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RAZRr1275's Chalkboard
trey31 is offline
# 76
trey31 @ Feb 8, 2014
I posted an idea about changing coach playbooks in the Madden 12 slider thread. Any thoughts?
trey31 is offline
# 75
trey31 @ Dec 21, 2013
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
Yeah my expectations for ea games other than fifa have gotten pretty low after all the work I put into 12 to get it playable
At this point I don't think mine can get any lower.
trey31 is offline
# 74
trey31 @ Dec 21, 2013
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
That is interesting but not at all surprising. That's definitely the easiest way to code AI. If they didn't hard code they'd have to come up with a pretty fancy algorithm that somehow corresponds to real world stats.
Considering the advancement of programmable software algorithms in the past decade or so, I am just amazed that they wouldn't use them... even uses an open source algorithm for product recommendations...
trey31 is offline
# 73
trey31 @ Dec 21, 2013
check this out... Looks very interesting.
trey31 is offline
# 72
trey31 @ Dec 21, 2013
I posted roster test #3 in the slider thread if you would like to test it.
jf28 is offline
# 71
jf28 @ Apr 6, 2010
Are you done with pitch edits? Or will you need help after Knight's release?
JaSnake16 is offline
# 70
JaSnake16 @ Oct 14, 2009
Hey Razr,
Just curious if you have a spreadsheet of your pitch edits still available online. Im not sure if you will be applying them to Knights final set anytime soon or at all and just would like to get a headstart on them when he makes them available. Thanks for all the great hard work this year.

PS. I will not be posting them in the roster locker if that is a concern for you though its kind of hard believing someone you dont know LOL.
windseer90 is offline
# 69
windseer90 @ Aug 19, 2009
I was looking through the Screamo/Post-Hardcore thread... did dk ever send you his iTunes library? If so, do you still have it?
chicubsfan20 is offline
# 68
chicubsfan20 @ Mar 8, 2009
chicubsfan20 is offline
# 67
chicubsfan20 @ Mar 3, 2009
Yeah, my messages randomly don't want to send for some reason now
Speedy is offline
# 66
Speedy @ Mar 3, 2009
Razr, I know you had NBA 2K8 and I just recently picked it up; I've looked all through the forums and the game manual is horrific, so: what is the "aggressive modifier"? Also, just curious, how can you block a shot w/o fouling - it seems impossible...
Speedy is offline
# 65
Speedy @ Feb 23, 2009
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
Ah okay. I haven't tried bass.

I call it violin. I'm classically trained.
Old-school? Good deal...
Speedy is offline
# 64
Speedy @ Feb 23, 2009
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
Wow that's pretty sweet. I have a keyboard but suck pretty bad. I'm okay at guitar. I don't get to practice as much as I would like.

What kind of stuff are you playing on the fiddle?
Ah, I broke the string on it a while back and haven't gotten around to fixing it. If you know how to really play bass, it can be fairly simple to play a piano...Everyone always says the best thing to learn first is the guitar but I disagree entirely; the bass is the easiest and is the quickest way to learn how songs transition from chord to chord. Just curious - do you always call it a fiddle or violin?
Speedy is offline
# 63
Speedy @ Feb 23, 2009
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
do you or did you ever play any musical instruments?
Yeh; God's given me an ability to play a piano, bass, drums, 6 & 12 string guitar, a little mandelin and I just got a fiddle (or violin) a few months back I'm trying to learn...
Speedy is offline
# 62
Speedy @ Feb 17, 2009
Do you seriously play the fiddle (or violin, wherever you're from)? How good are you (like 1-10 rating)?
theotherguy619 is offline
# 61
theotherguy619 @ Feb 16, 2009
Added more variation to velocities, check it out.
JohnnytheSkin is offline
# 60
JohnnytheSkin @ Feb 15, 2009
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
Hey Johnny has your financial situation improved at all lately?
Yes and no...we sold the house in IL, but for a loss, and now to bridge the gap we get had to get a loan from our old mortgage holder (aka a "second mortgage") to cover the difference for closing.

In other words, we'll still be up an additional $600 per month with the house gone, but we'll gain additional debt coupled with credits card debt from our recent CURRENT home issues, student loans, and the upcoming private school tuition for my nigh genius five year old, who shouldn't even be in kindergarten now who is doing addition/subtraction/multiplication/and other way, way too advanced activities...of which we are insanely proud and shows that I've done something right since I've been home.

Does that answer your question?
Stroehms is offline
# 59
Stroehms @ Jan 18, 2009
Thanks for reading sir Spread the word about it.
ExtremeGamer is offline
# 58
ExtremeGamer @ Jan 7, 2009
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
That's an awesome family pic. How did your son like Christmas?
He actually loved it for only being 4 months old. He was really into the lights, and even opened a few packages.

baumy300 is offline
# 57
baumy300 @ Jan 5, 2009
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275

Do you like Dave Chappelle, Russel Peters, or Jeff Dunham's routines? Those are some of my other favorite comedians.
Chappelle is pretty decent, but as of late Katt Williams seems to be having some decent stuff out.
baumy300 is offline
# 56
baumy300 @ Jan 4, 2009
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
The John Madden popcorn vid and the Chris Rock vid are awesome.
Thanks man. They are classics.
Stroehms is offline
# 55
Stroehms @ Jan 3, 2009
Yeah it was pretty intense. Thanks for reading..
Rod_Carew29 is offline
# 54
Rod_Carew29 @ Dec 25, 2008
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
Hey carew is that a pic of you in your arena card?
yesssir ;-)
Tomba is offline
# 53
Tomba @ Dec 13, 2008
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
You still expecting to have the guide for ps3 guys done today?
Don't worry Even if you got all the info it'd still take ya about a week to implement everything. so just be patient with me I'm trying to be as thorough as possible for everyone. this is essentially going to be the edit/roster that i think will end up becoming a base for all NBA 2k's anyway going down the future...As the engine will probably not change drastically.
DubTrey1 is offline
# 52
DubTrey1 @ Dec 12, 2008
Appreciate it bro!! -
DubTrey1 is offline
# 51
DubTrey1 @ Dec 10, 2008
Sup Razr, I am in process of contacting all of the guys I have managed to glean info from, or dwn load sliders etc from - You are one of the best and wanted to give props. I stay on the lookout for you guys since you and many like you have saved some of these games from being awful....
Da_Czar is offline
# 50
Da_Czar @ Dec 8, 2008
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
Well I saw that your starting to enjoy the game now. You tried any sliders or rosters yet?
Sup Razor , right now I am default everything. for me the game plays completely different post patch and with 2k's rosters... go figure ??? So after all of that live i am getting used to the 2k controls again.
Tomba is offline
# 49
Tomba @ Dec 7, 2008
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
Hey Tomba your pm box needs cleaning. Since it wouldn't allow me to send a om here's my response.

Must have had a computer problem. PM sent 3 times.

Any ETA? Should be interesting.
yeah mailbox was WAY full with requests and questions. tomba arena has gotten somewhere over 9,000 views since it went live LOL and it doesn't stop there...but yeah my ETA is pretty soon
ex carrabba fan is offline
# 48
ex carrabba fan @ Dec 7, 2008
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
Hey ex I'm currently adding some new vids to my video album in my arena if you want ot check them out. Found some new screamo bands.
Hey man good lookin.. I tried to look last time but I didn't have time to really sit down and listen.
gta95 is offline
# 47
gta95 @ Dec 6, 2008
Originally Posted by RAZRr1275
This should help with yoru confusion about patsguy's response in the ipod therad. Here's what he said on my chalkboard when I asked why he lied about being a girl.

"Because I want to be a girl, and someday I will. I do dress like a girl but im currently pre-op. "
Thanks for clearing it up.
Stroehms is offline
# 46
Stroehms @ Dec 5, 2008
Hey man, thanks for reading and yeah I could have done more research. Oh well, lol.
TheMatrix31 is offline
# 45
TheMatrix31 @ Nov 30, 2008
Great game, tough pill to swallow.
Da_Czar is offline
# 44
Da_Czar @ Nov 29, 2008
Razor nice arena. I have gotten the rosters but not sliders. One of my main problems though is the switching of everything on defense. I will break down and try some sliders soon. Who do you recommend ?
The GIGGAS is offline
# 43
The GIGGAS @ Nov 29, 2008
Good to hear!
The GIGGAS is offline
# 42
The GIGGAS @ Nov 28, 2008
Thanks! Hope you had a good one as well!
windseer90 is offline
# 41
windseer90 @ Nov 28, 2008
Honestly I haven't had the chance to look for new bands recently. Just been listening to what I already had. But I'll check out SDRE now and look for some new stuff because I have some time because of Thanksgiving break.
av7 is offline
# 40
av7 @ Nov 27, 2008
Yep which I totally respect, opinions/beliefs belong to everyone.

Have a great Thanksgiving
av7 is offline
# 39
av7 @ Nov 27, 2008
"God is a fact. He's there. And remember your science and history note that Jesus actually did exist further supporting that there is a god" Just saw that on Stewaat's board and wanted to join in, Jesus existing does not mean God exists or not, that just means 2 people had sex and he was born, grew up, lived, and later passed away.

God is not a fact, there has yet to be proof of him/it, until then he is merely an opinion of those who believe in him/it.
Tomba is offline
# 38
Tomba @ Nov 22, 2008
Check out my threads n the 2k section asking others about their 3 main gameplay issues as well.
Tomba is offline
# 37
Tomba @ Nov 22, 2008
OHH yeah man hands down. i put the mid range shot slider up to 100 and as explained in my write up that made it work better with the team tendenceies(I HATE SPELLING OUT THIS WORD!) and them playing more to them now
Tomba is offline
# 36
Tomba @ Nov 22, 2008
What is the BIGGEST glaring issue in the game say rating/attribute wise for you? the one things that sticks out at default with the game that says "that ain't how it is in the NBA 2k" For me it's a few things marred by inappropriate use of contextual things.
Tomba is offline
# 35
Tomba @ Nov 21, 2008
i have TWO complaints and fixes I'd like to see

1)better in game face and player editor to be EXACTLY like the one they have for the players now(which to me are perfect)
2)get rid of the black top mode and create a training facility. 2k's all about sim why not go all the way?
Tomba is offline
# 34
Tomba @ Nov 21, 2008
depends... right now with my set as it is with the roster i am using to depend on attributes and ratings I'm actually seeing games where the shooting percentages all hover at 43-49 percent. which is very realistic along with about 76-80 shot attempts per game..

i have a feel if you bump the min you might see higher averages etc

i CONTEMPLATED the heck outta this to see if i wanted to go with 12 min quarters. but in the end me personally? i don't wanna play that long even if I spent a heck of a lot of time just inputting all the research data into my roster LOL
Tomba is offline
# 33
Tomba @ Nov 21, 2008
yeah.. i always re buy when MLB comes out lol. This year a friend of mine lucked out on mine after i couldn't play MLB 09 anymore OR any of the EA games on it...
Tomba is offline
# 32
Tomba @ Nov 21, 2008
12 min's...? No because the game speed slider is DIRECTLY affecting the shooting attempts now...i worked it into the edit.
Tomba is offline
# 31
Tomba @ Nov 21, 2008
yeah man the speed edit took me about 2 weeks to finish no lie...
Tomba is offline
# 30
Tomba @ Nov 21, 2008
Depends...My only thing is that there is a speed edit happening "within" the player attributes that are explained inside the roster thread. check it out. But i've heard others having decent results with the sliders without the roster so i guess it'd be ok... if i was on pS3 you and would collabo on a roster no doubt
CeltBhoy33 is offline
# 29
CeltBhoy33 @ Nov 18, 2008
inhale screams are really hard to attempt. Check bands out like. Whitechaple, Suicide Silence, Carnifex bands like that. It's a hard scream.
I like to scream like Outbreak mixed with some Winch Mob.
Russell_SCEA is offline
# 28
Russell_SCEA @ Nov 18, 2008
think so
RainZ is offline
# 27
RainZ @ Nov 18, 2008
Hey man, no ETA exactly trying to sort out some things to make it more than just a FAQ..You will surely hear when it comes! thanks for the interest!
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