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NCAA Football... 
Posted on July 4, 2009 at 07:23 PM.
While I anxiously await NCAA Football 10 to come out...I thought I should write about my experience with NCAA Football.
I have played since '99. I have stood behind EA the past several years defending them despite some of the major bugs, glitches, etc. I get NCAA every year regardless, because I love college football and this game fulfills my needs. (plus EA has the exclusive license)
Here's my point: Next gen NCAA football has visually met my expectations, but thats not what a good game is all about. The main thing I want out of my football games is to play a good game of football and capture the college atmosphere. There things that were in last gen versions of the game, that now are gone or completely stripped down.

1. While NCAA does fulfill my football needs, there's some things in the gameplay that have fallen short. AI can be kind of frustrating sometimes and a consistent pass rush is hard to come by.

2. It seems in the next gen games the college atmosphere has taken a hit. The crowds aren't as loud as they used to be. When I scored a touchdown in 04, the crowd went insane. In 09, the crowd goes 'yay!' for 2 seconds and returns to normal volume. For whatever reason that matters a lot to me.

3. The graphics are nice. But I would rather have a great game that looks bad than a nice looking game that plays terrible.

4. Numerous bugs, glitches that I can't explain in this post.
I love the NCAA football games, but I really hope 2010 is good.
# 1 Mr. Fascinating @ Jul 4
I don't have much experience with NCAA games, but I have enjoyed the football ones.
# 2 EtheRed @ Jul 4
Like you I am a huge EA NCAA Football fan.
From back in the day (i'm dating myself a little here) with Bill Walsh's College football in '93 and have been buying and playing every year religiously (and I'm not a religious person).
I am totally with you on the lack of a solid College sports atmosphere, I'll take it a step further with the crowd noise, why does only the home team at a conference title game or bowl game cheer when you pump them up?
And in college every game counts so why not reward players for winning with some sort of college football'esque post game show or celebration? I feel like we are beating a dead horse with this, but if we don't talk about it no one will think we actually care about this stuff.
# 3 NoDakHusker @ Jul 4
Exactly. I hate how the games just end. No post game. No players celebrating. I want to feel the win!
# 4 Watson @ Jul 4
Thats why i use the Imagination Feature. Much more exciting.
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