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What basketball video games are missing..
For football and baseball games many plays often repeat themselves and there arent as many possibilities as of a basketball game which makes it hard to replicate into a video game. So here are some examples of what I have never seen in a basketball video game which happens every day.

- Choice of passing. When Im playing basketball I can choose how I want to feed my low post man. I can give him a bounce pass or a lob. Or my teammate who is cutting to the basket, do I give him a bullet chest pass or a perfect bounce pass for the layup. CH 2k8 tried this but it plain sucked.

- Actual on-ball defense. Players in defensive position (not stupid lock down D mode) that dont push the player with ball so he almost falls backwards. If the player with the ball is stronger he will he easily outmuscle that defender. While if the player is weaker, when he tries to drive by him he wont go anywhere. And if this player continues to try and muscle his way by the defender he will fall down or loose the ball.

-Actual tipped or loose balls. A lot of rebounds are tipped in the air or out of bounds much which I have rarely if ever seen. And actual loose balls of the rebound where there is a huge scrum of people diving and trying to pick up the ball. And in the middle of the scrum there is always that one man trying to break away for a layup if his team gets the ball.

-Players pushing the ball while dribbling. When a player dribbles in the open court he pushes the ball way in front of him with high dribbles. So when Im in the open court and press sprint this should happen! This way big man dont catch up to guards on fastbreaks.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Posted on August 15, 2011 at 07:06 PM.
11 teams in my sim SEC Online dynasty have been taken and only one remains....the Mississippi State Bulldogs.

If you are interested here is the link to the thread. Read the rules and if you like it then post in the thread and I'll put you in the league. Thanks.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Posted on July 5, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
In the NBA 2K Online forum, I am running a simulation of the NBA, in which OS members are GMs of one of the 30 teams in the NBA. They manage, trade/negotiate, sign free agents, and do certain actions a GM would do. We are currently at the All-Star break, and we are taking 3 days off for the trading deadline. The problem that a lot of GMs had to leave so we have some empty spots. If anybody is interested in filling them please drop by the thread and check it out, and then PM me about it. ... Read More
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Posted on September 29, 2009 at 04:20 PM.
Ok I need some help deciding on these two games...And I dont want any biased opinions. After playing both demos, and seeing videos about the game, I can't decide which game I want.

Here is what I want in a basketball game. I want to be able to play the game over and over again. Yet, I want a fantastic dynasty. One where I can take over all 30 teams, and edit draft classes, and play any game I want.

So theres Live.....IMO fantastic gameplay. Gameplay that I could play ... Read More
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Posted on September 27, 2009 at 11:48 AM.
NBA 2K10s gameplay looks alright, although I still think Live 10 has better this year. Yet Live didn't touch Dynasty Mode and the presentation is mediocre. I understand why since it was a gameplay year, but that in my mind stops Live from taking over as the best basketball sim this year.

NBA 2K10 on the court looks almost exactly like NBA 2K9. Yet the dynamic commentary is amazing! I watched the Blazers and Nuggets video and was amazed. It sounded like a real broadcast! Layouts coming ... Read More
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Posted on September 20, 2009 at 11:02 PM.
I will from now on be doing blogs on how to take Madden to the next step. Here is improvements for offense.

Quarterback play: QBs were greatly differentiated in Madden 10, but something weren't executed well. One is the robo QB. Now Im fine with Tom Brady having it but Jamarcus Russell is making it ridiculous. There needs to be a rating for this. There are also too much lame ducks. The QBs should be programmed to take more sacks, and a lot of those lame ducks should be fumbles or ... Read More
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Posted on September 16, 2009 at 09:28 PM.
Announcing in basketball games is below average of what it could be to say the least. After a couple days it gets stale. Even playing the NBA Live 10 demo I have already memorized that VC is the best deep 3 point shooter in the league. In Madden, Chris Collinsworth wont stop telling you about how old time players use to play in the dark, or how he cant believe he use to play in the NFL.

This is because they only have a couple days to record and usually take most of the recordings ... Read More
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Posted on September 10, 2009 at 07:31 PM.
Finally! The NFL season is back!! Here are my predictions for the upcoming season. I make predictions off of feelings, and not thinking. Tell me if you like em and some of them will be outrageous because I believe in curses and jinxes and sports runs in patterns. Crazy, I know. These picks may be a little biased too. Just a little!!

AFC East

Patriots 11-5 -Defense isnt all that good, and it will take Brady a few games to get back into top form. Still their offense ... Read More
Monday, August 31, 2009
Posted on August 31, 2009 at 07:06 PM.
Every year Madden has new features. Madden 10 had pro-tak to which was a decent success. Here are a couple ideas of new features.

DNA- Imagine facing the Patriots and the CPU does what the Patriots actually do. Tom Brady throws to his primary target as much as he does in real life. The Panthers run the ball as much as they do in real life (unless they are behind.) Back up running backs get just as much carries as they do in real life. Mike Vick will play just as much as he does in ... Read More
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Posted on August 22, 2009 at 02:08 PM.
Every year I want to get every sports game. NFL, NBA, MLB, College Football, College Basketball, NHL, and even Golf, Boxing and Tennis. But I definetly dont have the money. I was thinking that we need to combine all these into one game. Then we could play any sports game with only one disc in. Then youd have a franchise mode where every sport would be involved. For example if it were January in your franchise mode youd be able to play the late weeks of the NFL season or you could play an NBA game. ... Read More
Friday, August 21, 2009
Posted on August 21, 2009 at 03:22 PM.
Many gamers always seem to pick sides between these too even if one game is better than the other they still like to stick with the company. People say they arent biased but really they are. Im biased towards EA even though I loved CH 2K8 and NFL 2K5. Then today it kinda dawned on me why people are biased towards companies. Player control!

2k tries to make its game the most realistic by making canned animations. Giving you less control, but also not making the games go out of control. ... Read More
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Posted on August 18, 2009 at 01:02 PM.
Here are the big ones that need to be fixed...

Tune the penalties-Make sure there arent just holding and facemask penalties. Where are the pass inteference calls? The Int. Grounding calls? Even if you put them at 100 they are never called. Also no more holding calls during FGs or PATs. They never happen. Also one time I was at midfield had a delay of game called and then it was 2nd and 12. Has happened to me a couple times. Doesnt make sense.

Fix the 3-4- Just have ... Read More
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Posted on August 16, 2009 at 09:46 PM.
Heres a little story today for ya...

I was the Cardinals playing the Falcons online. I did the Cardinal's version of the Wildcat around 8 times and ripped two 50 yard TD's. And the kid calls me a cheeser. On these forums all I hear is the wildcat is cheese.

First of all, may I say I strongly dislike the word cheese. I cant stand this a sim-style gaming. Also the Wildcat can be definetly be shut down. The first time you play it your gonna get murdered by it. A la the ... Read More
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Posted on August 15, 2009 at 10:24 PM.
Madden 09 was a huge dissapointment in my eyes. IQ was stupid, Rewind was idiotic, and the worst thing ever added to a football game. Gameplay was similar to '08 and I was convinced EA just basically updated the rosters every year and laughed as I gave my $60 to the cashier.

Then I saw Madden 10. Tried to ignore it because of last year, and I was trying to pick up NFL 2K5 with updated rosters. Yet, slowly I got dragged into the hype and all the changes. Then I bought it for $60 again. ... Read More
Monday, July 27, 2009
Posted on July 27, 2009 at 12:47 AM.
Madden 05 focused on defense
Madden 06 focused on QB play
Madden 07 focused on Running
Madden 08 focused on Coaching (weapons made you adjust)
Madden 09 focused on IQ (terrible idea)
Madden 10 focused on tackling system

What should Madden 11s main focus be next year. Offensive/Defensive Line interaction, QB play, Tackling system, WR/DB Interaction, Great Plays, Running, Coaching, Presentation, Improvements to Dynasty/Superstar, or a Teambuilder website. ... Read More
Posted on July 27, 2009 at 12:34 AM.
I've heard a lot of complaints about how the game is slow for Madden 10, and a lot of compliments on how realistic it is too. Personally, I like that it lets you see more things that you would see if you were a football player. It gives you better vision. You can see more holes open and where all the defenders are. But it does take all the players 8 seconds to run 40 yards.

So what are your thoughts/criticism/ideas? Will you increase the game speed once you get Madden 10? Is the slow ... Read More

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