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Mo's Blog
The Smart Test 
Posted on December 17, 2008 at 08:11 PM.
Here it is, the definitive tool to determine how smart you really are. The way its determined is first to completely ignore the first part, as those are just the ramblings of a derange idiot at 3 in the morning, and go straight to the last two paragraphs. Then answer the following questions

1a.What is the theme of the first part?
1b. Give examples

2a. What is the theme of the last one?
2b. Give examples.

3. Did you ignore the ramblings?

Scores will be on 0-100 scale, the higher the better.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the night, a creature was stirring maybe a rat. Screw it I can’t plagiarize that, I’m not in college anymore or running for president. So here is something original at least I think it is.
On the first day of, no wait that’s not is.

It was a walk to remember, that October Sky in the Garden State, through the thin red line, and into the streets of fire. Just then at that moment the infamous ghost rider appeared from the distance, when all of the sudden there was a crash. Two bad boys emerged from the wrecked, half-baked, and were gone in 60 seconds, it was the night of the living dead.

There in plain sight, the man with the shield started breaking bad. For some reason he asked if the price is right, I said I didn’t know, and left the house without a trace, and up to the hills. From there I spent my time Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper, and to put it bluntly, he was the king of the hill. He was no family guy, he wore scrubs, and his name was Earl.
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