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McNutted's Blog
Fly Eagles, Fly....... 
Posted on September 5, 2012 at 06:23 PM.
It is that time again. Anticipation for another season of Philadelphia Football. Last year at this time my level of excitement was at an all time low. Not for any of the normal reasons most fans have. My excitement level had been destroyed by an individual. With one phrase my season was ruined. I will never forgive you Vince Young. Your utterly stupid comments ruined my year. DREAM TEAM! Thanks a lot.

Good news is he is gone. Not only was he not brought back by Philly, but after failing to secure a backup job to LOL Ryan Fitzpatrick.....he is without ANY job. This tickles me to no end. While our starting QB decided to use the other D word this preseason.......DYNASTY......I do not believe this will be an issue at all. For one thing, if Michael Vick was not confident I would not want him to be our starting QB or team leader. Secondly, he is in a position to back up his words by his play on the field. Both things separate him from Vince Young. And of course his talent level.

Yes folks, I am excited. In only a few short days the Eagles will take the field in a game that matters. We have a solid squad, no controversy, and no VINCE YOUNG. We seem to be flying under the radar currently. Fine by me. Fly Eagles, Fly!

Boy was I wrong. Hard to type with my foot in my mouth.
# 1 aquazitch @ Sep 5
The Eagles are an exciting team...but it's a tough division. So much money in that division.
# 2 McNutted @ Sep 5
Completely biased here.....but I believe we have the most talent by far. I trust Andy Reid more as a coach than any other coach in the division other than Coughlin.
# 3 sactown_13 @ Sep 6
Vince Young uttering a comment had nothing to do with the play on the field, like you said, he was a backup. its just a bunch of overrated talent is all. Shady can play and the rest of the roster is average to good at best. including Mike Vick
# 4 McNutted @ Sep 6
Have you ever watched football? Judging by your comments you either have never seen a game in your life or you are a Cowboys fan. Mike Vick is overrated yes, but to say the rest of the roster is average to good at best is asinine.
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