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In a world were humans and animals are forced to interact with each other to
survive, there’s comes a story about a man and a pig. A man whose sole duty is
to feed and then kill those who live with him. A man that depends on the death of others around him to survive, this is his story.
The day was January 2, 2005, the chilly Texas winter night, gave way to early morning as occupants of the Sunnytoon Farm, arose to a new day. Today was like any other day at Sunnytoon Farm for Ryan Naysmith owner of Sunnytoon Farm, as he and his wife, Jill were to receive a new fold into the farm. Their mare had just giving birth the previous night, and the farm had one more mouth to feed.
As the rest of the family awoke from their sleep, Ryan, Jill and their, daughter, Emily, noticed that their son J.D. had not yet feed the pigs their morning slop. The family worried why J.D. had not feed the pigs, calmly approached his room. The family wondered why he had not done his job, he had always done it before. Not once in seven years, had J.D. failed to feed the pigs their breakfast.
The alarm had been buzzing in J.D.’s ear for the last hour, yet he unable to respond to it. He know that it was his job to feed the pigs. If were to miss feeding the pigs, it could result in the pigs overeating, or worse yet dying while attacking others pigs as they battle each other for scraps left over from the previous day. “I must get up to feed the pigs,” J.D. said. “If one should happen to die, our farm may go under.” Now more determine than ever J.D. once again tried to awake from what must have been a dream to feed the pigs their slop. Yet for some reason he could not get himself to do it. He thought, “if Pa finds out that I had not brought the pigs their food, he would punish me for sure.” As the thought of what Pa would do to him once he found out, he made one last effort to get up. J.D. used all of his power and suddenly found himself up on hands and knees. “Now if can crawl my way to that damn buzzing alarm before it awakes Ma and Pa, maybe they won’t realized I haven’t feed the pigs yet,” J.D. thought. Now with a new feeling if energy he crawled his way towards the alarm, when he realized that someone was walking up the stairs, coming towards his room. Now way that could be Pa he thought, “it can’t be him.” His heart pounded, with each step Pa took closer, “what would Pa do, he can’t be too pleased with me,” he wondered. “ I know, I’ll hide, then rush out after he leaves and feed the pigs, Pa will never know that I didn‘t do it on time.”
Just then the door to J.D.’s room flung open, Ryan and Jill, were now in the room looking astonished to see that their was nowhere to be found. They wondered, if maybe he had been in the shower or was now feeding pigs and just must while they were in the pen. “That’s weird,” Ryan said, “the alarm hasn’t been shut off yet. Why would he just rush out and leave it on, that buzzing sound could awake Emily.” J.D. could hear them coming closer, and decided instead to confront his Pa and accept the consequences for his failing to live up to his promises. Just then there was a loud scream of, “Ryan come quick,” it was the veterinarian, he was running into the house looking for Pa, “Ryan, there’s trouble out in the pen, it’s one of the hogs.” “Oh no,” thought J.D., “could the pig die because I didn’t feed it.” J.D. frightened more than ever, that with a pigs’ death, he would undoubtedly be punished severely by Pa. J.D. decided instead to hid in his room until he could determined for sure that he would not get blame for it.
A few hours had past and no one had seen J.D., so Jill decided to send her daughter, Emily, up to J.D. room to bring him down to eat breakfast. As Emily approached the room J.D. had been asleep, hiding in his room away from his Pa finding him. Entering the room Emily called out for J.D., “ J.D. mom wants you to come down to eat breakfast.” J.D. for a moment forgetting why he had been hiding, decided to emerge to go eat breakfast. J.D. made his way out of his bed, when Emily noticed something she’d never seen outside of the pen. She saw what look like a small pinkish tail, sticking out of her brother bed. She wondered if his sleep with pigs now was trying to hid this from everyone else.
As J.D. was coming he decide to call out to Emily that he would be down there in a minute he, but then Emily heard a snort, “oink,” and she ran to try to keep the pig from escaping from under the bed. J.D. had not noticed that Emily had entered the room and now was trying to call out to her to tell her where he was. “ I’m over here, I’ll be downstairs in a minute.” Emily once again her the pig squeal, and was about to see it in front her.
Emily took one more step and then she saw the round, pink snout of the animal. J.D. noticed Emily in front of her, so he call to her to help him out of the bed. Emily decided to help the pig out when it squealed at her again. This squeal scared Emily and she run back down stairs to get Pa to help get rid of the pig. J.D. wondered why Emily had ran off without helping him, he could think of no reason why she would ignore his plea for help.
Wanting to know why Emily had not helped him, J.D. decided to go and confront her and ask her why she did it. J.D. crawled on his stomach out from under the bed and was now on the way to the kitchen area. All the way down he yelled out for Emily to come talk to him. Emily though had not heard him as he was now with Pa and on the way to J.D.’s room. That’s when she heard the pig squeal again and told Pa about it, they both rushed inside the house to the sigh of the pig on the stair, as it had now left the room. “There it is,” said Emily, “I see it,” responded Pa. They marched themselves up the stairs to confront the pig to check if it was a pig of there that ran away.
J.D. seeing Emily and his father coming up responded to them with a Good Morning, but noticed that they were not responding to him. J.D. now knew that the pig had died, and that it was his fault for not feeding it. As his they him J.D. heard them calling out for him and he responded with, “I’m right here.” He heard his Pa again say, “J.D. come out of your room and explain why this pig was in your room.” “Pig, what pig,” thought J.D., “what were they talking about,” he wondered, “had they not noticed me on the stairs.”
His family was now outside of his door of his room waiting for him to come out, J.D. decided to make his way back to his room. All the while thinking of why they did not noticed him on the stairs. J.D. decided to call out to his family and tell him that he was on his way, just then Emily noticed the pig coming towards them, and asked her father to grab it so it won’t run away. Pa with the pig now in his hand saw that this pig was not his, and now grew angrier that J.D. had stolen this pig.
J.D. now realized that his father had noticed him on the floor and was not reaching for him to pick him up. Seeing this, J.D. said to his father that he could get up by himself. Pa responded with, “damn pig won’t shut up.” J.D. furious now that his family was ignoring him look around to see what pig the family was talking about. He searched all across the room and saw nothing, no sign of a pig anywhere. He then thought “could they have been talking to me? Could they have calling me a pig? I’m I a Pig?” J.D. escaped out of the reached of his father and he rushed toward the mirror in his room, hoping to see the answers to his questions. He made it towards the mirror and saw the sight of a 75 pound hog reflecting back to him. He checked again, not believing what he was seeing and saw the same reflection.
The family now with the pig in the room, waited for their son to emerge from the room and explain his side of the story they waited, but their son never showed up. J.D. seeing that his family was still looking for him tried to communicate with family that the pig in front of him was their son, but had no success. The family waited all day in the room for their son to appear, but left the room disappointed when he didn’t show.
The family now had to deal with a dead pig and the revenue that was lost as result of its death. A new pig that was not there property, and missing son. The family now in a bind as the missing income resulting from the slaughter of the pig would result in the family now not being able to make their payment on the farm. The family discussed what to do about the pig, whether or not to keep it as their own and sell it to replace the income from the dead pig.
J.D. now knew that his fate had determined that he was to die, to save his family. That in his death he would be saving the family from hardship. He knew that if tried to tell them that he was their son, they would not slaughter him, but then would not be able to make their payment to the bank. J.D. spent the next few days eating and eating trying to put on as much weight as possible, so that he would sell at high price. J.D. knew that with his death he would’ve done more for his family, than he would ever do as their son.
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