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Words can't describe Penn State football or its former head coach Stuck
Posted on July 12, 2012 at 03:49 PM.


Disgraceful. Shameful. Dishonorable. Inexcuseable. Unpardonable. Unforgivable. Reprehensible. Despicable. Abominable. Contemptible. Execrable. Heinous.

All of those words. None of them do any justice to the actions of officials, employees from the top to the bottom at Penn State University.

The veil was lifted today on what is perhaps the worst scandal in college sports history, if not in all of sports. The 1919 White Sox are wondering how they were ursuped so cleanly and so blatantly at the top of the worst sports scandals in history.

Today, the veil was lifted on exactly how Penn State managed to stay so clean for forty years: Joe Paterno was a strongman bully, always after preserving his own reputation above others well being and the rules of not only society but also likely college athletics as a whole. He was so blatantly concerned with how he and his football program would look that he ignored the fact hapless children were being sexually abused somewhere down the hall from his football office.

Paterno was so concerned about his image and avoiding bad publicity, that he didn't want any scandal coming to the surface that could tarnish his legacy or damage the Penn State brand. His letter to his former players which he wrote a month before his death and was released yesterday showed no remorse for his actions, and instead the letter tried to make Joe Paterno and the empire built upon his image look good.

Because it was all about Joe Paterno and Penn State football.

Screw the consequences. Screw the fact children were being abused. Screw the fact that the law was being broken.

Just win baby. After all, that's all it was about right?

Of course, despite all of the wins -- the championships rarely came under Joe Paterno. In forty years Joe Paterno won two National Championships.


Three Big Ten Championships in the nearly 20 years Penn State was a part of the league under Paterno.


Were those worth the sexual abuse of perhaps dozens of children? Were all 409 wins worth it? Was a national championship every twenty years on average worth the victims in his heinous case?

Of course, in the rational world that is definitely not the case. None of it was. This is about the victims, and it's about what happened to them and how a University and a football coach with undue power covered it all up and forced them into shame and hiding.

Just ask yourself this question: what else did Joe Paterno cover up? If Paterno could cover up the systemic raping of children in his football offices, what is lurking in the shadows of the Penn State program ready to come out?

The NCAA would like to know the answers to those very same questions. The NCAA announced today that it has a line of questions for Penn State and they expect them to be answered. And then the NCAA is then going to dig. And it's going to find a lot.

A lack of a compliance office. God knows how many other minor scandals that were covered up by a priggish coach. A complete disregard for humanity. A coach so self-absorbed that he enabled the raping of children so his legacy couldn't be tarnished.

There is only one thing left to do.

Penn State has to completely get rid of Joe Paterno. Any statues, any pictures, anything that even remotely points back at the Paterno name must be removed and removed immediately. Paterno's legacy is ruined and any connection between Paterno and Penn State is an endorsement of the era where children were allowed to be raped within the halls of its football program.

The NCAA should, when they find blatant disregard within the program, begin to do work on the Penn State program. Ban Joe Paterno from the record books. Have games forfeited when needed. And most of all, consider the harshest penalties they can realistically come up with.

This is about sending a message, and the right one. There is no place for this in society, much less sports, much less college sports.

Maybe the punishment is a lengthy postseason ban. Maybe it's a TV ban. Maybe the punishment is that Penn State University doesn't really deserve the right to play Division 1 football for awhile.

Whatever it is, justice will have to be served from many sides. The millions of dollars in lawsuits notwithstanding against the university -- Penn State University football is going to take decades to recover while Paterno will never be thought of as a great football coach or humanitarian again.

And after today we know it couldn't have happened to a more deserving university and person.

Success with honor?

# 16 ThePhillyPhanatic @ Jul 13
You are the biggest idiot to ever walk on Earth. Find out who committed the crime before you attack a guy that just failed to report.
"Success without honor, is a like a dish without seasoning; it fills you, but doesn't taste good."
- Joe Paterno (Winningest Coach Ever...)
# 17 bigbob @ Jul 14
He didn't fail to report it ThePhillyPhanatic, he just didn't push for more to be done. He did report it to his superior, which is what you do at a job. Other than one e-mail that only mentioned the name Joe, there has been no hard evidence to show the Paterno was covering it up. Anyone who has read every piece of document that has been released, every piece of evidence that has been shown would know that.

People fall into whatever the media says, and in this case the media said Joe covered it up and they had no facts to point to him covering it up. He knew something happened, but that something will never be clear because McQueary changed his story four times as to what he told Joe. If everyone would read every piece of evidence, they would understand why people are backing up Joe.

Yet they continue to feed the media and refuse to have their own thoughts.

They jump on the bandwagon.

The only reason Joe's name has been involved is because that's the only name anyone would recognize on the news. Spanier? Shultz? Curly? Sandusky? Unless you're in the Central Pennsylvania area, no one would have followed the story because they don't know who they are. So what do you do when you're a reporter and want a story to come across to everyone? Throw a big name in there. Joe Paterno. 61-years at Penn State. Now you've got yourself a story.

The sad thing about America, you're guilty until proven innocent, and if you're proven innocent, the media has ruined your life so bad that it'll never be the same.
# 18 muse324 @ Jul 14 message board crusaders are amazing. Im not comparing child rape to gambling. Im simply stating that the bigger you are, the bigger the cover up. Think of how much has been covered up over the years in front of our very eyes that's not even sports related. Joe Pa was worth millions to that school and you think he was going to let his image be tarnished over this scandal? **** no!! Trust me I understand the magnitude of the situation. Take emotion out of it for a second and truly look at how small our worlds are. The most important thing is that you should protect your loved ones and the community in which you live in. None of us are on that big of scale (that's why we are on this board) so it's seems a bit odd to me for people to crazy over something that happens all the time. I feel bad for those involved but there's so much going on in the US and since we have the wool over our eyes most of the time we jump on this. I guarantee the majority of message board crusaders don't give a damn about the ones next to you. Just giving my opinion people, if you don't like it continue to bash and hate. I just hope the same energy you use typing and getting pissed off is the same you'll use to care for the ones around you. I love the convo ppl. Be safe and love each other!!
# 19 muse324 @ Jul 14
# 2 muse324 "who cares"? Maybe the parents of the victims, the victims themselves and other molested children that can never have their innocents and mental health back and just want to see justice. People like you are almost as bad as the people involve, we all love sports but they will never be more important than a child's safety. Disgusting comment muse324

Read my post and be logical, not emotional
# 20 ThePhillyPhanatic @ Jul 14
@BigBog Yes that is more accurate to what happend
# 21 shadia147 @ Jul 14
Here's the REAL Question....
Who's going to use Penn State now in NCAA13?
# 22 Eski33 @ Jul 14
I think taking away the football program for any length of time does nothing. Everyone wants to get rid of football. Football did not rape those kids. The people involved with football did.

People who want to see the football program punished is short-sighted. Punish the people that allowed this to happen. Don't punish the kids who had nothing to do with it.

All those people in leadership positions who were found to have knowledge should be fired. Paterno's legacy is going to take a hit and for good reason. To take away football is not the right way to go about this. It doesn't change what happened. It doesn't take the victim's pain away. If anything, keeping football could be a help in the healing process for the community. To see that there is football after Paterno.
# 23 Eski33 @ Jul 14
@BigBob...You are absolutely correct. Look at Duke's lacrosse team. Convicted of rape in public opinion, found not guilty in a court of law.

I have no idea why Paterno would want to cover up anything. People act as if he raped those kids. It's ridiculous how the arrow gets aimed at someone who didn't perform these dispicable acts yet he is responsible. Crazy how the world works.
# 24 bigbob @ Jul 14

Exactly like that. Those players will always have that over their head, even though they did nothing, the media did their job in condemning them and making sure they will never be able to live it down.
# 25 shadia147 @ Jul 14
Let's settle this once and for all... Joe Paterno and Penn State University KNEW for at least ten years that this was going on. Sandusky had been first accused way back in 1999. This didnt just pop up. They still issued Sandusky security clearance. Sandusky was never fired. They hoped it would all just go away because their preciuos Football Reputation meant more than these victims.
Sandusky should have been fired, and placed under investigation on day one! Not ten years later. The entire coaching staff knew this was going on and said nothing. The Board of Directors knew this was going on, and said nothing!
In fact, they kept this creep on the payroll. They had dinners with him. They played Golf with Him. They directly linked the bogus Second Mile Program to the University after knowing what the true intent of the program was really all about. Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! All of them! JoePa too. They should all be in jail. Every effin one of them. Joe Paterno's body ought to be dug up and dragged through the streets. We're not talking about one or two counts. We're talking about 45 counts! A systematic, organized, assembly line of perversion.
And some of you sychophants-psychopaths out there want to feel sorry for poor little Penn State? You ought to be ashamed of yourselfs. You're either brainwashed or insane!
Listen, I hate to tell most of you this.. But there's really something wrong when grown men pay too much attention to little boys playing sports. In reality, all football, or any sport is for that matter is a colossal waste of time.
I know a lot of guys in their 50's that still go to every high school game on Friday Nights. They still sit up there in the stands at their old school. They don't have kids there any more. But they've got the bumper stickers, the clothing line, the decals.. etc. Nobody thinks a thing about it.
I'm here to tell you that there are thousands of Jerry Sanduskys out there. And hundreds if not thousands of little Penn States in every neighborhood in this country.
And you guys worry about whether Joe Paterno's rep is going to be damaged... How vulger, how obscene!
# 26 shadia147 @ Jul 14
Just to elaborate... The guys I'm talking about tend to be Gym Teachers, Boy Scout Leaders, Church Members, Business Leaders, the uppermost levels of society.. You probably play Golf with one. You might have beers with him. "Oh that Bill, he's such a great family man and member of the community"
Those are the guys you need to watch out for.
There's no rule that says a pervert has to look like a Fox News Mug Shot.
# 27 rudeworld @ Jul 15
15 years.... maybe longer, its a damn shame that Joe Pa and the others allowed this to go on. For what the reputation & image of the school? come on Joe Pa and others I think that if they turned this MONSTER in when they got word of what he was doing, the type of image and reputation would have been much different then what it is now. The way I see it is that he and the others that were hiding the truth are as guilty as the old creepy defensive co. as they allowed him to rape these young men and act as his security while he did these horrendous things. I agree with shadia14 when he said "there are thousands of Jerry Sanduskys out there" the thing is that when someone knows whats going on report it so it will stop and will not go on for 15 years.... maybe longer.
# 28 drewst18 @ Jul 16
I can not believe that OS would allow this to be posted on the front page.

What a crok this blog is (and normally its fantastic) but are you kidding me?

Let me start by saying I am a Michigan fan, so I am the opposite of a Penn State fan.

Trying to undermine one of the best coaches for "only" winning 2 national championships is just silly. He built a program from the ground up, took a program that had 1 conference championship (in 1887) and made them one of the most recognizable programs. He brought the team to a total of 37 bowls in 45 seasons including 17 times the big 4 (current BCS) going. You also forgot to mention that those 3 conference titles are not over 45 years of coaching. Penn State did not join the Big 10 until 1993. I could go on an on about what a terrible piece of work this is from a football standpoint, but this isn't a football issue. And to try and bring football into this made this lose any credibility it had after your first 3 sentances.

Joe Paterno messed up, there is doubt about it. But this "blog" paints him in a light that he was the one raping these children. Could he have done more? Certainly. Should he have done more? Of course. But your war is not with Joe Paterno. It is not like Joe Paterno stood by ideally watching as Sandusky raped children. Joe Paterno did what he was should have. He didn't just tell his supervisor what was going on, he told the POLICE! It has been widely reported that he did not report it to the police but it is my opinion that if you tell the police chief of a rape, well that is reporting it. The Penn State university police department is not your average rent a cop university security. This is a legitimate police department like the NYPD. Now you would think that would be enough. No probably not, there was more he COULD do but we are to trust in our law offices.

The initial findings of this found very little, unfortunately with many child molestations there isn't a lot of kids knocking down the door to say yeah I was raped.
What were the initial findings of the investigation? Nothing, there was no findings besides a mother claiming sexual assault. And at this point it was pretty well kept out of the spot light and Jerry Sandusky was LET GO from Penn State Football.

Jerry Sandusky was NOT a coach at Penn State when the incident that was reported to Joe Paterno from Mike McQueary. At this point it is certain that Sandusky is doing more than showering with children, and Paterno did what he should have, he told the Athletic director who was the one helping organize The Second Mile and the head of the Penn State police department.

At this point is when Paterno informed Curley(AD) Schultz (Ran Penn State Police dept) the two of them had decided that it would be best not to pursue the report. Which was absolutely disgusting but regardless at this point it is out of Joe Paterno's hands. This guy is not associated with his football team, he has reported it to the director of the university as well as the director of the Penn State police. Sure he could have gone public ranting and raving about this but Joe Paterno is not the person that this article should be written for.

There was not one single mention of anything factual about the case in this blog. This blog is exactly what is wrong with our media today. More often than not articles written today are people not educated on their topic who heard some crap on the news who's single goal is to tear someone down. On a site that has thousands and thousands of hits a day, I can't believe that there isn't an editor to read this and see that it is nothing more than smear campaign trickled down through the main stream media. I am all for a smear campaign but people do some research the crusade should be against Jerry Sandusky, Tim Curly and Gary Schultz, not Joe Paterno just cause he is the most recognizable face of the school

Joe Paterno messed up big. He was a fantastic football coach, he was a good person. But make no mistakes about it, he did what he should have done.
# 29 shadia147 @ Jul 16
" It is not like Joe Paterno stood by ideally watching as Sandusky raped children"
Thats exactly what he did! What are you talking about???
He also was in the room when the Board decided not to pursue it. He allowed Sandusky access to the School. He allowed Sandusky to continue getting a Paycheck. He still talked and associated with Sandusky years after the McQueary incident.
And it's not the Media. It's called the Freeh Report. The former head of the FBI!! Paterno was negligent!! He looked the other way. Just like Sandusky's wife. Whether he did so out of fear for his Football Program, or was simply an old man unable to deal with the shame is debatable. But to say that Paterno did everything he was supposed to do is in direct contrast to Louis B. Freeh.
The second Paterno learned of what Sandusky was doing, he should have called the Pennsylvania State Troopers, and escorted them to Sandusky's home (Next to the playground) and had Sandusky arrested on the spot!
He didnt do that. Instead he stood back and allowed Sandusky access to the Locker Rooms, The football games, and the Shower Stalls. For 15 years!!!! Who knows how many children were raped during that time.
To say that Paterno holds no responsibility is to say that the German People and Generals held no responsibilty for the Holocaust. They were only following orders.

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