Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I had many options to go with with this, I thought about MLB The Show, and NCAA Football, but those are very public already on these boards. So I decided to share my Jazz Association in NBA 2K11.
I'm in year 2, so a recap of year is in the offing. First the roster ... Read More
Friday, December 11, 2009

Quick Hits: Bulls Suck, Vinny Del Negro needs to go.
Hawks aren't bad, hopefully the Olympic break doesn't hurt them.
Milton Bradley is still on my Cubs, and probably will be till after the new year.
Bobby Bowden has been forced out the door.
Last week was very busy for me, I took the LSAT, I went back to my ... Read More
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Don't really want to get it just yet.
Cubs suck, that is all.
August 15 can't come soon enough.
Still can't find a job. Trying to latch onto a political campaign.
Been writing a lot lately, done five chapters so far in what I'm calling Mr. Stickey.
Here is something I just wrote for kicks and giggles,
Friday, June 5, 2009

In a world were humans and animals are forced to interact with each other to
survive, there’s comes a story about a man and a pig. A man whose sole duty is
to feed and then kill those who live with him. A man that depends on the death of others around him to survive, this is his story.
The day was January 2, 2005, the chilly Texas winter night, gave way to early morning as occupants of ... Read More
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No Title Yet
"Looking back, if there's one thing that become clear to me as I aged was, Luck ain't nothing but a crutch. Don't Matter if you lucky or not, sometimes crap is gonna be on your face, ... Read More
Monday, March 2, 2009

-And Now the Random crap.
The Good, the Bad, and well and the just quite sad.
Ran into a ... Read More

-In the last month my taste has swing to the Country side(mostly the new pop/rock version of today, but thrown in some hits from the past and I'm good)
-Scrubs is back, I started watching Psych
-NASCAR is back soon, ... Read More
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

1a.What is the theme of the first part?
1b. Give examples
2a. What is the theme of the last one?
2b. Give examples.
3. Did you ignore the ramblings? ... Read More
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008

One of these such moments occurred roughly about eight years, the game was Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001(PC). I had been playing this game for a few months and done a decent job of keeping my rosters up to date, and ... Read More
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh and I'm one of those who thinks there funny.
It's 2am and I can't sleep so instead of trying to sleep, I'm taking ... Read More
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Posted on November 11, 2008 at 12:33 PM.
This past weekend I took part in an event for my Alma mater called Mock Trial. This allowed me to see some former classmates and some friends. They all questioned me about what I had been since I graduated, and came to realization that just a basic 4-year is not enough anymore.Growing up I remember hearing that one had to at least finish high school, one have no career prospects but it was better than nothing. But if you wanted to succeed one had to have a college degree. Well it’s been ... Read More
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