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What does EA Football have to do to get its fans back? Stuck
Posted on September 13, 2010 at 08:51 PM.

If you haven't been around the OS Forums -- and other community forums for that matter -- there is a wave of discontent which has been around both NCAA Football and Madden for several years now.

I think some of the hate is definitely unjustified, but I also think there is a clear reason why both games are garnering so much negative attention these days: the games are stale.

I know it's not that difficult of a concept, but it's something which I think is totally true.

During an OS Radio show a few weeks back, I said something which I think totally rings true: to newcomers of the series, they will feel the games are quite good. To longtime fans, they will feel the games are quite stale and average.

So what do both games have to do next year to get their groove back among long time fans and newcomers alike?

I've got several ideas such as changing up the basic gameplay formula, recreating the franchise/dynasty modes, and reinventing community gaming.

However, I also ascribe to the theory that sometimes, listening is the best way for a breakthrough. So now is your turn, what specifically does EA Tiburon have to do to get their mojo back in your eyes? And if you are happy with the games, what do you think could keep that mojo going for you? Sound off!
# 46 lmarshalljr04 @ Sep 15
Let EA Canada work on it
# 47 videlsports @ Sep 15
They have made strides with the running game. I think they need to start fresh, with a new design. I really am tired of the same player models. I hear rtp are out of the question for EA's investment.. so I can't think of any major improvements. They need to make the passing game alot more like the NFL. Some qb's Throw into tight windows and are succesful. The LB or CB always bats the ball down, no matter the qb drop, 3, 5, or 7. Passing Game feels stale. Also they need to step up in the Presentation BIG TIME. THEY NEED TO MATCH.... WELL YOU KNOW.
# 48 kwomack12 @ Sep 16
I like NCAA Football 11 a lot. But there are a few things I can't stand/want changed:

1. Special Teams: On All-American, my average punt return is about 2 yards. 5 at the most. On varsity, the most I'll get is 8-10. I've never even come close to blocking a punt or a kick, and I've only ran back 2 kickoffs for touchdowns through the hundreds of games I've played. Special teams is a huge part of the game. But if there's no chance that any kind of play can be made, then it eliminates the teams like Virginia Tech that excel in that category.

2. Bring back the in-game ticker that updates you on the scores of the other games in your dynasty. It was present in 07 and 06, but hasn't been back.

3. BROADCAST CAMERA. NBA 2k10 and MLB 10: The Show both have broadcast cameras, cameras that make me feel like I'm watching the game. What does NCAA give us? A camera angle that has never been seen on television before. When I pull the biggest upset of the year as Duke/San Jose State and I beat Alabama, I want it to look like a game, like I'm watching it on ESPN.

4. Changed broadcast style between regular season games and Championship/BCS games. Regular bowl games, like Champs Sports or Insight, don't have to be changed, as they aren't that much bigger than regular games. But I'll be honest: It's a beating when I spend 10 hours playing through a season, and in the National Championship I still get the same exact phrases that I've heard all year, with the same level of excitement. It's college football! It's all about the huge upsets and National Championships! There's got to be some excitement! Some kind of change in broadcast, maybe more enthusiastic announcers?

Anyway, there was definitely a HUGE difference between '10 and '11, and EA definitely made huge strides this year to a really good game. But after NBA 2k11 comes out, EA will have too cut the excuses out about 'not being able to fit in content' and other BS like that. I look forward to a kick-*** game next year, but I'll enjoy this one while I have it.
# 49 T3B0W @ Sep 16
I don't think NCAA has a problem anymore (it's the best football sim I've played and I am loving it, it's never out of the PS3). Madden though whilst improved is a game I actually passed on this season as it was "more of the same". I think they made a stride forward, though they need to really overhaul franchise mode and get rid of the gimmicky BS that they think gamers want.
# 50 Herky @ Sep 16
Madden's franchise mode has been really never changed on the current gen of consoles. I wish EA would put more time into improving that feature and not the minor improvements. Last year they did a great job with gameplay, but still haven't made the total jump that they should in overall improvements. The import of the draft classes have been awful as well. On last gen, I never had issues with Madden. Madden 2005 is still the most complete Madden ever franchise-wise.

NCAA has done a great job overall this year but the depth chart and scheduling issue is a problem for hardcore franchise people. As is the kick and punt return problems I am still seeing.

In short, Madden is losing more fans for EA than NCAA is I think. The Madden team should have springboarded off last years release with a re-vamped franchise mode and didn't. In 2010 this shouldn't be a problem but it is.

I will commend EA on their patches and tuners for NCAA. They did a fantastic job and made this game fun. Just please put dreads in next season!
# 51 Eski33 @ Sep 16
I have always wondered how developers can make football games, or any sports game, better. Honestly, developers of these games are a disadvantage because the game itself, outside of a few rule changes here and there, never change. In short, developers are asked to re-invent the wheel year in and year out.

Gamers want the most realistic game possible. But how is it possible when the game is a program? People want the CPU to behave like a human opponent when in fact that is impossible. Humans make mistakes. If a CPU opponent were to do the things that human opponents do (cheese, drop passes, miss assignments in man coverage - basically mis-timing an interception or reception opportunity) people would complain that the game isn't realistic.

If the CPU runs Denard Robinson for 400 yards, people would consider the game to be too difficult and blamed for cheating. Let's face it, there is no way we are ever going to get the CPU to play "perfectly" because it is too subjective.

This year, NCAA 11 is years beyond any previous offering and it has what I expect from a next-gen football game. Great visuals, tons of extras and the CPU, outside of not running things appropriately occasionally, is challenging. The best part -- The game is fun!!! If NCAA has an area where it needs improvement it is in the area of presentation. The ESPN presentation is great but in-game highlights, more dedicated commentary towards things happening around the country would be good.

In regards to Madden 11, the game plays the same. People want a game to feel and look fresh every year. Again, how do developers do this within their dedicated development cycle?

People who are fans of sports games and have played NFL 2K5 pan Madden for its lack of presentation, especially post-game highlights, the lack of extras (The Crib was outstanding), and any resemblance of a studio show with highlights from around the league.
# 52 BlackRome @ Sep 17
Their is real football and then their is Madden.

Madden football looks like the Jets on Monday night. The difference is that in real football you can not be competitive throwing nothing but check downs.

You can score like an Arena football game never throwing a pass longer than 5 yards.

That's not football. It's Madden.
# 53 mwjr @ Sep 17
This is the 2nd straight year that I didn't buy Madden, marking the first time since 1997's iteration that I haven't owned. And the only reason I didn't get the Madden 97 version was because I didn't have a PSX yet!

Like several others in here I am a franchise guy, and if that's not working, then I'm not having fun. IMO, the franchise mode isn't even what it used to be back on the previous gen systems. Until Madden gets serious about revamping its Franchise Mode, I doubt I'll be buying another one.
# 54 49UNCFan @ Sep 29
Add more Animations & Remove ugly animations
Remove canimations
I think the grass is too pretty,too much texture!
Add dirty uni's and FD out of box
Signature styles Team & Players
Beef up Presentation & Graphics Look at NCAA 11
Tune everything Commentary,Presentation glitches,Gameplay,A.i.

No more features just core gameplay

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