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Michael_Young_EA's Chalkboard
CoRRuPTMiND93 is offline
# 36
CoRRuPTMiND93 @ Jun 4, 2012
with CC can I play as the redskins and have every other team be CPU like offline franchise mode?, or do i have to join a league and play with other people?
K_GUN is offline
# 35
K_GUN @ Feb 28, 2011
dude...any chance of progressive lighting for M12?
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 34
Michael_Young_EA @ Sep 1, 2009
Please keep the comments coming. I definitely look at your messages even if I don't reply.
TDogg09 is offline
# 33
TDogg09 @ Aug 28, 2009
my bad. 70s style helmets did make it in. I was wondering though, could we get some old school facemasks too? That would be sweet.
TDogg09 is offline
# 32
TDogg09 @ Aug 22, 2009
Originally Posted by Michael_Young_EA
Pretty cool. Should we put in some 70s style helmets
Hey, I wondering, since it seems the 70s style helmets and loose sleeves didn't make it in for Madden 10, will you please consider adding them to Madden 11? That would be awesome if you did.

Madden 10 is awesome by the way. You guys did a fantastic job.
sportzbro is offline
# 31
sportzbro @ Jul 31, 2009
Did this helmet make it? I think its gorgeous..

hollywood21 is offline
# 30
hollywood21 @ Jul 25, 2009
Hey Mike great product so far man. I see you and your team really busted your butts this year! Im impressed

By the way is their any way you beef/rip up the players arms in madden 10. Ncaa 10 for the most part did a good job with their arm size of their players. Players like Demarcus, Harrison, and SS Adrian Wilson need to be beefed up. Thanks
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 29
Michael_Young_EA @ Jul 24, 2009
Glad to see mostly positive impressions of the demo! 8/14!
FOREST007 is offline
# 28
FOREST007 @ Jun 5, 2009
The future of madden looks very promising...i just wanna know if i can bump WRs individually??? that'll like really be all i want (as of now) from a defensive POV
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 27
Michael_Young_EA @ Jun 5, 2009
Thanks man. I'll let Josh know.
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 26
Michael_Young_EA @ May 30, 2009
Thanks K_Gun. Total bummer that I let that slip through. Just trying to give the Twitter folks some extra content. Unfortunately I got busy and rushed to get something out. Hopefully people don't let one bad frame influence there opinion about the game. The game is much better than that.
K_GUN is offline
# 25
K_GUN @ May 29, 2009
A LOT of bad apples in this orchard mike---"don't let the bastards grind you down"-U2
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 24
Michael_Young_EA @ May 17, 2009
Thanks. We have them all correct now.
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 23
Michael_Young_EA @ May 16, 2009
Josh Looman is still tweaking the last few guys and we had a bug with skin tones that we just fixed. Hopefully in the next two weeks.
c dizzy m baby is offline
# 22
c dizzy m baby @ May 10, 2009
Hey Mike you said something awhile back about releasing screens of a lot of the teams/players to see if their builds and equipment were right, any follow up to when you guys might start doing that?
Obelysk is offline
# 21
Obelysk @ May 2, 2009
lol Yeah it means that you guys are on the right path!
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 20
Michael_Young_EA @ May 2, 2009
Nasty is good right?
Obelysk is offline
# 19
Obelysk @ Apr 29, 2009
Hey I saw the blur of the background that you guys were talking about in the IGN video. It looks NASTY, great job guys!
TDogg09 is offline
# 18
TDogg09 @ Apr 25, 2009
Hey Michael-I'm sure you've taken note of this, but I have seen a bunch of threads and posts about team colored cleats, and it seems that a lot of people would be disappointed if they aren't in the game. Have you given anymore thought to including them?
DMczaf is offline
# 17
DMczaf @ Apr 3, 2009
Madden NFL 10 album? interesting. :P
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 16
Michael_Young_EA @ Mar 30, 2009
I don't have the exact list but there are several prominent players with authentic celebrations
Carolina Panthers is offline
# 15
Carolina Panthers @ Mar 29, 2009
Hey I was wondering since there is shawne merrians lights out dance on the game, will there be any other celebrations like steve smith pointing up to the sky or just showing "anger" or deangelo williams and johnathan stewart celebratin doing the matrix???
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 14
Michael_Young_EA @ Mar 25, 2009
Thx briax87. We are trying.
briax87 is offline
# 13
briax87 @ Mar 25, 2009
Hey Michael,

Great blog, I really like what your doing with the DOF and working on each individual player. Keep it up :P
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 12
Michael_Young_EA @ Mar 23, 2009
Just got done taking the 1st Screenshot for Madden NFL 10. Hours away from public consumption.
K_GUN is offline
# 11
K_GUN @ Mar 22, 2009
cool stuff...i'll add you
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 10
Michael_Young_EA @ Mar 22, 2009
I have just started a Twitter feed. I plan to drop messages about my life and my work on Madden NFL. Check it out.

Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 9
Michael_Young_EA @ Feb 19, 2009
We are looking at several authenticity enhancements for Madden 10. You'll have to wait and see! First screens in mid march!
TheWood56 is offline
# 8
TheWood56 @ Feb 17, 2009
Hey Michael. As a HUGE Steelers fan... I'm just wondering if you guys will be making the Steelers team color equipment yellow this year? I ask this as a few of the Steelers players wear yellow gloves... though as it is in the game now... you can only give them (Steelers players) black or white gloves... which IMO takes the realism out of the players appearance. Cheers and thanks in advance.
TDogg09 is offline
# 7
TDogg09 @ Feb 12, 2009
I didn't realize that I put the image in there. I was just trying to put a link. Sorry it's so big.
TDogg09 is offline
# 6
TDogg09 @ Feb 11, 2009
If you decide to make the loose sleeves for QBs, could you make them available for all positions in Create-a-player too? I usually like to create my dad in Madden, and when he played he wore loose sleeves-he was a Tight End.
bowdown2shadi is offline
# 5
bowdown2shadi @ Feb 7, 2009
Keep up the good work man!
Cant wait for this year's madden!
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 4
Michael_Young_EA @ Feb 6, 2009
I wish I could have heard that I love DP.
Cusefan is offline
# 3
Cusefan @ Feb 6, 2009
Good news, I was listening to the Dan Patrick show on my way to work this morning and he actually mentioned Madden. A caller mention the Poor Superbowl trophy presentation. But Dan Patrick did mention he would love to do voice work for Madden, and since people keep on asking for the Pregame/postgame No one would be better than Dan Patrick.
Michael_Young_EA is offline
# 2
Michael_Young_EA @ Feb 6, 2009
Thanks Cusefan,

Most days this is the best job ever. I have been playing games and drawing since I was in first grade so I feel very fortunate. I got started by modding PC versions of NHL and Half Life and of course art school.
Cusefan is offline
# 1
Cusefan @ Feb 5, 2009
Welcome aboard sir. If I Was a make a Wish kid I would want your job for a day. Granted I would probably cause so much damage that Madden would actually have to be delayed but it would be sooo much fun.
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