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Madden13 is DOOMED, if... 
Posted on January 26, 2012 at 12:54 AM.
Let's face it, and i will cut right to the point; Madden13 is the TITANIC going down, with a whole new crew aboard, why? because they probably are still running the same "OLD" game engine as Madden 2006 of the next-gen era. i dont know why people cannot see that nothing has changed! EA has pulled off one of the greatest magic shows of all-time.
Picture this; a mechanic can take a go-kart engine, and max it out, and turn it into a souped-up "Go-Kart", and nothing more. It doesnt take 7 years to soup-up a go-kart! And EA sports knows this, and we should to. There is nothing more that can be done to their current engine (being year 7), that would shock-n-awe anybody; so why do soo many people believe in these great changes that EA has supposedly said, promised, announced recently.
As customers, we should understand that we are dealing with a now very masterful company here; long go the days of where it was all about the developers and their dreams of creating a game for the masses to love playing over and over again.
Why do you think NCAA12 had soo many problems this year? EA tried to add more parts to the already old engine, and it couldnt handle the data, and scripting properly. Why did M12 only have 3D grass on replays ONLY!
bottom line: old engine, same old problems; and EA has no plans to ever fix them in this current console life. You will always hear the dev-team say: "We couldn't get around to fixing that bug/glitch (that has been around for 6 years) this year, as we are on a time restraint" blah, blah, blah, same old story, that should be getting very tiresome to all of you.
All Madden13 can bring us, is a bug free(same old game)this year. Heck, they have twice the amount of people working on the game, why not fix twice the amount of bugs?
I know most of you dont care what i have to say about this issue; but i pose a dare to anyone; Ask any dev-team member (hopefully Senior) at E3 this year;
"Are you still using the same gaming engine as last year?"
And i believe you will get your answer on if you should purchase Madden13 this year.
If, yes, is their answer, don't let them tell you that we added some new features? BS
If, no? i would be shocked, and i would love to know what is now running under the hood, and yet there may be some hope left in the Madden franchise.

You've heard it from them, so now let's hold them to it! (EA SPORTS)

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# 1 Jamake1005 @ Jan 26
I give up. I'm done buying this game. Doesn't matter ppl are still going to line up at midnight and the masses are going to rush and buy madden 12 making it a huge success. All that tells EA is they can continue not to do anything and the sheep will still buy it smh. Doesn't matter any more ppl just give up. NFL is king in the states, only NFL ppl will buy it. EA knows this.
# 2 wallofhate @ Jan 26
My only hope is that they implement some kind of field awareness system and physics like fifa that would be the savior of current gen
# 3 mike24forever @ Jan 26
Engine? Please elaborate on this. So there is only 1 "engine" in Madden? What do you know about writting and re-writting video game code? Horrible comparison between go carts and video games.
# 4 MarshawnLynch @ Jan 26
Agree with mike24forever .. but i think madden13 might be good because they are going to stop making it for Ps2 so that might be a step up..
# 5 RUFFNREADY @ Jan 26
To: mike24forever; who are you to ask me about scripts and source codes? Do you work for EA? Anybody who has worked in software development would understand what i was talking about, so that is why i gave the simple example of a go-kart engine, and the building of it. Did i need to talk about the pistons, gaskets, and the the darn camshaft, crankshaft, valves, timing belt, and alternator, and how they are supposed to all work together in order for my point to be seen? Or should i have told everyone that the two main paradigms: imperative or declarative programs of the source code is out dated, and is affecting the conversion of the executable files; and that is why, Madden franchise is plagued with bugs and glitches (because they keep on trying to rewrite the codes)
C'mon, man, just take the message for what is; a simple nugget of info that some know of, and others don't. Some will ask questions about M13 development and others will just buy into the hype as usual.
It's time for change, and EA has showed us this soo far by turning over, and doubling their dev-team for their football franchise(s). All we can look forward to is the blogs ahead from EA stating on whats going on, and the "new features" they plan on rolling out.
My thought(s) where; if you are doubling a team, means you are headed into new code to be written (within the dev-cycle); or the worst is that they, give us the same game (M12), and fix all of the old bugs and glitches with the "person"-power on hand.
In closing, i do want a New Madden game, just not the stale ones they have been giving us over the past couple of years; i am keeping my fingers crossed.

btw; @MarshawnLynch, just because they are going to stop making Madden for the PS2 wont make it any better for a Multiplatform game; they just stop using "person-power" on that particular platform.

# 6 mike24forever @ Jan 27
Still a bad comparison. As for the game, NO I do not work for EA. However, you should go into're funny. As for your "engine" comment. Yes, if you are going to through terms around about an "engine" in Madden you should know what you are talking about and not what you got off of Wikipedia. Developers have said countless times that there is no "1 engine" in Madden.

So take this for what it is. You come of like a TROLL when your title is "Madden 13 is Doomed if..." Listen Nostradamos, MAdden will not be doomed because it will sell like it does every year. Want to know how I can predict the see, I teach highschool phys'ed, and all the students LOVE Madden. They, the casual gamer as they are refered to here at OS make up the majority of the people buying the game.

Do I think Madden is great...NOPE, however I see it for what it is. A video game that is attempting to similate NFL football.

So great teller of the future, since you have nailed down Madden's doom with such great expertise, could you tell me the winning lottery numbers for this weeks lottery. Well, I better get back to making Madden 13...opps I mean teaching gym.
# 7 mike24forever @ Jan 27

10 char
# 8 cmidd @ Jan 30
I totally agree with the blog... Just look at the clues, no improvment in on field gameplay until Madden 10 (Fight for every yard), money making schemes like paying for stat boosts. I can't say the same for 11 and 12 but Madden 10 had a create a player limit unlike other sports games, including Maddens made prior to the exclusive license deal. All that tells me that they are screwing the sports gamer
# 9 cmidd @ Jan 30
I don't know about the game engine thing though
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