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If there was a description for RAZRr1275's blog, this is where it would be.
Someone please tell RAZRr1275 to sort this out!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Posted on July 18, 2013 at 04:21 PM.
Hey all,

So for this entry I’m going to focus on two things — why one should get into high-end audio and the terms that are used to describe what they would hear. To start, I’ll say that for me, my goal in listening to music is to connect — to be immersed in it both in a seemingly physical sense of feeling as if I’m in the recording studio with the artist and a sense of emotional proximity that comes with the intimacy of good audio. I’m sure some of you who are reading this are saying ... Read More
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Posted on July 13, 2013 at 07:56 PM.
The post introducing the blog can be found here along with a schedule of entries for the coming week. If you read please let me know what you think of the content or if you have any suggestions as I'm new at this sort of thing. Thanks.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted on February 27, 2009 at 05:13 PM.
As you guys that have been following my thread know I will once again be doing pitch edits on knight's full minors roster. I have already assembled a team and this year we will be going first. Look for status updates in my thread as well as in my blog.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Posted on January 20, 2009 at 06:02 PM.
Today was a great day. It's really great to see how far we've come as a nation. Hopefully the next 4 years will be great.

Oh and also did anyone else not get that poem at all?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Posted on January 10, 2009 at 05:38 PM.
What do you believe and why?

I believe in creation because of the beginning of life in the theory of evolution. How could cells just magically appear after the earth cooled down? Things like that don't just pop up out of no where. The theory of survival of the fittest and how a species can change over time is completly possible and has been proven to happen but the start of evolution just doesn't make any sense. Having a supreme being to put the cells there and oversee their evolution ... Read More
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Posted on January 4, 2009 at 06:33 PM.
Recently I got NHL 09 and it's one of the best games I've every purchased. I am addicted. I, however don't know the game of hockey well at all so fun factor is really huge for me. People that know the game well say that it doesn't play like realistic hockey. It makes me almost wish that I knew nothing about other sports like basketball and football as this might make the game appeal to me more since it seems to be like that with NHL 09. Or is the game really that good? I'll probably never be able ... Read More
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Posted on January 3, 2009 at 09:53 PM.
I have added more music by bands including Rise Against, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Dear Hunter, and Story Of The Year.

I have also added a brilliant speech by Aaron Gillespie from Underoath on giving back to the world to complete the Christian mission of life. To Serve God. Even if your not religious I suggest that you listen to him. Not an attempt to convert anyone but it still has major life advice in it. He's the Red headed dude holding the mic in case you don't know who he ... Read More
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Posted on January 1, 2009 at 08:42 PM.
I am making this as an extention of this thread so that people with non TOS friendly reasons can post it here. I will post my reason tommorow
Posted on January 1, 2009 at 12:14 PM.
Hope all of you guys have a good one!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Posted on December 6, 2008 at 10:26 PM.
The Age-Old question. Just popped into my mind. Curious to see what some of you guys would say.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Posted on November 26, 2008 at 09:05 PM.
Is it only me that thinks that she's a huge joke in politcs? Not only did she not know what her job is but she fell for this prank call the actually video is on the bottom of the page
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Posted on November 16, 2008 at 08:36 PM.
Check them out.
Posted on November 16, 2008 at 06:37 PM.
In the election.
Posted on November 16, 2008 at 06:35 PM.
I hear it's pretty good and am interested in getting it
Posted on November 16, 2008 at 06:35 PM.
I like 2k9

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