RaychelSnr's Blog

We are going to see what I believe is one of the more interesting (and important) battles next season between EA's NBA title and NBA 2K13. While many are going to be quick to dismiss EA's title in this space, I believe there is a very real chance EA will compete in sales (the most important number) once again this next season. Here's how I think it'll end up going down.
First off, NBA 2K13 will almost certainly be a great game. That's not the issue here -- it never was an issue with NFL 2K, College Hoops 2K, or NHL 2K either.
Where 2K has always lost to EA in the past has been in EA's ability to make a game which jives with the mass market on a much wider scale (read less simulation more casually based) and with an advertising onslaught which basically overwhelms it's rivals.
In a lot of ways, NBA 2K has been the aberration in the past five years, as it was the only title in 2K Sports library to go up against EA and win, as EA effectively surrendered NBA Live. I think there's a bit of pride at Take Two about it's NBA game, but it's basically the final stronghold of man against the advancing armies of Mordor at this point -- if NBA 2K falls then the 2K Sports brand is effectively dead.
EA knows it. Take Two knows it.
This is why I think 2012 is going to be extremely interesting.
The developers at 2K Sports have done an exceptional job in a lot of ways with NBA 2K12, but the simple fact is gamers have turned away from the game in droves this season -- partially due to the lockout and partially because I feel the game simply doesn't jive with a casual gamer or online gamers at this point.
EA has an opening here, and for people to discount that (especially 2K brass) is a horrible mistake. The keys to success for EA next year are simple: create an easy to access, well presented, fun and balanced game of basketball which works perfectly online. It doesn't have to be as deep as NBA 2K13 to compete -- it simply has to work and be fun. EA's marketing engine would take care of the rest at that point.
2K on the other hand, needs to focus on three areas: First off is online play -- it simply has to work next year. If not, you are losing 15% of your sales to EA instantly, if you haven't already. Second and third, 2K has to make the game more accessible to casual gamers but in a way that doesn't alienate their existing fans and in a way that captures consumers interest. NBA 2K is a victim of it's own success, and becoming deeper and more complicated simply isn't going to work if you want to drive sales. It's actually possible the game is 'too good.'
Man that felt weird to say.
Simulation nuts are falling over in their chairs right now as I continue to type I know -- or you simply pushed the x on the tab -- but I believe that both companies have a tough mission ahead of them.
If 2K can stand up once again to EA's prowess as a marketing machine and beat them back -- then it would potentially mark a watershed moment. But if EA prevails, and NBA 2K eventually falls behind EA's NBA game -- then expect Take Two to throw in the white flag at some point in the future, just as they have with their other titles.
2K Sports has a history of cancelling titles well before it was their time to go. While I can't help but feel sadness at the titles we are missing every year, I also recognize the future lies in less sports titles available and not more. It is an unfortunate trend that could easily continue in the coming years with NBA 2K if the series isn't taken in a carefully planned direction.
The last several years have proven that Take Two is not afraid of shelving great quality titles which underperform in sales.
Let's hope that trend stops with the NBA titles.
# 1
Gramps91 @ Dec 8
I try not to be a fan boy of either side. To be honest they were aspects of both 2k and the Live series that I liked. That is why most seasons I would buy the one I thought I would like most first and then buy the other after its price dropped. It will indeed be interesting to see what EA puts on the table this year. Either way if both are good enough I will have checked out both of them eventually.
# 2
tril @ Dec 8
Good Topic MMCHRIS!!
personally, I dont think either company has much to worry about.
for 1, I doubt that 2k will overforcast their predictions on next year sales.
I think they overforcasted this years numbers because they were the only game on the market, but I dont think they took into consideration that a lockout would last this long or impact sales by this much. Im sure they did some forcasting for this years title, based on the number of high profile titles being released by other developers.
despite the quality, 2ks sales last year was most likely an abberation.
2k has and knows its core audience, and as long as their sales fall in line with those projections theyll be ok. anything above that is "gravy".
personally, I dont think either company has much to worry about.
for 1, I doubt that 2k will overforcast their predictions on next year sales.
I think they overforcasted this years numbers because they were the only game on the market, but I dont think they took into consideration that a lockout would last this long or impact sales by this much. Im sure they did some forcasting for this years title, based on the number of high profile titles being released by other developers.
despite the quality, 2ks sales last year was most likely an abberation.
2k has and knows its core audience, and as long as their sales fall in line with those projections theyll be ok. anything above that is "gravy".
# 3
tril @ Dec 8
forgot to add, though Im not an online sports gameer. 2K should really focus on fixing online issues. If they have already, maybe they should outsource their onlone service-thats if, its cost effective.
hard for me to comment on EA's NBA title cause I havent played an EA NBA game since 02/03, just the 10 demo, whcih I didnt like very much.
hard for me to comment on EA's NBA title cause I havent played an EA NBA game since 02/03, just the 10 demo, whcih I didnt like very much.
# 6
khaliib @ Dec 9
The biggest driver will be what EA's College Football looks like after the horrible mess gamers were put through and the kick-to-the-curb treatment afterwards.
There's already alot of distrust with this developer and with the basketball being released during football season, there basketball game will be put under greater scrutiny than ever, especially if NCAA and Madden don't meet gamer's standards.
2nd thing is they've had years to develope and see what 2k has put out there.
They can't just release a game the basically picks up from NBA Live 10 left off (esp with so much developement time), but must release something that brings some "AWE".
Even if it's on par with 2k13, it could be seen as a negative.
I'm not expecting anything "Innovative", but I'll take the info from those who get to play early builds with a grain of salt and rent as usual with EA games so I don't get burnt again.
There's already alot of distrust with this developer and with the basketball being released during football season, there basketball game will be put under greater scrutiny than ever, especially if NCAA and Madden don't meet gamer's standards.
2nd thing is they've had years to develope and see what 2k has put out there.
They can't just release a game the basically picks up from NBA Live 10 left off (esp with so much developement time), but must release something that brings some "AWE".
Even if it's on par with 2k13, it could be seen as a negative.
I'm not expecting anything "Innovative", but I'll take the info from those who get to play early builds with a grain of salt and rent as usual with EA games so I don't get burnt again.
# 7
DirtyJerz32 @ Dec 9
Great read Chris! Always enjoy reading your blogs. Totally agree in everythibg you've written, almost verbatim. Should be a fun 2012 or should I say NBA 13's...
# 8
ruffrider1980 @ Dec 9
Enjoy reading your blogs. One thing is for sure 2012 is going to be a great year for basketball gamers!
EA has had the time to really work on their game and knows that they have to really bring it to compete with 2k's game. 2k knows they have to bring it too or else EA will take a huge slice of their pie. The battle between these two just means that we as fans of basketball games will surely win. I'm honestly open to either title and will be curious to see which one brings it in terms of creating a really fun online gaming experience. In NBA 2k12 I must say I was let down with this, so I am very happy EA is coming back on the scene. Wish we could fast foward 10 months. I can't wait!
EA has had the time to really work on their game and knows that they have to really bring it to compete with 2k's game. 2k knows they have to bring it too or else EA will take a huge slice of their pie. The battle between these two just means that we as fans of basketball games will surely win. I'm honestly open to either title and will be curious to see which one brings it in terms of creating a really fun online gaming experience. In NBA 2k12 I must say I was let down with this, so I am very happy EA is coming back on the scene. Wish we could fast foward 10 months. I can't wait!

# 9
TreyIM2 @ Dec 9
Personally, I've BEEN tired of NBA2K's sloppy movement and unintuitive controls but I deal and the game can definitely be fun. I would still prefer analog dribbling and I'm eager to see how things pan out on both sides next season. All I want is a nice balance between gameplay, controls, graphics and presentation that keeps me coming back for more. 2K hasn't really done that for me in a while and Live 10 did have me doing for long min til I realized how 'scripted' the game was.
# 10
Tim187J @ Dec 9
EA is not going to put out and good basketball. 2K step the game play up next year. Tired of most of the focus going to some legends that I play don't with. I buy a game for game play not all that other nonsense. Passing and Defense is disgrace. Stars are nearly unstoppable. Online is garbage. Too many miss steps. I wait til the major patch to come before I'll give up on this game. But as of now this game is not wroth 9.5 it got. More like a 5.0 because it's a incomplete game.
# 11
wallofhate @ Dec 9
Your suggestion imo would be the downfall of nba2k. Just like real sports when you have a winning formula you continue with it. You dont have to reinvent yourself when your the steelers or patriots. You just reload the gun and come out shooting. My suggestion to 2k is to expand on what you guys are doing and refine it and clean up the gripes as much as possible and I have full belief you dont even need that advice because im sure in my mind you guys feel that way already. The problem here is its human nature to love something in its initial phase,then wonder how long itll last,then expect that thing to dissolve. I have faith in 2;. People whether sim or arcade want sports games to imitate real life sports as closely as possible. I say that because im sim and arcade. When I play madden or nba2k im sim but when it comes to baseball I strike out like crazy trying to hit hr every swing or soccer all im trying to do is sxore goals but the failure teaches me the game and forces me to learn and play smarter in essence making me sim in the long run anyway
# 12
TajDeni @ Dec 10
ive expressed this elsewhere on this site, but nba2k needs to stop trying to cater to casual gamers and the online market and just stick to what they do best. sim-style offline association. go back to nba2k8 online features of 1p vs 1p. they will lose to EA by trying to compete via casual gamers and online gamers.
and EA needs to put out a strict online game, because their offline game components to all their games are just down right awful. they need to focus strictly on 1p vs 1p on up to 5p vs 5p.
if both companies would just stick to what they are good at then everything would work out fine. its the reason why BK and KFC can be right next to each other, yes theyre both fast food but they are really not in competition with each other.
if you want sim/association offline gaming go 2k, if you want more freestyle 5p vs 5p go with Live.
its really is that simple, cant compete with EA in terms on sales, so why try. everybody knows the rules: big bank always takes little bank. so if your 2k why even play the sales game its a losing game.
and EA needs to put out a strict online game, because their offline game components to all their games are just down right awful. they need to focus strictly on 1p vs 1p on up to 5p vs 5p.
if both companies would just stick to what they are good at then everything would work out fine. its the reason why BK and KFC can be right next to each other, yes theyre both fast food but they are really not in competition with each other.
if you want sim/association offline gaming go 2k, if you want more freestyle 5p vs 5p go with Live.
its really is that simple, cant compete with EA in terms on sales, so why try. everybody knows the rules: big bank always takes little bank. so if your 2k why even play the sales game its a losing game.
# 13
SHAKYR @ Dec 10
EA has time and time again showed they don't believe sport sims sell. At least they feel this way with the majority of their sports titles.... EA fears sim like it garlic to a vampire. EA just put out Blitz and they are in love with NBA Jam.
# 15
truintellectplaya @ Dec 10
I am a bit taken back by the constant negative so-called articles posted by guys working for OS about 2k12 versus the positive almost touting tone they take with a EA game that no-one has played or seen, supposedly. Just as many people will dismiss 2K because of what they feel is a bad online experience as will dismiss EA for what they feel will be a bad game overall and not on the level of 2K all things considered. Just seems that the only people that have freewill to continue the EA/2K gaming war and not get warned for such is the people that work here and they take too many chances to do so IMO.
As for the games, I think EA would do better making a College game. Even if they get great reviews and some people say they are just as good as 2K next year they are fighting a uphill battle with name recognition. They brought it all on themselves because there was a point when they were the one's with the name recognition in there favor. I will not tout or overstate EA nor 2K.
As for the games, I think EA would do better making a College game. Even if they get great reviews and some people say they are just as good as 2K next year they are fighting a uphill battle with name recognition. They brought it all on themselves because there was a point when they were the one's with the name recognition in there favor. I will not tout or overstate EA nor 2K.
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