RaychelSnr's Blog

New Scoring System -- A 0 - 10 Explanation of what each score means.
Posted on January 10, 2011 at 09:42 PM.
0 - .5 (Absolutely horrendous) -- These are the worst of the worst. Think about games that just don't work at all and they go here. For a developer to get this, it almost has to be due to gross negligence. Don't just avoid these games, make fun of people for buying such a piece of crap if you see it happening.
1 - 1.5 (Really Bad) -- This is a game that is somewhat functional but still quite bad. These games are the types of games that just don't play well at all; there are no redeeming qualities except that they actually work -- mostly. Avoid these games.
2.0 - 2.5 (Bad) -- These games are just plain bad. There may be one redeeming quality about these games, but there are very serious flaws that cannot be overlooked. You might think about renting these games -- for achievements or something like that -- but avoid buying these titles unless they're for super cheap.
3.0 - 3.5 (Subpar) -- While there is a redeeming quality or feature to these titles, their execution is poor and there is very little that can be helped in the long run. This is a buy if it's the only option, and you are a huge fan of this type of game -- but even then it's probably best to wait for a discounted price.
4.0 - 4.5 (Below Average) -- This game is close to average, as there are some redeeming qualities about the title, but there are serious flaws that still outweigh the good. If you are a fan of the sport, you should consider the game -- but only if there aren't better options on the market.
5.0 - 5.5 (Average) -- This is the quintessential average game. There are good spots, there are bad spots. You might love this game, then you might hate it. In the end, you'll just feel like it could have been so much more. Rent these for sure if you are a fan, and you might even buy the game if you can overlook the many flaws.
6.0 - 6.5 (Above Average) -- These games are definitely above average, but definitely not good yet. There are still some big flaws that need tuning, but overall these games can be quite fun for fans of the sport.
7.0 - 7.5 (Good) -- These games are pretty good, and while having several notable flaws, they generally play well and are quite fun. They definitely are not great yet, but with a few fixes they could get there. These are solid buys, especially if you like the sport.
8.0 - 8.5 (Great) -- These games are really quite good. There are a few notable flaws with the game holding it back from being a classic, but these games are worth the money, and for even casual fans of the sport they are definite purchases.
9.0 - 9.5 (All-Time Classic) -- These games are the type of games we talk about for a long time on OS. They are great in nearly every way, and while they have a minor flaw or two, they are easily overlooked because of the level of greatness present here. These are rare, but they are quite awesome when they come around. A must buy for any sports fan.
10.0 (Genre Defining) -- There are essentially zero flaws with this game. While no game is perfect, this game is great in every regard and could be played for years without it becoming all that stale. These are the titles which everyone should own, even RPG only gamers.
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Under the old system (which most review sites seem to use) you saw a lot of games getting lumped somewhere between the 7-9 bracket. You might aswell of just had a system between 0-3!
0 - pointless
1 - crap
2 - average
3 - great
I think this new system will work, I look forward to reading the reviews and seeing how the new scores relate.
Of course this won't stop the arguing haha, but if it did, there probably wouldn't be much use for forums anymore would there...