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The Coaching Carousel is a Great First Step Stuck
Posted on May 26, 2011 at 01:20 PM.

FINALLY! It's as if a day of vindication arrived when the details of the Coaching Carousel in NCAA Football 12 came out. The missing link in dynasty mode had been included -- so all is well right?

According to the latest poll on OS, that seems to be the case. 63% of all voters at the time of this writing love the feature -- I voted that way as well. Some are waiting to see, I don't blame their jaded hearts.

What the Coaching Carousel marks is a critical first step in the evolution of Dynasty Mode into a true 'program managing' simulation. The only way you can effectively model the college sports universe is to focus on the Coaches -- they basically are the faces of NCAA Football. This is a move that has been a long time coming for the series and a crucial first step to bigger and better things.

I do have a few gripes about the Coaching Carousel, such as the way too simple ratings system for coaches (and what effect they have on their team being way too simple as well), but I suspect these are all things which will change and become better with another edition or two. For now, being able to start as a Coordinator and work your way up is a great addition to the mode.

The other additions to the mode announced this week are all big time as well. The online dynasty functionality is superb, many will be completely addicted to that mode again. And the custom conferences actually being custom is going to be welcome...I'm pretty certain I'm going to be that guy who creates the proposed Super-conferences from the offseason last year and play out a dynasty.

What about you? What do you think about the Coaching Carousel mode? Do you think EA went far enough this year or do you think they played it too safe? What about the other new features in Dynasty Mode? Sound off!
# 1 NAdkins01 @ May 26
NCAA improving the game with new features? If only Madden would learn...
# 2 berad88 @ May 26
Nadkins01, Madden 12 is loaded with new features if you are into franchise mode.
# 3 Bradysenior @ May 26
I feel this is a major 1st step in the direction of possibly being the flagship football game for EA. But a question I must ask;

Did they implement the NCAA infractions into this years game?

Cause if you remember on the older gen systems you would have to punish a student for making off the field mistakes, and if you didn't your school would face NCAA sanctions. That would be an awesome addition to offline/online dynasty modes as well. But overall I can't wait for this game, great post and see ya on the gridiron
# 4 JMUfootball @ May 26
NCAA improving the game with new features? If only Madden would learn...
You're joking right? Have you even seen the features that Madden has added to Franchise mode for this year? Makes what NCAA has done seem like the ABSOLUTE bare minimum.

Personally I am making it a point to buy Madden instead of NCAA this year...I just don't think NCAA has done enough. Yes, the carousel is a nice first step, but it is incredibly shallow so far in its implementation. Beyond carousel, nothing of significant value has been added to offline dynasty mode. We still have the same unrealistic and bland recruiting, lack of immersion with other league news, and other issues. I mean, if you look at the screenshots even the player menu faces and the clumsy menu layout are exactly the same.

I think that NCAA gambled that a lot of people would be wow'ed by the new intro's and the dreadlocks. Instead, I think Madden got it right - add depth to the game modes, not superficial "canned" presentation elements. NCAA could have, and should have, done a lot more, because Madden is making them look bad this year.
# 5 209vaughn @ May 26
I'm a HUGE NCAA fan (gaming and real life)... I'm a lot more excited to buy Madden this year. It will be the first time i've bought it in probably 5 years.

Coaching Carousel looks cool, but after that IDK what else is that great? Intros and dreadlocks? Yawn. Let's wait and see.
# 6 Vaporub83 @ May 26
JMUFootball, lets not forget Madden didn't touch franchise mode at all for '11. Your comparing a 1 year jump in NCAA to a 2 year jump in Madden.
# 7 vln13 @ May 26
I have a very positive attitude towards the carousel, but not necessarily towards the mode and the game as a whole. Besides the 3$ each for the two main features online, the game as a whole just comes across less exiting than Madden this year.
# 8 StL_RamZ @ May 26
Wait im a little confused.... Are there real coaches???
# 9 adembroski @ May 26
I just want to say: I hate the idea of coach ratings. I don't think coaching 'abilities' are really quantifiable. I'd rather see "styles" that mesh in different ways, so rather than finding a series of great coaches, you have to build the team of coaches that fits your style.
# 10 jmik58 @ May 26
We still have the same unrealistic and bland recruiting
I thought they said they revamped the recruiting logic so that teams will go after players that fit their system.

That irons out perhaps the most significant problem with recruiting. I thought recruiting was pretty deep and fun in '10.
# 11 kjcheezhead @ May 28
Everything EA does seems to be a great first step. The first step usually the only step they take tho.
# 12 mirrored32 @ Jun 13
I love the idea of the Coaching Carousel and I agree it is a great first step. I look forward to it, though it was a safe move first by EA. I consider it a very respectable enhancement. It shows they are making the game better. I prefer safe over broken
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