's just hope the games that keep winning look more like NHL and NBA 2K than the Madden's of earlier this generation and all will be forgiven.
# 31 truintellectplaya @ Oct 3
OS has no credibility on this subject after touting EA and how they would come back and make a dent in sales because they would benefit from all the things 2K does wrong. Now, no mention of how 2K seems improved online minus the scoreboard thing.

Just leave it alone 2K won this a long time ago and everyone knows it other than the few delusional ones that can't accept the truth.

Dear EA:

I do not like your company and the way you have killed the football gaming experience for me but please bring MVP back if you can even do that correct
# 32 jwtucker710 @ Oct 3
Actually, EA bailing out was actually a smart move. 2K 13 has everything a basketball fan/player would want. The graphics, player models, game modes, shoes ... Jay-Z ... but let's not count out EA in the long-term. They just need a good creative team and good programmers. They don't need to re-invent the proverbial wheel, which I think that's what they're tying to do.
That said, I want a college basketball sim. Like the NBA, but really do miss the collegiate game on the 360. NCAA 10 by EA was okay, but 2K would kill it if they updated 2K8.
# 33 Morzak @ Oct 3
Uhm EA would have good chances to come back. On here most act like 2k is perfect when it comes to BBall, they aren't. Online experience is atrocious especially before the 1st patch and that happens each year. The same bugs are occuring year for year even if they were fixed in the previous version via patch. The floor spacing isn't great the Play calling is frustrating, because the off ball movement is atrocious. oh and crew mode is missing. Don't get me wrong 2k is really good but it's far from perfect.

I really hope EA focuses on the next gen and gives 2k competition there.
# 34 BRxSKINSx @ Oct 3
2k has had Live on the ropes for years, they just refused to throw in the towel.... Thinking they'd be able to hold on, and bounce back.... 2k landed several haymakers over the years, yet Live and some of their loyal fans kept standing.... 2k11 knocked em down....they tried to get back up.... 2k12 knocked em out.... 2k13 all but threw dirt on the Live casket....
# 35 DBMcGee3 @ Oct 4
I'd say the battle is at least over until next gen consoles. I could see EA throwing tons of cash at Live now after being so thoroughly humiliated the past few years. Time will tell, but at least there's one really, really good game out there.
# 36 ksuttonjr76 @ Oct 4
It still amazes how many people REALLY believe that 2KSports is going to start creating "worse" games, because there's "no competition". Let's keep it real. 2KSports SCARES the competition. ANY company can step into the ring with 2KSports to challenge the NBA 2K series. 2KSports DOESN'T have exclusive rights to the NBA unlike EA with the NFL where NO ONE can step into the ring even they wanted to.
# 37 truintellectplaya @ Oct 4
Just like the guy above just stated. EA or any company can challenge 2K in basketball because there is no exclusive. Why are we talking about EA specifically challenging 2K? Once again, just shows how EA's loyals are so brainwashed. Why are we not talking about the company that makes the Show making a NBA game? A lot of people like Konami's Japanese baseball game why are we not talking about them?

EA is only being hyped by there brainwashed fans and touts. They have let you down time and time again. I would like to see SCEA challenge.
# 38 DaSmerg @ Oct 5
Guess a little more gloating is in order for 2K fans and EA haters. I don't understand the move myself but hey, it's not my company or brand.

We'll see if there is a desire to bounce back on this or just wait it out for next-next gen. Maybe a way to rebuild the 'Live' brand is via a really kewl Facebook & i-Phone/Android game in the mean time?

Sadly I wouldn't gloat too much on the 2K side. Time and time and time and time and again Activision...the money behind the 2K brand...has shown us that when they think the well is dry, they will pull up stakes and move on. It looks like that could very well happen as 2K sports has really been reduced down to 2K NBA with no football, no hockey, no soccer, no college sports of any kind and now no baseball. That's a pretty tenuous position IMO for any 2K brand fan.
# 39 willz1985 @ Oct 6
They've not just won, they've dunked and held onto the rim to rub it in.

I used to love NBA live but now nothing comes close to 2K's games, just wish they's release a college game already
# 40 willz1985 @ Oct 6
And to think, if the NBA went with an exclusive licence similar to the NFL we probably would have been stuck with.... NBA NOTHING 2013
Doubt it, much like madden they'd have just released a mediocre game and people would have bought it because there isn't another game to compete
# 41 jwtucker710 @ Oct 7
Best case scenario for LIVE franchise:

*Start fresh with new consoles coming out in a year or two. PS4 or XBOX 720.
*Get the same crew who worked on NHL 13.
*Sign Lebron for cover athlete.
# 42 gamenation2012 @ Oct 7
2k need live to be good watch

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