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Is NBA LIVE 13 worthy of Any HYPE??? 
Posted on March 5, 2012 at 12:22 AM.
I have been reading numerous blogs and articles across the net on the NBA LIVE 13 return to "glory" name change. I have also read the good support that has followed from EA going back to a somewhat credible name in the virtual bbal world. People are already drinking the kool-aid, and eating up the hype. ( i am or was!)

This anouncememnt has given me a sliver of joy, and brought darkness to an already horrific nightmare once called NBA ELITE 11.

The joy of competition and what it should bring out in each individual bball camp/dev-team; to make the "best" virtual "sim" bball game out this fall.

My worrisome nightmare of NBA ELITE11 still casts a dark cloud on EA, and what they feel is going to "change video games, and the way they are played" quote of two years.

The stuff that has me bothered with EA is: What actual direction are they taking with LIVE? why has it taken them soo long to have a "community day" with gamers and NBA Stars? And are they actually trying to create a sim based bball, as they already have NBA JAM on the market.

It has almost impossible to figure out the LIVE series for years now, as they kept always changing their focus, and end product to the point where they had to cancel the project. Now, it has been almost two cycles and it is only now that the dev-teams are in showing some portions of the game, that "they", have already created. Where did these creative ideas come from? is what i am all about. i have seen dozens upon dozens of wishlists, and things that should be in the game that would make NBA LIVE a contender against the monster of NBA 2k franchise. So as i read these lists, i am thinking to myself; isn't it to late to incorporate any of these things, into an already created product? (7 months left to polish up). Or is EA looking for what they can add to next years game? The dev-team has had two dev cycles to collect all the shortcomings of 2K and release a monster of a game! dont you think!
So lets stop drinking the kool-aid my peeps, and wait for something more tangible and credible from the NBA LIVE franchise; ie, pics, videos, vlogs from diaries...etc.

# 1 22cedric @ Mar 5
I think NBA Live 13 will be a solid simulation title this year. It will be interesting to see if NBA Live 13 can compete with NBA 2K13 sales wise.
# 2 RUFFNREADY @ Mar 5
@22cedric; i am hoping for exactly what you are saying; but i cannot forget NBA "Delete". I am trying real hard to forget what EA was about to sell to me and the masses two years ago. I not worried about sales persay; but more focused on the core gameplay and if its going to be something that is going to make me fight between 2ks version or EA's ressurrection of the LIVE series.
If you really look at it, some play will buy a game because it looks pretty! and others will buy because it plays excellently! So either way you look at it, it should sell.
I know lots of people who would have bought NBA ELITE 11, if placed on the market for sale. but i am a gamer that has to have great core game play to really enjoy the replay value of what i purchased; and graphics do come in at a very close 2nd.
Lets keep'em crossed up!
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