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Why NBA 2K12 Fell Short Stuck
Posted on December 7, 2011 at 04:48 PM.

There's a lot of negative sentiment around the community about NBA 2K12 this season, some of the complaints are entirely justified. In fact, I'd say they're completely warranted in many cases.

But we're not here to complain or bash, we're here to try to give a rational explanation for why exactly NBA 2K12 seems to have 'failed' in many people's eyes (at least in terms of sales, which is the strongest indicator of approval or not we have). Here are what I feel the top three reasons for the game seeming to fail in the sales department at this point:
  1. The Lockout. Let's just get the easy and most obvious answer out of the way. The lockout killed NBA 2K12's sales above and beyond anything else. Most analysts predicted sales shortfalls of 50% or more, and while many in this blog space tried to argue the lack of NBA would make many want to buy the game, it just never works like that in the real world. But sales are on pace to be well below 50% of last year's totals if you believe some charts. So it just doesn't end with the lockout.
  2. Jordan Was Cool...Until He Wasn't. The buzz surrounding last year's release was just enormous. In every way, people were hyped because Michael Freaking Jordan was about to be in a video game again after a long hiatus. And not just any game, but one which promised to be the most realistic game of basketball in some time. Fast forward a year, and when it came out Jordan was on the cover, there was a collective groan. The marketing strategy for this game was to play it safe and hope the sales just came in on brand recognition it seems. Unfortunately for 2K Sports and Take Two, they have found out the hard way that the NBA 2K brand is just as expendable for gamers as Tomb Raider was (and Call of Duty will be).
  3. What Do You Have to Offer Me Again? Of course, the ever proverbial word of mouth is a big factor in getting a game over that hump from year to year. And the word of mouth simply wasn't that good. Games today, in the days of social media, are made or broken by how word carries. Hype can breed hype and disdain, disdain. NBA 2K12 had enormous expectations, impossible expectations of it. Gamers wanted a revolution but instead got an evolution and some cases, a careful step back by the developers. That was unacceptable. It's like whoever is going to follow Joe Pa at Penn State, they probably won't be a bad coach -- but they have no chance of living up to that legacy.

So what do you think? Are you enjoying NBA 2K12 this year? Do you think the game should be considered a failure given the horrible sales compared to last year? Let me know by commenting!!

Chris is the Executive Editor at Operation Sports. He is a native Oklahoman, has been playing sports video games since the age of eight and chases tornadoes in the spring.
# 46 jersez @ Dec 11
Does anyone read now a days, Chris was talking about sales. Some many comments on the actual game where he is speaking of sales. Most of these comments are not even on topic.
# 47 Saviour @ Dec 13
I never how anyone who doesnt play online can defend this game as the ONLINE COMPONENT IS TERRIBLE!!! I am severely disappointed in 2K in the online component of this game. The mere fact that they have not figured out how to correct this after years of failures is amazing to me. And to remove the crew features is downright insulting.

2KSports needs to sell this game as a 2 disc set and remove all of the offline computer AI components in the online. Allow player vs player skill to dictate the game. Fix the connection problems. BRING CREWS BACK. Make a fully customizable online association and these complaints go away.
# 48 qnzballa5 @ Dec 13
Lockout is a weak excuse but ok use it.. Im going to tell u y this game fails.. 1st its the Gameplay And Online.. Lets grt the online stuff out.. Online is the worst so far in the series n each year we keep hearin they will make it better but wat do they do?? Make it worst.. They take all of the features out literally.. We cant change jerseys?? Really 2k?? No jumpshot feedback online?? That is needed especially if we r playing a laggy game..

Still cant save playbooks, coach settings, coach profiles online?? Plz tell me y we cant yet we had this feature in 2k 9 n every series b4 that.. Y are we going backwards 2k?? Where is the online unrank random lobbies at?? I want to play halloffame againt random players but we cant.. They have to b in ur friend list lol trash..

Y is the spin dunk animiation still there from 2k11?? They obviously dont realize cheesers will abuse that bs.. They think by puttin it for analog that it will limit it?? Come on 2k just remove that bs like how u removed that bs hopstop animiation from 2k11.. This spin dunk bs is fake..

Speed lol dont let me talk about that cuz that is a joke.. Most importantly this legend stuff has to stop im sorry but they r wasting entirely to much time prioritzing on legends then actual current teams n gameplay.. Make another game for just legends or a dlc for legends only cuz seriously its out of control..
# 49 qnzballa5 @ Dec 13
2k has to go off from 2k11.. Online u guys made it for noobs to compete against vets n that is not acceptable.. If a vet has mastered the game, knows basketball, knows strategy.. Yet the vet plays a noob who just picks heat n either jacks 3's all game or drives wit just lebron all gams they should get destroyed.. But in this game they let the noob either close in the game or actually win it n that is terrible..

Make Online Great, improve ur gameplay great.. Next year make Online ur focus n gameplay.. This presentation n legends stuff is cool but it is just not enough.. Making this game strictly an Offline game is def not acceptable becwuse truly this game is an offline game.. This game offline compared to online is two different things.. Online gameplay is terrible, servers terrible, features lmaoo even more terrible..

Next year just go all out seriously.. Bring all the great features back, my crew, saved playbooks, coach settings etc.. Fix online gameplay, servers.. Y cant we see wat team our friend is for online for 360?? We cant see if they r playing a rank match or teamup come on 2k lmaoo.. Cant see the time left in thr qtrs for our friends.. Leaderboards is terrible for online.. Y is it based on amount of games played?? Go back to the elo system from 2k6 on the orignal xbox.. Should b based on quality of games not quanity..

Teamup is still terrible online.. If a player on my team is just shootin backcourt shots as a team we should b able to vote him off come on 2k.. We still cant change the lineup from the bench when an online player left?? These common errors show me that they dont give even an inch about Online...
# 50 De_Vante @ Dec 14
First off I would like to say that 2k was a great game. Could it get any better, hard to say but yes. What 2k suffers from the most is basically simple glitches which I hope the patch will fix! Me being only 19 is now in a generation of gamers or well let me just say my generation is can't seem to come up with their own opinions without looking at an YouTube video or some tweets! I see people on every social network community site asking why won't there be a crew mode? Well obviously cause Of the hackers out there and by looking at the servers you will only see more complaining even if they do add a Crew mode and to be honest i didnt see the feature getting that popular tilbthe last reigning months of 2k! As I said before over and over people complain about 2k12 but remember there is a pre-owned 2k11 out there waiting for you!
# 51 charter04 @ Dec 14
So many people talk about the problem with EA football being no competition. I think the same thing happened to 2k12. I own the game and really like it but, it didn't move the franchise forward for the same reason Madden never moves forward. They were the only show in town and it's human nature to get complaisant and just expect the name brand to sell games. This only works with Madden, as far as sports games go, because it's the NFL and that sells it self. That is why it is so important for EA to get back to making NBA games and 2k to get back to making NFL games. Both companies need the competition. Just like two of their cover athletes, Bird and Magic.
# 52 Culture Rot @ Dec 14
Yeah its that Jordans fault for not being cool anymore. Wtf?
# 53 malky @ Dec 17
2k12 is great! Ten times better than 11 IMHO, but then again I strictly play offline and i'm loving it!!!!
# 54 KBomber @ Dec 20
Quite honestly, to me the biggest issue has been gameplay. After steady improvement from 2k8 until 2k11, I think that 2K Sports wrote a cheque with their mouths that NBA 2K12 simply hasn't delivered on.

To me it is puzzling, especially since one of the most affected and unalterable modes was the "My Player" mode -- one which, research showed, was the most played mode in NBA 2K11. Unable to adapt that mode due to an absence of Gameplay Sliders, I think, the issues with MP have gone a long way to souring many stalwarts on this year's offering.

My hope is that the many issues, particularly with MP, are resolved next year and that we can put NBA 2K12 in the realm of a blip on an otherwise impressive series.
# 55 KBomber @ Dec 20
@tril -- just with respect to negative commentary, I have played this title since its inception on the DreamCast and beyond that, I used to be a mod over at 2K Sports and a writer on College Hoops 2K5 and 2K6. No offence, but the criticism is warranted...
# 56 kaymagic91 @ Dec 21
2k12 fell short because its just a game where you move from one canned animation to another,on ball defense is still a joke, bloks and attempts are weak, slow players are just as fast as fast player, servers don't work, chris paul can get stripped by kwame brown and in general its just worse than 2k11
# 57 Bboi3 @ Dec 23
they need to fix dynasty
# 58 DoWork @ Dec 27
This year the game play just feels wierd to me. Game was rushed and never got worked on like it should of been. I blame 2k for working on the $10 DLC when they should have worked more on their main game.

On ball defense is almost non-existent this year. Players just slide right by you with ease. Its annoying as hell. Trying to move your player on defense is always a struggle. Movement seems to be very slow and sluggish and you can't get your player to react fast enough to keep up with your man your trying to guard.

Blocks are indeed weak. I just played a game online and blocked a C with jameer nelson in the paint.

Passing is too slow this year too. Passes are way too floaty at times.

Steals are still a problem online also. They were never tunned down enough, so people just mash X all game trying for the steal.

Trying to use Turbo is awful as well. Many times when you try to use turbo the ball will hit another player in front of you and cause you to loose the ball.

Online is weak also. Online feels like your playing a game that is still in beta testing. Online association is unfinished. Team-up with the lack of lobbies, legend teams, and other many issues it gets boring really fast. Not being able to play with your friends online with the legend teams is a major disappointment.

All in all I was very disappointed this year with the game. I will probably sell this game soon and buy back 2k11. This games just too frustrating to try and play with all the many issues and problems.
# 59 lsalas76 @ Dec 29
There are probably many reasons why there wasn't more sales for 2k12 than last years game. Word of mouth was/ is probably the main reason for lower sales - Word of mouth about omitted features that were in last years game like having full control of editing classic teams from the get go could be a reason why some didn't bother to buy the game; not being able to originally play with the classic teams online, not being able to set up an online private match between friends with the classic teams, and not being able to have classic teams vs current teams online; the lack of crew could have been yet another reason; confirmation early on that Barkley, Miller, or Iverson were not in the game(although thats not necessarily 2k's fault since Barkley and Miller chose to be excluded); word of mouth about bad online; and word of mouth about bad game play are more reasons for the low sales. The lockout(again not 2k's fault) had a lot to do with lower sales as well because the rosters were not updated and rookies were not included. People usually look forward to updated rosters on the newest sports games releases. One could argue that now that the lockout is over and the rosters are updated and rookies are available, and that we can now edit classic teams(granted albeit by buying the DLC), that the game should be selling like hotcakes now. However, some fans are also upset that the NBA went into a lockout in the first place and that it took so long to resolve, so some fans could have lost interest in the NBA and decided to boycott NBA products all together. Some fans are also upset that this year we had to pay in order to be able to edit the classic rosters when it was free last year. Sure 2k12 seems to be winning many Sports Game of the Year awards, so one can argue that it has been successful in that respect but success is also viewed and measured in terms of how much the game sells too. I hope 2k is reading these post(but I doubt they are)
# 60 ManiacMatt1782 @ Jan 1
Blame the lockout all you want. Word of mouth about the removal of multiple features is the main reason. Video gamers are gonna pick up the game regardless. ****** takers Re the ones who would pass over a bad review.

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