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Madden 11: Locomotion and Running Animations 
Posted on August 6, 2009 at 11:33 PM.
Ok time for some good ole video breakdown. I personally liked Lbzrulez's blog about defense and blocking so I figured I'd do my own on locomotion, and running animations and other general animations for madden 11. Throughout each of my commentaries I am going to compare what is going on in real life with madden's locomotion, animations, and ratings.

And before I start, I'd like everyone to consider bringing back the classic controls while still using the right stick. Consider this (for ps3 im sure 360 users would still know what im referring to):
square - dive
triangle - Hurdle
R1 - quick burst juke right (pressure sensitive - hold for a sharp cut)
L1 - quick burst juke left (pressure sensitive - hold for a sharp cut)
R2 - Stiff arm right
L2 - Stiff arm left
Right Stick:
-up: truck stick
-left: Wide Juke left
-down: Back Juke
- right: Wide Juke right
L1/R1 - double/triple juke and stutter step
Left stick - Move/ Sharp cut backs

My main reason for moving the sprint button back to x is because using the quick burst jukes will be much easier and they are the only moves besides stiff-arming than can be made while going full speed.

Ok, so with controls out the way I'll start with everybody's fav: AD (and with my fav song from madden 06!)

Ok, opening play where Jackson dumps the ball off to AD: Adrian Peterson is already headed for full speed and his catching at a 67, he should rightfully bob this catch. The thing about this catch is that it is thrown behind him, and with an awareness of 87, he should be able to focus on the ball and running at the same time like so. There should be no reason for him to slow down. And you see because his body was turned to catch the ball, he needed a another push to snap his body back into forward position as you can see once he retains possession.

Next play (0:29) - He takes the ball with the angle the defender makes, AD has the leverage to break the tackle but still gets hit which slows down his momentum. The next move though is one I wanna focus on for a bit. The next move is what flicking the LEFT stick to the right should look like. This move right here has a range of things impacting it. One, is the direction AD is initially headed in; 2, is the direction you press the left stick. Madden already has these kinds of cutbacks already, but they are way too slow and don't take into account the player's agility. AD's agility is like 98 so that's why he was able switch his direction so quickly and not really lose a step in his momentum. However, I have yet to see a runner ever make a sharp cut without a jab step in the opposite direction first. With a preliminary step in the opposite direction before a sharp move, running will look a lot more realistic. Also, once he is in open field and headed for the endzone, notice how he turns his head to look any defenders that might come his way. This is what should happen in madden as well on big runs.

Next play (0:45) - He takes the ball and again, makes that left stick cut-back move, and makes a quick-burst juke at 0:46 and again at 0:48. And notice that each time he makes these cuts, he is using his acceleration and agility. These are ultra high so the should be ultra quick. And right after he makes that second juke to cut upfield, you can see him dip a little bit to begin sprinting. This is what sprinting should look like. Whenever you hit the sprint button the runner should dip to accelerate and have his head kind of low so that he is still bracing for any impact that may come his way. Only once a runner has broken into open field (a la the zoom in camera) should the runner straighten up and run at completely full speed.

Next play (0:57) The reason why the new speed ratings and slider (for players not gameplay) were a must in m10. Also, because of his momentum and speed, any players that dont have that same momentum and speed -- and are not coming at him from a good angle like in this play should slide off. No time shift tackling please.

Next play (1:06) This is what I see button wise: x to sprint left, then hold down R1 + cut back to the right on the left stick to make a sharp cut back to the right, then a less sharp cut to the right again via left stick and a sprint continuing to the right, followed by a press to the left on the right stick to cut upfield and shake the hell out of al harris (AD must hate Al Harris...).

Next play (1:11) - (This is happening so fast) AD catches the ball, makes a cut to the right, holds down L1 to make a sharp cut to the left, holds sprint, and when he comes into contact with the defender, presses up on the right stick to truck him. *note* - The reason AD is great a trucking (like any great trucker) is not only because he has momentum, size and strength, but because he also GETS LOW! this is a must for animations. When going for the truck, players must get low. The higher the rating is (depending on the size of the back) the lower they go and the more powerful they're truck will be (and the more explosive it'll be). Think hit-stick for offense EA. Have the camera shake on that (or don't that'd get annoying), but for trucking -- no more running over people (unless your brandon jacobs or somebody else huge). Trucking comes from gaining leverage by getting low and then using your strength to explode upward to the defender. Keep it movin'.

next play (1:16) - the left stick (if completely rehashed) will do wonders here. A quick 1-2 right-left and sprint through the whole, followed by a squeeze animation (automatic) and
then a 1-2 R1-L1 double juke to shake the defenders. *note* the reason why these jukes work with AD is because the defense is running at full speed to try to get to him asap. Awareness should play a HUGE role because players that do not have 92+ awareness (run coverage) should get caught by his 1-2 fake realize where he is going too late. Awareness for defenders should determine how quickly players react to the ball carrier and how effective they react to the ball carrier. Ball carriers with 90 + BCV, Juke, Spin and awareness, should be able to fake out defenders with awareness, and tackling less than 90 for example. The more the difference between the two players' ratings are, the worst the defender gets faked out or caught out of position. Also, this again has much to do with agility. That is the ability for defenders to recover. Without great agility, recovering in time to catch a guy like AD is impossible (and is why the defender was out of position to make the tackle).

next play (1:28) Again, double move right, the defender doesn't have the awareness or agility to prevent getting faked or to recover, AD's speed kills him.

next play [fluke jk] (1:33) When it comes to a guy like AD and his trucking and speed is top-notch, going low at him when he has full momentum is not going to work, unless you clip his feet and trip him up. his shins are going to go right through you. This should be an automatic broken tackle (THAT DOESN'T SLOW HIM DOWN). And once again, that quick-burst juke that he makes (on I think cromartie) makes cromartie out of position for just a sec so AD can get a few extra yards (THAT QUICK-BURST JUKE IS IMPORTANT EA!)

next play (1:37) A little too fast for me here. But the defender clearly didn't have the best speed, couldn't keep up and tried to tackle him too high. this is where elusiveness comes in. The defender should just slide off of AD just like that. There should not be a cheap timeshift tackle or glitch to make the defender hold on by any means unless his tackling was between 97 and 99. And even then I don't think the defender could really hold on.

next play (1:50) that first move looks like a holding of R1 and then sprinting to the right.

next play (1:57) notice how AD has to decelerate to hit his hole in time. The missed tackle should be automatic and the next move should be a wide juke to the left. I say this because (with the sprint button at x) the player has to let go of x (which causes AD to decelerate right quick again) and cut directly to the left. I doubt that specific animation could get put into the game so i tried to match it the best I could.

next play (2:03) Again EA. QUICK BURST JUKE! the video says it all. Double jukes MUST COME BACK!

next play (2:17) focus on the 2:17. I've already went through what he does once he gets the handoff. At 2:17, this is what that left stick cut back should look like when you are sprinting downfield. And at 2:18, that's what AD's back juke should look like. His juke and agility are 97 and 96 respectively. They should be QUICK! Players should be able to abuse opponents when they play with AD. At 2:18, he back jukes, then makes a lefts stick cut in and his momentum and innate truck power/strength (versus the defender's) is enough to automatically break that defender's tackle and for AD to keep it movin. Let's keep it movin.

next play (2:25) Again, that was a left stick cut back move (it looks like a player should've pulled the stick back at a 200, 225 degree angle (left and slightly down) to make AD stop and cut back. Again, Double juke here and an automatic hurdle/stiff arm... whatever you wanna call that.

next play (2:37) I think the ps2 versions of madden had the sprinting animation down perfectly. It took a lot more effort to control the RB's turning when holding down the sprint button and it looked exactly as it does here.

next play (2:47) a holding down of R1 for a sharp, deliberate cut to shake the defender followed by a quick burst juke to get a little separation from the next defender.

next couple of plays he makes some more quick-burst jukes and at 3:22, he makes a back juke. This one looks different from the one i mentioned above, but I think the back juke should be pressure/hold sensitive too. The one before was more of a quick flick, this one was like a deep hold with the left stick going in the complete opposite direction as well to make AD completely stop. Again, he has GREAT agility and should be able to do this quickly. He also has GREAT acceleration so he should be able to reaccelerate quickly as well and get a step on his defenders. He follows with a holding of R1 to make a sharp cut to he right and starts sprinting to accelerate out of defenders' way. That last part however (when he makes another back juke and spins) should be just that. The player should be able to back juke and spin to get away. Now this is difficult which is why he slips but... that's why is spin, juke and agility ratings are 97,96 and 97 instead of all 99s or 100s... i guess.

Last play (LOL): This is what happens when you have a big, strong running back with great trucking and toughness (another rating that needs better implementation) against a player with not so great tackling, size, and hit power.

Closing Remarks:
--We desperately need the quick-burst juke back as well as the ability to string double and triple juke moves.
--Every action has an appropriate pre-action and reaction (i.e. head movement and preliminary stepping in the opposite direction)
--Ratings should not determine the outcome of a scenario, but should affect how a player executes moves and how players interact. Everyone can make cuts, but without high agility, speed, and acceleration, their cuts can only be minimal.
--Ratings should also - in addition to size of the player - should affect the animations that players make. Like I said, great truckers should be able to get low and explode up. Players with lesser trucking ability should dip marginally (thus not producing the same amount of impact to break tackles)
--If ratings did these and madden's animations and player interaction were based on physics, I don't think anyone could really complain.
# 1 deaduck @ Aug 7
I hate that he's in my teams division but it sure is fun to watch AP run.
# 2 SouthernBrick @ Aug 8
Nice read man, I agree that EA could focus on adding more double and triple moves with the mo-cap. Running animations still need alot of work and I am looking forward to M11 with a major overhaul in the running game i.e. blocking, running, running animations, collision detection, etc. I think the running will be one of their top priorities for M11's gameplay and I'm looking forward to seeing specific running animations like AP, Brandon Jacobs, LT, etc.
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