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Mav3rek7's Dynasty Blog
Bringing Back America's Team: Cowboys Madden '15 Franchise 
Posted on September 2, 2014 at 11:04 AM.
Disclaimer: I want to play this franchise to have fun. So if I make some moves/trades that aren't probably going to happen IRL, then so be it. I'm playing this to have fun, and to share my progress with the community.

I started up a Dallas Cowboys Online CFM playing as a Head Coach. Went with online for 2 reasons, 1 the sim stats are fixed, and 2 I can access the info from anywhere. Owner mode seems to be kinda wonky dealing with funds, etc, and I didn't really want to mess with that. I'm looking to build up the defense into something that is a force to deal with. Also, there are some things on offense I'll have to deal with, as in finding Romo's replacement, getting a future Witten replacement, etc. Should be a fun job, and a challenging one as well.

I'm using the most up to date roster EA has provided, with pre-existing injuries on.
Difficulty: All-Pro
Minutes: 13 min qrtrs.
Play clock: 15 seconds
Accelerated clock on
Game speed normal.
Everything else is default. (Including sliders/penalties, etc.)

I figure I'll roll with these settings for the first season. If I blast through everything and it's way to easy, I'll make changes in the off-season. If things are ridiculous, as in I'm winning every game 55-0, then I'll make changes mid season. I'm not using any sliders yet, simply because IMO, I don't feel there is enough data out there on a good set yet to support changing a bunch of stuff given what I've seen as far as results on default settings so far.

Thanks for stopping by and checking it out, I hope you like what you see and I'll be updating probably on a daily basis, every other day at the least.

Also, feel free to comment on anything you'd like to see, or any suggestions you may have. I'm not going to jump down your throat if you say that I suck. I'd just prefer if you would offer some constructive criticism instead of just the "You suck, go kill yourself" garbage that is on the internet.

With all that said, I hope you enjoy it and away we go....
# 1 mennico @ Sep 3
Good luck man! How long does it typically take you play a game with that quarter length?
# 2 Mav3rek7 @ Sep 4
To be honest, I haven't really timed it out, but my guess is probably an hour to hour 15. It also depends on how many times the clock runs. If there are a lot of incomplete passes, then it takes longer than if there are a bunch of runs. Does that make sense?
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