RaychelSnr's Blog

NBA 2K12 Dips Into Novelty and Comes Up a Winner -- For Now 
Posted on August 4, 2011 at 11:07 AM.

What do you do when you include the greatest player to ever play your sport in an edition of your game and its sales double?
Why you bring him back and include a bunch of his classic compadres. 2K Sports deserves a lot of credit for basically ensuring 2K12 will have some novelty of its own. Novelty is what can make a stale series great again -- just ask Tiger Woods PGA Tour from this past year how the Masters helped spur buzz and ultimately sales of the game.
In case you haven't heard, NBA 2K12 is getting a new mode called NBA's Greatest Mode. At the current time only five players are confirmed and they are Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Julius Erving, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Michael Jordan.
But there's 10 more still to go. And we know we're going back to at least the 60's -- time to get 100 points like Wilt.
Including historical broadcast elements into the game for their eras is going to be sick as it is. Having historical arenas will be absolutely awesome. Let's face it, the NBA wasn't played in cathedrals in the 60s -- at least not everywhere.
Given the tendency for the NBA Lockout to basically take out the first half of this season if you believe some of what you are hearing, this is a good move to try to spur sales. And even more important is that for the game itself, this bit of added novelty will ensure NBA 2K12 gets the buzz it needs to be successful this season.
Most sports games are running low on originality -- and many would do themselves proud by going the novelty route at least for a season or two just to increase buzz a bit for their titles.
Yes that's right, I just said gimmick over substance. But guess what? Unless you are 12 -- playing as classic teams and players probably resonates with you at least somewhat in any sport.
Of course, this does raise the question of what can 2K12 keep doing with the classics angle after this year -- and you are right about the simple fact that we simply do not know. The thing about novelty is that it is fun at first -- but if you keep coming back to the same well you end up being more annoying than anything else.
But for now, I'm looking forward to a potential Shaq vs. Wilt matchup coming to my TV screen in the very near future.
# 1
wallofhate @ Aug 4
From the minor info i've read they have added different camera angles to replicate tv broadcasts of the era being played and also added black and white to the games before color tv. If they added more throwback commentary like the Jordan challenges I don't see how this could miss. But I agree the novelty will get old fast if continued
# 2
STLRams @ Aug 4
Great move by 2Ksports, plain and simple. People can call it a gimmick, novelty or whatever. They are producing a stellar basktball game that gives the fans the chance to play with legendary players/teams with the current league players. To have Jordan - the GOD of Basketball and more legend players, this pays homage to those who have paved the way for today's NBA. Some younger NBA2K12 players may not appreciate what 2K is doing, but those of us that watched basketball in the 70's80's or 90's love this feature from 2KSports!
# 3
DoubleJMix965 @ Aug 4
I'm in the same boat, it could get old quick. However, I do enjoy that they're adding to the lineup of the classic athletes and I do enjoy the homage to the great players of years past.
My biggest concern, however, is within the game's other modes. The Greatest players is very cool, but there are still small things that I think deserve a bit of attention in the mix of everything else. I have faith though. I believe they will put out another great product, I am just on the fence about it being as good/better as 2k11. Prove me wrong, 2k!
My biggest concern, however, is within the game's other modes. The Greatest players is very cool, but there are still small things that I think deserve a bit of attention in the mix of everything else. I have faith though. I believe they will put out another great product, I am just on the fence about it being as good/better as 2k11. Prove me wrong, 2k!
# 4
teebee @ Aug 4
I hope i get to play as any 1970's playing and snort enough cocaine to kill a small horse
# 5
scottyp180 @ Aug 4
sports games need different modes (instead of the same quick game, franchise, online). Even something like allstar weekend or maddens mini-camp challenges (do madden games still have this?) help keep the games fresh and give another reason to play the game. this is a great follow up/sequel to last years jordan challenge. I loved the idea of the jordan challenges last year which had a great selection of Jordan moments and a pretty good variety of objectives. My biggest gripe with the challenges was that they got boring after awhile. you ended up having to hog the ball with jordan the majority of the game and god forbid you didnt complete all the goals because then you would have to play the whole game over again. Giving us the ability to use different teams/legends with definitely increase replay value and keep the mode from becoming stale. In the future I hope they atleast keep the classic teams in the game even if the legends mode is gone.
My idea to keep this idea fresh each year is to use more recent challenges (kobes 81 comes to mind). or have some kind of instant classic challenges where they do game(s) of the week twhere you are given the top game(s) from the previous week and have to replay the games with certain number of ingame challenges.
My idea to keep this idea fresh each year is to use more recent challenges (kobes 81 comes to mind). or have some kind of instant classic challenges where they do game(s) of the week twhere you are given the top game(s) from the previous week and have to replay the games with certain number of ingame challenges.
# 6
Galarius @ Aug 4
Not a novelty at all...It is a previously underutilized aspect of sports games whose time has come..Anyone over 30 is going to enjoy these things, and we are the ones who have the most money to spend on games
I have played every single game of NBA2k12 either with or against classic teams.My only complaint is that there needs to be more of them in order to fully enjoy it
If and when they expand these things, I would even be willing to pay extra for DLC content involving older teams.That way people who aren't as interested don't have to pay for something they don't really want...But with NBA2k11 being such a huge seller, I think this is definitely a cash cow for 2k and hopefully EA someday
A simp,le way to get around paying for all the scrubs woul dbe a royalty based system that would involve DLC..That way the companies could get retired athletes who aren't superstars to agree to more realistic monies...Maybe...
Never underestimate greed!ha ha
I have played every single game of NBA2k12 either with or against classic teams.My only complaint is that there needs to be more of them in order to fully enjoy it
If and when they expand these things, I would even be willing to pay extra for DLC content involving older teams.That way people who aren't as interested don't have to pay for something they don't really want...But with NBA2k11 being such a huge seller, I think this is definitely a cash cow for 2k and hopefully EA someday
A simp,le way to get around paying for all the scrubs woul dbe a royalty based system that would involve DLC..That way the companies could get retired athletes who aren't superstars to agree to more realistic monies...Maybe...
Never underestimate greed!ha ha
# 8
kolanji @ Aug 4
u call it a novelty i call it a collectors edition.i guarantee u that this game is not based on the selling point of retired players this is just a bonus that is welcoming to the older and somewhat to the younger audience of basketball.not only is nostalgia gonna be involved but the imaginary arguments about what if this player played against this player or this player for this team will be virtually satisfying to re-create history in ur version on the comfort of ur couch.
# 9
TreyIM2 @ Aug 4
I don't think this is really a gimmick or novelty, per se. It only makes sense to add these players. Nothing new about adding sports stars of the past to a current day sports game bit what I do see is how this can white wash minds on 'how great' the game is when it still has glaring gameplay and control issues that have yet to be addressed. In 2Ks defense, I guess they can only work on so much and who knows the depths of fixing what millions believe isn't broken. That's smart money, actually, when u can get away from it but I can promise u that if what TRULY needs to be fixed for 2K12 is not fixed, my money will be using my own intelligence and going elsewhere. Lol. I barely played my 2K11.
# 10
jyoung @ Aug 4
I'd rather see them add an online franchise mode and get online servers that run off something besides a bunch of hamsters in cage wheels.
# 11
hall31 @ Aug 4
Since we're going to see television elements for the era's in which the games were being played, it sure would be nice to get the classic NBA on NBC theme music. A man can dream!
# 12
thbends @ Aug 4
I think this is awesome. Yea guys my age... in my 30s will love it but we ALL young and old will learning a thing or two from it if its done right. The rule changes will allow us to seen just how hard it was for some of these legends to do what they did... When they did it.
# 13
rudeworld @ Aug 4
This is an awesome idea, I just wish this time they have every player on the team instead of some fictional guys... or ways too edit them. If 2k can do this then I'm sold... lol as if I wasn't already
# 14
throb76 @ Aug 4
This is a great feature. Finally I wont have to spend hours adding all the greats from the past. I wish Madden would do something similar. Not just HOF Free Agents.
# 15
kobe23323 @ Aug 4
If There Is No NBA season.
2Ksport hopefully the best basketball game of all time, with better and great graphics.
I and many people we make sure that we'll buy
2Ksport hopefully the best basketball game of all time, with better and great graphics.
I and many people we make sure that we'll buy
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