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For NBA Live: The Silence is Deafening Stuck
Posted on July 24, 2012 at 10:17 AM.

You heard a lot of conjecture coming from EA's camp. A lot of hype really.

We're back. Things are looking good. We're building for the future.

Then E3 hit. Wave after wave of bad reviews saying the game simply wasn't ready to be shown off, and 'What was EA thinking?' type of articles -- including from our own Steve Noah.

Now, silence. Deafening, complete...silence.

I've tried to ask around, I've been told the game is still on track and still moving forward. But EA, for all intents and purposes, is ignoring the fact they're releasing an NBA game later this year for now. Perhaps they're waiting to get through Madden before trying to fire the hype machine up, maybe they're waiting to improve the game to a point where it's actually, say, functional.

Whatever the reason -- we've got silence, and lots of it.

I don't think NBA Live is doomed to not release, but the chances of a delay are very real if the game isn't ready by launch time. It'd probably be for the best, as NBA 2K will outshine it in quality -- I don't think anyone questions that, I certainly haven't.

But this is EA's one and only chance and they have to get it right. The game has to play balanced, has to play smooth online, and has to at least -- you know -- play the game of basketball competently.

NBA Live doesn't need to be an OS rated 8.0 to survive. It doesn't even need to be a 7.0, or what we call a good/solid game. But it does need to be competent, above average even.

The simple fact is, NBA Live has to give customers a reason to buy into the franchise -- to buy into some hope that it could be resurrected and be competitive with 2K's masterpiece. I have long held that the game will do at least that (and sell pretty ok in the process), and maybe I'll end up wrong -- but I do know that anything less will be a disaster for EA.

EA has a one shot opportunity to prove to an extremely skeptical consumer base (especially post-E3) that they can deliver a competent and fun game of basketball. If they fail, the franchise probably will not survive to see another year.

It would be the last bit of the wall of competition going down, and we will usher in what will probably be a permanent new reality in sports gaming: one without direct competition.

Competition is a rarity in sports gaming in 2012 -- and when (not if) one of the NBA franchises folds, it's likely that every major American sport will continue without serious direct competition across multiple platforms forever.

So foolishly, hopelessly (it seems), I'm rooting for EA to pull out a rabbit and to give us hope that more than one game mimicking the same sport can exist in today's marketplace.

But the silence from EA? That silence tells me I might be wrong.
# 16 TheUndogmatic @ Jul 24
Around this time in the summer of 2009 when NBA Live 10 was being produced, EA was showing off the game and unveiling all the good features. This is not good. If there's something EA isn't telling us, I think they should just stop the silence and tell us. I would much prefer that over what they're doing now. I'm really bummed about this. I loved NBA Live 10, I play it to this day. It was a huge step forward. It's a shame what happened to the game. Fingers crossed the NBA Live developers are gonna show us something soon. If they don't by mid august, I think it's gonna be cancelled...
# 17 BQ32 @ Jul 24
Ok, I have to get this off my chest. 2K12 is NOT a great game and to call it a masterpiece is ludicrous. The game looks like a masterpiece in action but if you sink deep into the gameplay, the meat and potatoes of any game you will realize that both online and offline hardly represent a simulation of basketball. The passing remains disgusting year after year and the defense has actually gotten even worse while the one on one offense has become stronger leading to a completely imbalanced product replicating and 1 better then the NBA. Star players are far over rated while the average players play like JV scrubs, unless of course they can hit the 3 at a high rate in which case they are a deadly weapon. Offline is not fun as the computer defense is completely cheap I.E. clairvoyant as they routinely will jump simultaneously with your shot for the block or reach exactly with your pass, and lets not even get into how they run an idiotic offense which goes no where only to continuously hit facials when they are trailing. Online is just a spam fest because of the balance issues. If Lebron can run the length of the floor while defenders slide off him or fall down until he dunks then that is all people will do. If that fails initially they can dribble around until the wait for it, shot clock cheese lol, in which case at 5 seconds or under the defense goes away and will not stay in front of the defender. And don't get me started on the Pick and Roll. The NBA is a pick and roll league, the most consistently effective and dominating play in basketball yet in this game is useless most of the time partially because of the atrocious and unforgivable passing animations. The gimmicks such as legends are always top notch and wonderfully done but being a competitive gamer I would much rather have that energy put into the gameplay shaping a balanced product that plays like an intelligent game of basketball at the highest level. Its yet to happen and I don't have faith in either of these franchises. But I just can no longer stomach the continued praise I hear for 2k from people that probably only played the game until the legend showcase was over. Reminds me of fight night champion how it got all these stellar reviews but it you play that game online right now it is enough to make an enthusiast of the sport puke.
# 18 flyboyspitta @ Jul 24
Yea I agree that 2k is not a perfect game. I feel that almost no one likes the dribbling controls of 2k they just deal with it because they have to. No one likes the unbreakable animations of 2k. There are plenty of times where times where i wanna do a quick cross to get past a defender and that does not happen because i cant break out of the animation. i honestly think people like 2k because IT LOOKS GOOD not because it plays good
# 19 truintellectplaya @ Jul 24
One person posted something that made perfect sense and I would like to continue that theme and add something. Competition is not always good. EA weakened the basketball landscape with there childish non sim games just like they have killed the football landscape for gamers like myself.

Want proof, here it is.

Live 10 sold 920,000 copies on 360 and PS3.

2K10 sold 1,680,000 copies on 360 and PS3.

That is 2,600,000 combined.

NBA 2K11 sold 3,710,000 copies on 360 and PS3 which is more than both Live and 2K sold together the previous year.

NBA 2K12 sold 4,200,000 copies on the two systems.

My point is 2K has sold more games when left alone than Live and 2K were selling together. Competition is not always good, a weak competitor can make the whole industry look bad.

All info can be verified by going to the above link and typing in the game titles.
# 20 bigdoc85 @ Jul 24
As I have stated elsewhere, EA has an earnings call next week. If the game is going to be scrapped, I would expect them to announce it then. If not, the only "unconventional" thing that makes sense to me is to combine NCAA and NBA in a single game. I believe that is the only thing significant enough to cause people to buy EA's basketball over 2K's.
# 21 DaReapa @ Jul 24
@ BQ32
You're absolutely right. IMO, NBA 2K hadn't had a tolerable game in the past 4 releases. The series has gained Madden-like status among its fans - well, at least most of them. And in regard to this article, and being a once long time NBA 2K fan, I, for one, would really hope that Live can pull something out the rabbit hat and re-ignite the competition flame, but it's not looking promising. If they are on the verge of releasing a sub-par effort, then it may be in their best interest to hold off for at least yet another year. I feel that now they are at the brink of a hit-or-miss shot for the fate of the franchise.
# 22 cyborg.ninja24 @ Jul 24
Live 10 sold 920,000 copies on 360 and PS3.

2K10 sold 1,680,000 copies on 360 and PS3.

That is 2,600,000 combined.

NBA 2K11 sold 3,710,000 copies on 360 and PS3 which is more than both Live and 2K sold together the previous year.

NBA 2K12 sold 4,200,000 copies on the two systems.
I think the Jordan and Legends mode had a lot to do with the massive increase in sells. People who would never buy a basketball game bought 2K11 and 2K12 just to play as the legends.

Live 13 is dead in the water. It is not listed for preorder on EA's Origin not listed on EA Sports' Season Ticket (NCAA, Madden, Tiger, NHL, and FIFA are all listed). Amazon, Gamestop, IGN, Gameinformer,.....etc have a release date of unknown, TBA, or a random date of Dec 31. Can this all be a coincidence?
# 23 TreyIM2 @ Jul 24
Well, I've said it a few times, even on here, that it was not a good sign that EA was pretty mum on this game, months ago, and it wasn't a good sign however in my last post on this a couple weeks ago was that maybe they'll pull a rabbit out of the hat. Somebody posted a quote from an EA guy that alludes to maybe this can happen...but it could just be a rouge.
# 24 D Apocalypse @ Jul 24
Hahaha! Preach on BQ! I totally agree with you all the way. I have 2K12 for PC and I agree it is overrated. It's good but not great. On PC, the online graphics are toned down to PS2 quality. Only thing I like about PC are smoother graphics and mods. I was so happy to get NBA Live 10 brand new from Goozex last week. I forgot how good that game is.
# 25 Stephen_Morris @ Jul 24
As I have stated elsewhere, EA has an earnings call next week. If the game is going to be scrapped, I would expect them to announce it then. If not, the only "unconventional" thing that makes sense to me is to combine NCAA and NBA in a single game. I believe that is the only thing significant enough to cause people to buy EA's basketball over 2K's.
I think you hit the nail on the head. I actually thought that combining the college game with the pros would be a brilliant idea and some Madden would benefit from. Especially the new connected careers mode. I also believe that competition definately helps more than it hurts. However, I think the root of the problem is the current business model of sports gaming. These yearly releases are simply watering down the product.One year isn't enough time to make all the nessasary improvements to push the innovation forward. So instead it seems that they would rather settle on incremental improvements to get the short term monetary gain. Maybe if they release the full retail game every other year and release a downloadable update to keep commentary and other things fresh and up to date in the off year, that may give them time to come up with better and more innovative games with each retail release. And when I say them or they I am referring to all developers, EA, 2K, Sony, etc. Just sayin'.
# 26 truintellectplaya @ Jul 25
Combining college and pro is a good idea, but who wants two trash games? Just more garbage taking up space. The quality is what EA needs to prove they have. That will be seen as a gimmick if the game is not quality. People will simply call for 2K to bring back College Hoops, but they may sell a few more copies by simply being the only one's to have college hoops. The problem is, who cares about them selling more copies?
# 27 truintellectplaya @ Jul 25
I forgot to mention that it is not like Live 10 did not have FIBA which 2K does not offer. I don't think any of this stuff is going to make a huge difference if the quality is not there.
# 28 jwtucker710 @ Jul 25
Rather odd that they (EA) would advertise some of the producers working on LIVE 13, and still say it's a "go" and then cancel it. I don't think they would do that, unless if some of the game designers and producers have recently quit production. It's still on their EA Sports Website. But I agree, too, usually by now we know more about a game. I say by mid August, if there is no cover athlete or any more information about the game, it might be cancelled. But twice? (Elite). That would seem unlikely to me. I don't think they would engage a production team and decide to put the game out and then cancel. Never know, I guess.
# 29 jwtucker710 @ Jul 25
I agree with of the other posts: LIVE 10 was a decent bb sim. If EA tweaked that engine, polish the graphics a little, and make online play fun and robust, I think they'll be fine. Does anyone know if there's a new collegiate bb sim this year? 2K8 & NCAA 10 are showing their age ... Please bring back college bb, EA. Or 2K!
# 30 mrmass413 @ Jul 25
2k ain't perfect but It's better than had 2 years let's see if they been doing they're homework hopefully they have. Silence to me means uncertain

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