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The Virtual B-ball All-Star break...frag 'em..! 
Posted on November 14, 2010 at 01:40 AM.
Well, it's that time of year once again. I mean the virtual all-star break in the b-ball sim world. Don't tell me you have participated in one yet? You don't know about it? Well, let me break it down to you.
I had the simple task of explaining it to my new found xboxlive friend what i meant; and for all those that don't understand, this was a quick synopsis of what it is.
We all (b-ball sim gamers) are hyped watching videos of our newest version to the basketball sim genre on any next-gen console for months; and then release day approaches; and we are all over the map trying to find out what store broke street date; who uploaded a copy to the internet; or who got their copy early first.
Then we get the game on release day; and play the crap out of it. We love the game soo much right of the get go, that nobody could tells us anything bad about it. Then reality in the virtual sim world kicks in; Flaws, Flaws, and more Flaws appear. We still ignore them; calling them hicupps in the game; then it really hits home when we all start reading "INFO" from websites and Vlogs from everywhere; "Your Game has a glitch", you become consumed with hatred towards the gaming company for releasing a game with glitches, or incomplete parts. Some of us continue to play and write that there is nothing wrong with "their" game, and the rest of Us (hardcore) gamers want the heads of the Dev-team that created such a heaping pile of garbage; as we now call our $60 purchase, that we couldn't live without, for months leading up to the October release time.
Two weeks after release has been launched we all decide to start reading reviews of these b-ball (sim) games and now are starting to develop an opinion of the game you have already purchased. (HUH ?)
So at this juncture, we all start to plead our cases to the Game developers about fixing these issues; in forms of "patches".
We still continue on playing our "busted" games; ranting; writing; selling(?)
At this point, there may have been a small patch arise from the b-balling game company; but not something that would change our minds completely; as most of us hate the update, and are trying to un-do it; and the rest are stating that the game is soo much better now.
If you live in Canada; you have already had a long weekend (Thanksgiving) to analyze the game for what it is; and are waiting on a patch to help reassure your purchase of the b-ball sim game; but if you live in the U.S. you are at your wits end, and have done something drastic like; given the game to a friend; sold it; or just plain traded it back in for...wait for it...Another Call of Duty game!
This C.O.D always seem to come at such a right time; right at the beginning of the actual NBA season, just before the American Thanksgiving.
At this point, gamers all take a break from their Virtual seasons; Associations; leagues; to turn around and frag; headshot; knife somebody half way around the world.
If you think i am crazy; just take a look at all your friends on your b-ball sim list on xboxlive or PSN, and you'll see them playing C.O.D right now, or around that time of the year when a C.O.D game is released.
So from release day of Call of Duty until possibly Thanksgiving, the B-ball sim world dies down just a little bit, in hopes of a fix for their favorite b-ball sim game; hoping to get back into action when the "Proper patches" are implemented; giving Us the real B-ball experience we all hungered for months for.
Sorry, did i say quick synopsis? I think you get the deal.

cheers gamers
# 1 BaylorBearBryant @ Nov 14
Honestly, I haven't played NBA 2K11 at all since learning of the Association bugs. I've put the game away and have it waiting for better days. I just hope the patch comes soon.
# 2 Keython-2 @ Nov 15
Whats the Association bug?
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