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What in the world is going on at Electronic Arts? Stuck
Posted on November 9, 2010 at 10:12 PM.

Jerry Jones, is that you running EA Sports?

It was apparent something was amiss with EA back in the winter when we found out they were abandoning one of their cornerstones in NBA Live to start anew with NBA Elite -- despite the fact Live made significant strides towards catching the 2K series in quality.

Then Elite was just plain bad.

Then Elite was cancelled.

Then we find out there is a major shakeup in the corporate structure of EA and their sports games.

Can you blame a sports gamer for being a bit concerned?

Seems to me that good ol' Electronic Arts is in a really tough position right now. I mean, I know NBA Elite was bad, but to have jobs cut and a complete reorganization of the whole corporate structure?

Was the 'Halfcourt Jesus' video that damaging?

It seems to me, more questions than answers are coming out of the EA camp these days. I can't help but think there's something amiss that we aren't seeing, or at least, something we haven't quite caught on to.

Because if things were going just fine -- you don't just reorganize your corporate structure for the heck of it.

Then again, EA did away with NBA Live after it achieved quality not seen in half a decade.

I'll be keeping my ears to the ground for sure.
# 1 DubTrey1 @ Nov 9
While I am not trying to compare a videogame company/publisher - but I am employed by a fortune 500 company and we have restructured no less than 3 times in the last 5 years.... Internal re-org's happen all the time, even in the biggest companies. When I worked at Shell OPUS, we re-org'd twice in 6 years.... Each time it is an effort to realign employees to other areas that make more sense from an internal business functional perspective. Perhaps EA is cutting resources and re-allocating the best and the brightest to prepare a new vision going forward for their sports titles? Who knows, but one thing I would not do is see it as a sign of internal weakness or panic. In those I have experienced, they are all business as usual. Even though in these cases there are mass lay-offs, who knows if those were FTE's? Or if they were contract employees? I think we will have to play wait and see. I think EA is fine and will continue to be fine. They may actually be able to pull out of this gray cloud and emerge better as a result?
# 2 RaychelSnr @ Nov 9
@DubTrey -- I think just the circumstances around it cast a dark shadow over the news today.

Also I think the fact that EA has cut it forecast every quarter for a few strong also has something to do with it, they're just not making money like they used to. Their stock price shows that clearly -- it's been flat the past 2 years while the market as a whole has gained over 60%!
# 3 cbass1 @ Nov 9
To be Honest, I'm not surprise by this news at all. If you take a look a the various job boards out there, People from the inside all say that EA is an un-organize mess. Now I know that is basically corporate America in a nut shell, but when the product is not up to the standard of the consumer and the bottom line takes a hit , then this is what happens.....aka The Dallas Cowboys
# 4 UntilTheNxtRnd @ Nov 10
It's a business move to cut losses. It's unfortunate that a lot of ppl who depended on this job have to suffer. Unfortunate and unfair but that's business for you. I see people starting to panic and I try to tell them stop with the negative stuff, especially with EA Canada. I went up there for two days as a game tester for the new Fight Night Champion. I was very happy with the direction and the steps the devs took with the franchise and not only did they listen they really put a lot into a second chance in this franchise. Sadly, the generation isn't about one step at a time or putting the work in to get what you want after time. It's a now now now want want want mindset, one I was a conspirator of at times. If EA is going to keep holding back on things just to keep a franchise going to keep business going it will bother most customers but in the end it's a business practice. That girl you are always going after isn't going to just give all the goods in one shot. If so, what's the purpose of you sticking around? I don't wanna go on a tangent but I will say that I am really confident in the direction the FNC devs are taking, but I don't wanna worry that all the work done to try and build a bridge of communication thru the FN community is in jeopardy because of the unfortunate failure of Elite.
# 5 Dazraz @ Nov 10
I think EA Sports have arrived at a point where they now realise that the consumer is no longer willing to accept sub standard releases or yearly rehashes with little upgrades.

With the prospect of 2K returning with an NHL game next year & a possible NFL title from them on the horizon it is time for EA to either step up or step aside. EA have relied heavily on their exclusive license deals to eliminate the opposition. Take away that exclusivity & you are then in a position of relying on the quality of the game to succeed. It is time now for EA to decide on what products they are going to continue to push forward with & which ones they let drop by the wayside.
# 6 rudyjuly2 @ Nov 10
Just don't screw up NCAA 12. That's all I ask.
# 7 sithlord06 @ Nov 11
I totally agree with Dazraz, its time they step up to the plate instead of relying on franchise licensing to survive in sports gaming.
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